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Best Feminine Cup?


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I will say that the femmy cup doesn't open inside me very well (at least the way I think it should) and yet because of its design it did not leak. This was my biggest worry. I could just see myself getting frustrated trying to figure how these things open up inside and create that necessary vacuum seal. Many reviews of other cups say there is a slight learning curve. I picked the femmy cup based on the reviews that you didn't really have to get it perfectly placed and opened right like the other cups. However, I haven't tried it on a heavy day yet. It has one of the largest capacities supposedly compared to other cups. I got the low cervix one. It's very comfortable and nothing sticks out like I have read in reviews of other cups. I can't even feel it's there. There is a loop on the end to make it easy to remove. The no spill design works too.

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There were several brands mentioned in a recently bumped thread and I think I want one. Now spill.


No, no, don't spill or it's gonna get messy



I have only used the keeper and I really like it. It is the sister of the latex free moon cup.  The Keeper was the first cup available in stores or from the back of Mothering magazine.

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I've had the same Keeper for 13 years now so I'm obviously satisfied with it! It does have a learning curve while you figure out how to get it to open and seal by twisting it. I mean, it took a few tries but after the first day or two it was easy.


ETA this thread got me thinking that maybe I'd like to try something softer/squishier than my firm latex Keeper, and OMG there are a million options out there. I bought mine back with the Keeper was the only thing around. Looks like lots of them are rebrands of the same cheap made-in-China cups so that kind of puts me off. Hmm ... the Blossom Cup is made in the USA and has good feedback on Amazon (which people left in exchange for a promotion). The Dutchess Cup looks like such a cheap knockoff, but it is cheap and has good reviews.

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I love the Lily Cup by Intimina http://www.intimina.com/en/ I had a bit of a learning curve when I first got my Diva Cup.  There was no learning curve with the Lily because the "tricks" I learned to get the Diva to sit right transferred nicely.  The biggest was to put it in, bear down while keeping my finger on the bottom so I don't push it back out, and then gently tugging to be sure the suction is good.  Once I learned that trick, I never had another leak.

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I've had the same Keeper for 13 years now so I'm obviously satisfied with it! It does have a learning curve while you figure out how to get it to open and seal by twisting it. I mean, it took a few tries but after the first day or two it was easy.


ETA this thread got me thinking that maybe I'd like to try something softer/squishier than my firm latex Keeper, and OMG there are a million options out there. I bought mine back with the Keeper was the only thing around. Looks like lots of them are rebrands of the same cheap made-in-China cups so that kind of puts me off. Hmm ... the Blossom Cup is made in the USA and has good feedback on Amazon (which people left in exchange for a promotion). The Dutchess Cup looks like such a cheap knockoff, but it is cheap and has good reviews.

I've been looking at them all day. I decided when I watched this video.


I love the Lily Cup by Intimina http://www.intimina.com/en/ I had a bit of a learning curve when I first got my Diva Cup.  There was no learning curve with the Lily because the "tricks" I learned to get the Diva to sit right transferred nicely.  The biggest was to put it in, bear down while keeping my finger on the bottom so I don't push it back out, and then gently tugging to be sure the suction is good.  Once I learned that trick, I never had another leak.

Thanks! Yeah, this company looks awesome. Most of their products don't apply to me, but in the future I'm looking to them for my next female issue. I will be ordering a Lily within the next few weeks!

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I use a Diva because it is the largest and my periods are heavy. The first time I put it in, it was perfect. However, I found it took awhile to achieve that result consistently. If I don't get it in far enough, it slips as someone above described. It took awhile to recognized the difference in proper placement, but it was well worth the effort.


I'm sure some of the smaller softer cups are easier to learn with. I'm old and spacious with heavy flow :). The Diva has been a good choice.

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No, Jasperstone. You use it continuously throughout your cycle, rinsing it, maybe with a little soap, each time you empty it. When you're done with your cycle, you can either just wash it with soap and hot water, or you can boil it, whichever you prefer. Then before you use it again the next time, you wash it again. You don't boil other things you put in there, like your vibrator or, um, body parts, do you? No, you just wash those things after, um, use.


If you really want to boil it every time you take it out, you can do with just two - one to wear and one to boil, though that wouldn't work so well on a very heavy flow day if you have to travel.


Of course, if the thought concerns you or squicks you out, then you're probably better off using a different type of reusable menstrual protection.

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No, Jasperstone. You use it continuously throughout your cycle, rinsing it, maybe with a little soap, each time you empty it. When you're done with your cycle, you can either just wash it with soap and hot water, or you can boil it, whichever you prefer. Then before you use it again the next time, you wash it again. You don't boil other things you put in there, like your vibrator or, um, body parts, do you? No, you just wash those things after, um, use.


If you really want to boil it every time you take it out, you can do with just two - one to wear and one to boil, though that wouldn't work so well on a very heavy flow day if you have to travel.


Of course, if the thought concerns you or squicks you out, then you're probably better off using a different type of reusable menstrual protection.

No, doesn't gross me out. I think they sound like a brilliant idea.... just confused now which one to purchase.

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Can anyone please tell me which is the softest most pliable one, and not made in China?


Thanking you in advance.

I have a Fleurcup which is extremely soft and pliable and pretty short as well. I'm pretty sure it's made in France. At least that's where it came from when I ordered it online. I had used a

Mooncup UK for several years before DS1, but after DS1 it didn't fit right. I also wanted a bigger capacity, and the Fleurcup definitely fit the bill. It's much softer than the Mooncup was, but I also needed to learn a different fold for it to get it to pop open. I use an origami fold now, and it works great.


If you are having issues with fit, sometimes trying a different fold for insertion makes a world of difference. The menstrual cup board over at Livejournal is a wealth of information, reviews, and comparison pictures of cups.

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Is there something wrong with medical stuff from China or is this a personal conviction?

Personal conviction only- I figure that if they once put plastic in their baby formula..... that they are capable of using toxins in their other products etc...


Plus, Australia has just had a Hep A scare with berries from China. As the water they used was riddled with the virus- gross!


So, with something that is being inserted, I want peace of mind that nothing is leaching. ;-)

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I have a Keeper which is natural rubber, so great for anyone who doesn't have an allergy to rubber. I'm happy with it so haven't tried any other brands. Some people don't like the color (brown) but hey it's not like anyone is going to be looking at it (unlike The Dress lol). Unfortunately you really have to wear one to find out whether it will be comfortable for you, but I know Keeper does a money back guarantee and I'm guessing the others would as well.

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There is no "one best cup" because we all are shaped differently. Some of us are bigger than others - and that has nothing to do with your height or weight! Some of us have a heavier flow than others. There are a few charts comparing different cups here. It's a good idea to guesstimate what size you'll need before you buy one.


Good gracious, I had no idea there were so many! I think I only looked at 3 or 4 different ones before I bought mine.

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