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I messed up


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I bought something off of CL that has fabric.  


We met in a parking lot so that I wouldn't be going to an individual home as that makes me nervous.


It wasn't until I went in to a restaurant and was in there for 20 min and then came back out that I smelled the smoke.  


Sellers had said it was in good condition and I didn't even think to ASK if they smoked.


I have tried everything, leaving it outside for 48 hours, febreeze, vinegar, baking soda, vacuuming the fabric, washing the parts that come off, etc......


There is just simply no way to get the smell out.  My guess is that it was used for years with a heavy smoker.

I emailed the seller to tell her, but her response is that I should try vinegar.  


Honestly, I don't even think they have the money anymore, they seemed quite poor based on what I saw.  


Do I just chalk this up to a hard lesson learned and try to get a portion of my money back by selling at a loss and being completely honest in my listing?


I am sick about it.



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put it in a plastic bag with crumpled newspaper and seal bag.  Change the newspaper every couple of days.  My grandma was a very heavy smoker and this helped take the smoke smell out of things she gave me. 


Also, try adding charcoal- just make sure you don't use the kind with lighter fluid in it or you'll have a whole new stench to get rid of!

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Also, try adding charcoal- just make sure you don't use the kind with lighter fluid in it or you'll have a whole new stench to get rid of!


One can buy activated charcoal in the pharmacy, which should work for removing smoke smell.

I have also been successful using large amounts of baking soda.

Depending on what the item was and size/texture/color, you might try putting the baking soda right on the item before sealing it up in a bag or rubbermaid container. If you could easily vacuum off, that is.

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Dawn, I know you said you listed your item for sale already but I wanted to chime in anyway in case my post can help someone else.


The Odoban that ManagerMom listed worked really well for us on a vehicle (with leather seats!) with a strong mildew smell due to a sunroof left completely open during a super heavy rainstorm. It took a few applications, but it worked wonderfully!


For cigarette smoke, I have successfully used a product called OdorCide (http://www.odorcide.com/products/). It can be found in stores like Wal-Mart. I used it on fabric that REEKED of cigarette smoke. Again, it took a few applications and several hours of sunlight, but the smell was completely gone.


Direct sun (the stronger, the better) is a fantastic natural cigarette smoke smell remover.


Dawn, I'm sorry you experienced this. I, too, 'messed up' before in not checking if something was from a smoking home (hence my discovery of the odorcide product).


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Thanks all.  People on CL have actually emailed me with suggestions on how to get the smoke out.


However, DH says we can get most our $$ back by donating it and writing it off on our taxes.  I think that will be my next step if I can't get the smell out.

I did buy some stuff, can't remember the name and don't feel like going to the garage at the moment.  Will see if that works.

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