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Exercise Thread ~ February 15th - 21st


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Laura - I love how you get in your work-outs through everyday life!! You are also inspiring me to do more gardening. Now if I could only see any plants underneath all this snow!  :laugh:



I'd like to rest all day and let my poor ol'bones recover from all the tennis, but I'd also like to try some active recovery, too. Since it's still -20 C outside, it's going to have to be indoors stuff. I just discovered that the new poodle we're boarding can play fetch, so there's a little upper body activity done. ;) I should be vaccuuming up all the dog hair from our black lab, which would round off the active recovery.

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Nasty, nasty winds here today. I doubt we'll leave the warm house for the gym!


So I can climb stairs. I can do Pilates. I can do more core work. I can walk circuits around the house. I could use the elliptical in the basement but it's 40F down there and I don't feel like bundling up to exercise :lol:


So we'll see what happens :)

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Laura - I love how you get in your work-outs through everyday life!! You are also inspiring me to do more gardening. Now if I could only see any plants underneath all this snow!  :laugh:



It's more that I hate gyms, swimming bores me after a month or two of regular visits, and I don't have the discipline for fitness videos at home.  The Fitbit keeps me to my 10,000 steps, and my three acres of high maintenance garden fills in the rest.  Oh, and the dog.  I get guilty if she doesn't get a decent walk, and Husband would rather swim.  So if I walk fast then I can get the dog exercised and my heart rate up quickly.  And if I take a long walk at weekends (just back from 7 miles with Hobbes) then I can cope with my not-very-exciting admin. job during the week.


So it's not so much a policy as an acknowledgement of my own failings.

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took one of my dogs for an extra 5 K walk around a small lake with a friend & her dog.  It's spring here. 10C & plums and cherries are starting to blossom  :)


Lovely.  We just have winter aconites and snowdrops so far.  


I ended up with a longer walk than expected, so no weeding was done.  Around seven miles though, and reached 25,000 steps.  Hobbes and I had fun.

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took one of my dogs for an extra 5 K walk around a small lake with a friend & her dog.  It's spring here. 10C & plums and cherries are starting to blossom  :)


Beautiful!  The closest I got to a cherry outside lately was the frozen one the dog picked up from the ground on a walk last week. Yuck! Labs will eat anything - the grosser the better, it seems.



My rest day was a big success! I napped all afternoon. The active recovery attempt failed, but I'm alright with that. ;)

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It's more that I hate gyms, swimming bores me after a month or two of regular visits, and I don't have the discipline for fitness videos at home.  The Fitbit keeps me to my 10,000 steps, and my three acres of high maintenance garden fills in the rest.  Oh, and the dog.  I get guilty if she doesn't get a decent walk, and Husband would rather swim.  So if I walk fast then I can get the dog exercised and my heart rate up quickly.  And if I take a long walk at weekends (just back from 7 miles with Hobbes) then I can cope with my not-very-exciting admin. job during the week.


So it's not so much a policy as an acknowledgement of my own failings.


I completely understand. Gyms and fitness videos are not my think, either. One of the reasons we got our first dog 20 years ago was to get dh and I outside walking more. We learned all the neighbours' dogs' names. Dog owners are a friendly bunch in our area. There are even social groups of certain dog breeds, and they get together simply to go on walks with 30 other dogs of the same breed. 

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I am lusting after anything blooming. It is currently 1 outside.

I may have to spend quality time with gardening websites tomorrow.


My exercise---walking up and down stairs periodically to check on space heaters and the frozen master bath pipes (cold--sink and shower, which are in separate little rooms and are not back-to-back). The shower resolved at 2 pm and the sink, finally, at 7:30 :eek We forgot to drip the faucet last night---it likes to freeze under 10F.


And I did my core Pilates stuff :)


Training tomorrow!

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First hike of the season. Woot!! It was like 65 today. Booya losers. That's what you get for living in the Midwest.


1 mile downhill chasing toddlers, 1 mile uphill carrying/dragging said toddlers. I'm hoping to make this an everyday thing until Novemberish.


I'm sorry you're sick Lollie.

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Southern snow day- there's no actual snow but everything has shut down on account of sleet.


Can't/wont run in this slush. Gym closed, martial arts closed. Grrrr. I have 30 workout days before my next belt testing- I guess it will be skill work in my living room and kettlebell. All I want to do is go back to bed.


I wish motivation was as easy to brew as coffee.

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Ouch! Suffered through delayed onset muscle soreness yesterday as muscles adjusted to a new routine (DVD Strong Body, Ageless Body). Hauling two five gallon bucket of compost for an hour to feed the raspberry patch, then back to a masters swim practice tonight for 1:15 hrs and 2400 yards or a mile and a half. 

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Luckymama, so sorry about your Achilles.  I hope it heals quickly.



I did an hour of Ashtanga yoga this morning, then 4 miles on the treadmill.  We got the snow, and now there's ice.  Today is normally our long day out, so it's a bit of a "free" day now.  I need to do a little cleaning, then I believe I will sit and read. :)

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Up all night checking on my 8 yo's fever. Wiped out today- so I'm planning on being gentle to my body today: stretching, slow katas and combos, therapy rolling and just the simple and sinister kettle bell.


Plus eating the homemade bread I baked in the wee hours:)

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Sunday was "rest" day. I had a test to study for which meant I spent the day scrubbing as much of my house as I could.  :lol:  Do I procrastinate? I'll answer that tomorrow. 


I've decided that Mondays will be active recovery days. We are out of the house all day, and I feel badly for my dog cooped up all day. So, Monday mornings will be take dog on walk days. 


It's going to be 78 F today. I will enjoy it. Tomorrow will be a FREEZING 50! I plan to wear my fleece onesie pjs all day. I might even take my kid to his math class in said outfit. The day after that will get to 60 which is a bit better. 


Today was tabata and it's funny how 10 seconds can seem like a gift from the gods. :D The only thing that really killed me where the push ups. I barely squeaked out all 8 rounds. My arms were shaking!


Then, because I love to torture myself, I threw in a super fast just to make sure I completely exhaust my muscles video. 


Needless to say I ate a huge breakfast of a big bowl of granola, banana, chia seeds, cranberries, and coconut almond milk (so so yummy!) followed by 2 slices of toast with liverwurst. Yes, I love the stuff and I was thrilled to *finally* find some without nitrates. Whoot! I'm stuffed. But need my morning tea. 



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Then, because I love to torture myself, I threw in a super fast just to make sure I completely exhaust my muscles video. 


Needless to say I ate a huge breakfast of a big bowl of granola, banana, chia seeds, cranberries, and coconut almond milk (so so yummy!) followed by 2 slices of toast with liverwurst. Yes, I love the stuff and I was thrilled to *finally* find some without nitrates. Whoot! I'm stuffed. But need my morning tea. 


Love the video link!  I could stand to use it to wean myself back on coffee consumption.


Your breakfast is very familiar.  My staple breakfast is raw oats in plain full-fat greek yogurt with a chopped banana, and either dates or frozen cherries with whatever raw nuts or seeds we have around.

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Today was yoga.  I did a 90 minute yin/yang practice, very fun.  I had thought of doing some kettlebell swings tonight, but I think I need to not do that.  My knee is finally feeling better and I'm not so wiped out. I believe I will add some kettlebell swings back in a few weeks; right now yoga and running are enough. (I'm typing that because it's hard for me to scale back.  I always want to do more. :D  ) 

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Well, I have been missing but not totally inactive. It is so cold here that I am just trying to make it through these next few weeks. This cold has to end at some point. 


So, today I might have convinced the kids I am actually crazy. I have a chunk of book to read, but instead of sitting on the couch under a blanket like a sane person I put the book on a kitchen counter. I then took out my iphone and opened the timer. For just about two hours, I alternated between standing and exercising in place while I read.  I would jog (shuffle?) in place for 5 mins, rest for 2, then jog for 5, then do releves for 2 mins then jog for 5, then rest for 2, then do 2 mins standing abs, then jog for 2, then do squats for 2 mins, etc, etc.  I did it until I just had to stop. I def got my heart rate up there and even broke a light sweat, but I was able to keep reading the whole time. I have 25 more pages to go for my goal today, so I will def try to have another go at it later this evening.


I am doing this in preparation for getting a fitness tracker. DH has a newer iphone and it has a pedometer. He uses it constantly and say he really like it. My phone won't track steps, which is why I want a fitness tracker. Well, that and the fact that DH almost fried his phone once while jogging. On Saturday he was laughing b/c his phone told him he got about 900 steps. Just being at home all day means almost no movement. Well, that must be me almost every day...so I am going to have to employ other means to get my step count up there.  Lots and lots of other means, lol.

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Oh, I have to share my amazing score. I went to Nordstrom Rack to return shoes for my dh. They were having an extra 25% off clearance so i decided to browse. I found a pair of Brooks Pure Flow (normally $80-$100 depending on where you buy them) for a total of $18.75! I snatched those babies up. 

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Noice one Mom-ninja!


My weights came today and I played with them for a good half hour. No real goals, just seeing what I can do. I'm stronger than I thought! I followed it up with an Insanity warm up which is actually really hard! So there!


That was four exclamation points. I must be in a mood.

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I rode the bike 35 minutes with no pain and full range of motion---yay! My trainer told me to stop while I was ahead and to go home to stretch and ice again.

I am so glad for you- I hope you listen to your trainer:)


2 mile sprint/ walk with dh. Sprinting where the roads were clear and walking on the ice:)

Katas, Thai combos, handstand work, kettle bell, core torture- I mean core work.

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I'm back on track after a brief pause with a sick bunch. I had a great workout yesterday and actually starting RUNNING on the treadmill. It was nice. Everything else was just my basic workout. However, I felt my toenail disconnect from the nail bed about half way through. I'm not sure how that's all going to play out. It hurts but not awfully. Not sure how to handle all that. I recently changed to a better fitting shoe, but it seems the damage was already done. Yikes! That's going to look bad in sandals this summer, but my calves are looking good enough to maybe take some of the focus off my toe! Lol. It's still connected a little. Wondering if I should have it removed by a professional.

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