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5th Grade Planning

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SilverMoon, which Booklands volume were you considering for fifth grade? I have the books on my tablet but haven't looked at them much yet. That might make a good anthology for DS1.


My 7th gradw dd who loves JtB read volumes 3 and 4 in 5th grade.  (I just asked her.  ;) )  FWIW, she asked to continue them in 6th and 7th. 

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I think I posted our plans on the other thread, but I'll give the updated version here.  :D


Math: Singapore 5, BA (anything available), and supplements like Alien Math, Zaccaro, DragonBox


Vocabulary: Caesar's English


Writing: W&R Chreia / W&R Refutation and Confirmation


Grammar: Grammar Revolution and Killgallon


Literature: Figuratively Speaking plus several novels that we'll treat as the basis for discussion. Continue with lots of good books and Shakespeare, both independently and together.


Science: Geology, Meteorology, and Astronomy with BFSU, TOPS, documentaries, and books


Canadian History: Canada's Natives Long Ago; Courage & Conquest; Canada, A People's History DVDs; a lot of Canadian historical fiction


Logic: Logic Puzzles


Latin: Latin for Children B


Modern Languages: So You Really Want to Learn French, Spanish for Children


Art: Mark Kistler and general sketching / painting


Music: Continue with piano lessons



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8FillstheHeart and SilverMoon -- thanks! I'll start by looking at 3 for him.


Also, on a side note, SilverMoon, you gave me some great suggestions for supplements to Narnia last year, and they have all been fantastic! As expected, DD really has enjoyed Keys to the Chronicles and all the little inside jokes and allusions.

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I think I've settled on a plan for my 5th grader...


Morning Time (worship, poetry, Shakespeare, memory work)

Math: Horizons 5, BA 4A-D

Language Arts: Continue with Essentials & IEW, work slowly through CLE LA 5 for mechanics/spelling

Reading: Finish CLE 4, then move onto Mosdos Coral

Independent Reading: various, still debating about assigning notebooking/comprehension activities

Latin: Finish Prima Latina, then maybe Lively Latin

Science: Exploring the Building Blocks of Science 5 and read Storybook of Science

History: Working through my history timeline, hoping to get from Creation to Vikings, various resources 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Nearly finalized plans for my DS5th grade :coolgleamA:


Morning Time: (catechism, picture study, MP poetry, selected topics, Narnia)

Bible: Matthew, prayer, Hero Tales. Integrated with MFW ECC.

BJU Math 5

CLE Reading 5 and a substantial reading list. TTC Socratic discussion once a week.

Grammar: Hake 5

Composition: Treasured Conversations or Meaningful Comp. 4+/Writing Strands

Science: Integrated with MFW ECC

History/Geography: MFW ECC

Other: guitar/piano, swim.

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We start our school year in January and school year round, but I'll jump in here with what my 5th grader is using. It's hard to find the correct planning thread when you are out of the box in the way you schedule your school year!


Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages using the Advanced Student pages


Math: We started out our year using MIF 4, but the mastery approach just was not working for her anymore so we moved to Horizons Grade 4, but skipped the first 40 lessons. She should be able to complete all of 4 and about half of grade 5 this year. I am still having her do the CWP and IP books from Singapore a year behind because they are just soooooo good for mathematical thinking.


Grammar: Grammar Town and Practice Town from MCT.


Writing: Narrative II and Cheria from CAP's Writing and Rhetoric


Spelling: Apples and Pears Book D (we're almost done!!!)


Literature: Teaching the Classics discussions with my homemade literature list.


Foreign Language: Getting Started with Spanish


History: Beautiful Feet's Intermediate Ancient History with book and project additions by me with some book substitutions as well.


Science: Chemistry (combining various resources), Ferret Ecology: Problem Studies for One, and as much of Apologia's Zoology 2: Swimming Animals as we can get through to finish out the year.


Geography: Visits to the Middle East (during Morning Meeting) combined with Geography of the Holy Land (more in-depth study along with culture and religion)


Extra-Curriculars: Ballet, art lessons, and drama at our local children's theatre

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I have a rising 5th grader.  She will be combining some things with both brothers, some things with just the older brother.




Math:  Strayer-Upton (I'm picking 5 problems or sets per day.) and Singapore CWP.  This will come together in a Math Journal so it's cohesive.  She's very bright, but a bit math-phobic, and I hope to gentle her towards confidence by choosing her problem sets carefully and on a weekly basis.  (Yay!  for Saturday afternoons filling in math assignments...LOL)



History:  A Pictureseque Tale of Progress and 4-6 biographies I'm choosing based on her interests.  Timeline.



Most of AO Year 5 minus history..see above..Haliburton, Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare (3 plays on audiobook), Plutarch, Nature Study, etc...


LA:  Book of Commonplace, Studied Dictations (literature passages...covering spelling & grammar here), wide reading (see above), daily Written Narrations ala CM  




I will encourage her to work on her sewing skills, piano, guitar, painting, pastels, etc.


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The kids have been spending the week with my MIL so I have been trying to get some planning done. So far, this is what I have. I always start with lofty plans but they usually get pared back a week or two in when I realize the reality of a toddler tagging along.


Math: AOPS PreA or Saxon, still not sure


Science: RSO Bio 2. I also have some science based read alouds planned for morning time.


History/Bible/Geography: TOG Y1


Lit: A mixutre of TOG books, WTM books, and others for history. I haven't planned out independent reading (I never do) but LOTR should be in there.


LA: WWS1, Vocabulit, SW, JAG


Foreign Language: Continue VL from this year. Add in Lingua Latina. Duolingo for French.


I feel like I am forgetting something...





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  • 4 weeks later...

I have my first fifth-grader, too, with DS10. 


Math: We'll be starting an integrated math approach using all the Intro. books from AoPS concurrently: Algebra, Geometry, Counting & Probability, and Number Theory. I think I'll let him choose which book to work in, but possibly limit book-switching to only once a day, and set benchmarks for each chapter to make sure that no book is entirely neglected. He (like his mother) does best with frequent subtopic changes and never going too long without touching a topic. This isn't a single year's material; I think it'll take him 2-3 years to finish these.  Update: my grad school schedule dictates that I do more outsourcing, so he'll do AoPS online Alg A in the fall, either Intro. to Counting and Probability or Intro to Number Theory in the early spring, then Alg B in the late spring/summer.


Science: We're doing a science-y pre-history unit this summer, starting with the Big Bang and going through all the universe and solar system formation, geology with the evolution of Earth, and evolution of life/physical anthropology. In the fall, we'll start doing units with the How Things Work course on Coursera, astronomy with a textbook and syllabus from a local college, and introductory chemistry with Tro's textbook (maybe a Coursera course with this book).


History: We're starting a new cycle with ancients in the fall, picking up where our pre-history leaves off in the summer, around 5000 BC. I'm aiming to get through 5000-1500 BC by January, and then start lingering a little more on the classical period for the spring, aligning somewhat with the WTM Academy Ancient Lit class he's taking. We're using a book of timelines as a spine, and I think I'll just turn them loose in the library each week to research more about whatever interests them in the timelines book. I also have a couple of world history texts to keep us in check. Well be working through an art history text, aligning it with our history study.


Writing: he'll be finishing the New Oxford Guide to Writing and will be doing a bit of writing for the lit class. My sister is an English professor, and I'm going to ask to read a paper of his once in a while. I'm a math major, so I'll feel better having a ''spotter'' as I'm teaching writing.


Lit: WTM Academy Ancient Lit class. We'll add some extra Greek mythology to it.


Latin: GSWL


Programming: he's working his way through KA's Java course, and I think he'd like to do Kid Coder as well (or possibly instead for a while if the Java gets hard).


Philosophy: most of the philosophy texts were cut from the lit class's syllabus this year, so we'll read them on our own and have a monthly class with a philosophy professor friend.


Extracurricular: he's been invited to join the partnering class in ballet in addition to his other classes, and that and rehearsals brings him up to a significant time commitment.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still not 100% sure, I need to work it a little while to see if it's the right amount of work



Writing- CAP Nar 1 and 2 (done as a family) and EIW 5

Grammar-  Grammar Fix It! book 1

Spelling-  Apples and Pears B, and maybe C?

Vocabulary- Wordly Wise 5

Reading- Mosdos Coral


History- HO Middle Ages, modified to fit her abilities, with books at read alouds instead of independent reading


Math- Saxon Intermediate 5 (or 6/5)


Science- still not sure?

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There are some really fabulous plans in this thread. I'm following along to see if there is anything I should investigate for ds's 5th grade year. So far this is the plan:


Math: Math in Focus Course 1, EPGY/Redbird Mathematics, some Zaccaros and CWP


Writing and Grammar: WWS 1 as our main text, however I will be omitting certain exercises so that we can get through the grammar and copia lessons in CWP Homer.


Lit: Mosdos Press Pearl; novels from a variety of genres from my lit list, and self-selected IR. We'll start studying some literary analysis in earnest this year. He knows many elements of plot, different types of character and conflict, and certain types of figurative language. This year we'll go into a bit more depth and start writing simple analyses.


Logic: Ds will finish Art of Argument and then do The Basics of Critical Thinking. I don't anticipate these texts taking him very long, so after he finishes both of those, we'll do Traditional Logic.


History: I have both The Human Odyssey and OUP's The World in Ancient Times, and I'm undecided about which to use. Ds has already read much of HO just for fun, but without any discussion and study. I may use that text for him to practice outlining and study skills. Knowing ds, he will probably consume the OUP books just because they are lying around. We will also be reading Black Ships Before Troy, The Wandering of Odysseus, The Golden Fleece, Julius Caesar (The Young Reader's Shakespeare) as well as excerpts from the actual play, and a few others.


Science: I have CPO's Life Science to use as a spine. He'll also read nonfiction trade books. I have several ideas, but would love suggestions. He will have biology-themed activities twice a week.


Foreign Language: This is the real kicker, as ds wants to study Japanese, but I am hoping that he and his sister will study the same language, and she wants to learn French. What I really need is a program for each child to study a foreign language relatively independently. Hmmm...


Other: martial arts, swimming, piano, programming, stop-mo, tinkering.

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Language Arts - McGraw Hill Treasures Grade 5 (includes spelling, grammar, and writing), Wordly Wise, Novel Studies (Clementine, Beezus & Ramona, Borrowers, Cricket in Times Square to start), group read alouds and independent chapter books. Supplement with IXL, Write Source, and Raz-Kids.

Math -  Pearson Envision Grade 5 supplement with IXL

Science - Harcourt Science Grade 5

Social Studies - Finish Texas History in Quarter 1, then US History for the rest of year with Scott Foresman as spine. Supplement with read alouds, SOTW Volumes 3&4, Liberty Kids and Story of US documentary.

Other weekly subjects with Grade 7 brother - Glencoe Health Grade 6, Scholastic News Magazine Grade 6, Egyptian/Norse Mythology, Piano Lessons, Glencoe Art (Middle School), activities at rec center, Critical Thinking Company games, typing and computer skills.


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I think I've finally decided on everything.  Yay!  LA decisions were *killing* me! I'm hoping the new things we are trying are a great fit. :)


Math:  CLE 500


Writing: Writing Strands 3 (I hope this is a good fit...fingers crossed!)


JAG Mechanics


AAS:  Level 5


MFW Creation to the Greeks (History, Science in the Beginning, Art, Bible)


We are slowly working through Getting Started with Latin and Typing Instructor for Kids.


Reading:  A selection of good books I choose, plus plenty of books he chooses.  We'll discuss some of them.  That's it. :)

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Here's my plan:


Math: CLE Math 500

LA: CLE LA 500

Reading: CLE Reading 500, plus lots of other free and directed reading

Writing: IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating and selections from Write from History (Ancient and Medieval)

Latin: Prima Latina (with younger sibling)

Spanish: The Fun Spanish

Bible and History: MFW Rome to Reformation

Science: Apologia Astronomy and AIG Human Anatomy (in conjunction with MFW)

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There are some really fabulous plans in this thread. I'm following along to see if there is anything I should investigate for ds's 5th grade year. So far this is the plan:


Math: Math in Focus Course 1, EPGY/Redbird Mathematics, some Zaccaros and CWP


Writing and Grammar: WWS 1 as our main text, however I will be omitting certain exercises so that we can get through the grammar and copia lessons in CWP Homer.


Lit: Mosdos Press Pearl; novels from a variety of genres from my lit list, and self-selected IR. We'll start studying some literary analysis in earnest this year. He knows many elements of plot, different types of character and conflict, and certain types of figurative language. This year we'll go into a bit more depth and start writing simple analyses.


Logic: Ds will finish Art of Argument and then do The Basics of Critical Thinking. I don't anticipate these texts taking him very long, so after he finishes both of those, we'll do Traditional Logic.


History: I have both The Human Odyssey and OUP's The World in Ancient Times, and I'm undecided about which to use. Ds has already read much of HO just for fun, but without any discussion and study. I may use that text for him to practice outlining and study skills. Knowing ds, he will probably consume the OUP books just because they are lying around. We will also be reading Black Ships Before Troy, The Wandering of Odysseus, The Golden Fleece, Julius Caesar (The Young Reader's Shakespeare) as well as excerpts from the actual play, and a few others.


Science: I have CPO's Life Science to use as a spine. He'll also read nonfiction trade books. I have several ideas, but would love suggestions. He will have biology-themed activities twice a week.


Foreign Language: This is the real kicker, as ds wants to study Japanese, but I am hoping that he and his sister will study the same language, and she wants to learn French. What I really need is a program for each child to study a foreign language relatively independently. Hmmm...


Other: martial arts, swimming, piano, programming, stop-mo, tinkering.

The CPO teacher guide has trade book suggestions for each chapter. I found them fairly useful.

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Fifth grade plans for my youngest DD10:


Math - SIngapore 5A/5B and Life of Fred Fractions & Decimals and logic puzzle workbooks


Science - RSO level 2 Bio (reading at home; labs at co-op)


History - SOTW Middle Age (plus supplements at co-op)


ELA - JAG; AAS 6; Vocabulary workshop

various types of literature w/ discussions and some written responses


And I am going to try Writing Strands with this child. I tried it with my oldest years ago, and failed, but it might be a better fit now.


She will also continue piano lessons, a Nature/art class, and musical theatre.


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  • 1 month later...

Mathematics: A Human Endeavor

Discovery of Deduction


Brave Writer Lifestyle, IEW U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons & TWSS across the curriculum, Analytical Grammar, WTM style vocabulary notebook, interest led literature/select Arrow & Boomerang guides

Latin Prep, Spanish tutor

Inquiry Science, Nature Study

Hakim's History of US (Vol. 1-5) with art, music, poetry, literature, and handicrafts; Texas History for Kids

Oak Meadow Geography

Art with thevirtualistructor.com

Current events

DIY.org, programming

Swimming and Track

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