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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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- church

- critter chores

- contemplate the actual plus predicted weather before deciding whether to go on that hike or not

- one load of laundry that didn't get finished yesterday


And contemplate how annoyed (or not) the doc might be if I take this gauze/ace bandage splint off.  It bothers me more than the hand (which I think means the hand is healing quite well!).  I could redo it after school prior to Tuesday's appt...

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Good morning!




eat out lunch

finish the paperwork stuff including school

do some deep cleaning 

make a menu plan for while nephew is here (He eats gluten-free.)

play a game or two

watch an episode of North and South (Dh & I are watching it in case it leaves Netflix.)



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Good morning

- dishes

- laundry- load in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- deep clean the girls room, dd1 is overwhelmed with all the stuff, she's not sure what to do with dd2's stuff. There has got to be a better way to organize all the stuff

- dinner

- read

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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Everything is still icy so we haven't left for the gym yet. I made blueberry muffins :)


Up ahead after gym:

--write a midterm

--plan AP Human Geography FRQ boot camp for the beginning of February :D


--book rental car

--adjust FP+ choices for one day

--make dinner


Good enough!

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The weather is bad/iffy to the east of us, so we'll head west and walk a 4 mile trail this afternoon through Gettysburg National Park instead.  It should be a decent compromise.


I also compromised and just shortened the hand/wrist splint a bit.  What I left I ought to be able to put up with for a couple more days.

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Good morning! Coffe and the paper in bed, as the kids and I went to Mass last night. I have no plans for the day, other than shower, watch football, do a little needlepoint, and maybe, if feeling very ambitious, do some quilt squares. But I have to clean off my sewing table first.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good morning everyone!

Friends stayed very late last night, it wasn't easy getting up to make the coffee at church this morning and none of us slept well.  Oh well.


Came home and brought in wood, took care of the chickens and put a pork loin in the crockpot for pulled pork for the game.


Friends coming over for lunch, just going to make a stack of grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup.


Youngest stayed home from church, she says she feels "off".


Oldest came to church but is really nauseous from her meds so she did some iv zofram and is napping til her boyfriend gets here, he's been gone 3 weeks.


still need to run the vacuum real quick and that's about it.  Working tomorrow.

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Nix the hike for today.  Most recent radar shows rain building west of Gettysburg now and heading east.  There's no way I want to be out on a 4 mile hike and get soaked in 40 degree weather.  I'm just not that dedicated.  Hike postponed to next weekend.


We'll still do a couple miles here at home, but we're never more than a half mile from the house with that deal.

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I have not done a tackle list in forever it seems.

ON the agenda for today

drive the 2 hours to the city to pick up my teens
drive the 2 hours back home
iron cadet uniforms
program planning for the after school care
Drive 45 minutes each way to the rescue to drop off our dog
Pack the bags I need for work tomorrow (gym bag, lunch bag, supply/planning bag)
Cook pork roast for supper tonight
Clean off desk so I have room to study tomorrow when my classes start again
Get teens to work through 1/2 of their final unit of CALM
get teens to study for the social final they have on Tuesday

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Today: church and then discussed what each person had heard there since kids are in two separate Sunday School classes and I                   have found my husband and I seem to hear very different messages in church

          : buy salad take-away - did not go to the bird park like usual as it was really cold and starting to rain

          : stay home and read stories, listen to songs

          : tend the gardens and play with children outside

          : had left over braai meat and potato salad from a braai (South African barbeque) we had yesterday for supper

          : put the kids to bed and make sure ready for school tomorrow

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church done


bought a new vacuum cleaner that we can't really afford.


visited the ILs.  Took care of what we could of t.v., phone and internet stuff.  I'll have to call to make more arrangements tomorrow.  (And yeah, yeah, I'd said I was done helping but sigh, what can you do?  I'm not against helping the elderly but there has been some "stuff" to make this a bit more icky.  Oh well, time to take care of my side of things and not worry about theirs.)


Came home and dd promptly started to throw up. Had to do very icky plumbing work afterward. . . .  Can you sterilize hands in boiling water?!


Dh is now fiddling with our new dishwasher which is not washing the dishes correctly.  Double sigh.  

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:grouphug:  Jean  I hope things get better soon, esp for your dd, but also with the rest.


It was good that we nixed the hike.  The area we would have been in did get wet for quite some time.  We did get about 2 miles in here around home where we never got rain.


I also ended up doing some decluttering that needed doing - and did a bit too much for the hand again.  :cursing:  I've never been good with limits I guess.  It should feel better in the morning, so I'm (very) soon off to bed.  Tomorrow is a school holiday, then Tue - Fri it's back to work.  Life (including mentally) should get better then.


I've also had doubts about getting my right hand done even if the left ends up better.  It will be much tougher not having my dominant hand to use for a week (or more) AND no one has ever successfully found a vein for an IV in my left arm.  I don't relish another try at it either.  I have to wonder how they would handle that... but that's all not an issue until March at least - just mental ponderings from the boredom and the  :cursing:  factor.

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The icy rain really messed up my day.



--exercise using Fitness Blender videos

--tracked down some email addresses

--worked on AP Human Geography planning for February

--finalized food lists (to take, to purchase) for vacation

--planned week

--usual daily routine

--made dinner

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We got the shelves installed in the entry closet! This week I will have to organize and put things back in it!


Yesterday was working on hot water lines and church. A productive weekend so far. Dh has tomorrow off too so we will probably tackle a couple off odd jobs, and he was talking about working with dd1 on her derby car.

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