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Exercise Thread ~ January 11th-17th


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(I noticed the user name change yesterday.)


Today: gym w dh for lower body weights and squats etc, Blogilates ab challenge, and some serious stretching. I may need to roll. My lower back is feeling very tight right now.


Tomorrow is a day off from the gym. On Wednesday I meet with the trainer :D

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Negin, I noticed your username change, too :D


Yesterday I hit almost 16,000 steps (15,738 to be exact). Today I'll get in two hill hikes, one medium with small hills, one longer with bigger hills. And maybe yoga-Pilates. Kettlebell is sitting on my desk, unopened, eyeing me expectantly though not reproachfully ;)


H20 intake remains abysmal. Are y'all diligent with your water intake?

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About 10 eight ounce glasses a day, but I'm tall and active and overheat easily since I got heat stroke 9 years ago.


I noticed that awesomeusername liked my status yesterday and I was jealous because it's such a great name. I liked stupisusername too.



To everyone:

1. How many days a week to you work out?

2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance?

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About 10 eight ounce glasses a day, but I'm tall and active and overheat easily since I got heat stroke 9 years ago.


I noticed that awesomeusername liked my status yesterday and I was jealous because it's such a great name. I liked stupisusername too.



To everyone:

1. How many days a week to you work out?

2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance?


1. 6

2. The challenge is in consistency rather than content for me. And my definition of a wo probably differs from yours. I'm not hitting the gym or any piece of equipment, I'm out huffing up some serious hills and rugged terrain. Or else I'm doing my best to hold a hover-plank for more than five seconds :lol:

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Water intake? I'm all about that as long as it's filtered through coffee beans first. Otherwise, about 8 oz/day.

1. I work out as many days a week as possible-usually 5 or 6.

2. I just do whatever feels right that day. I would guess 3 or 4 hard and a couple easy. But I'm weird.


I jumped and bought a month at our town's new little gym. Then I felt guilt racked so went there this morning early before church. I ran a couple miles and then did 4 miles(so it said) on the elliptical. I'm not used to being warm when I work out. It was weird. They do have all kinds of nifty weights I want to try out.

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Today is a rest day for me.


I am trying to work out six days a week, because then I can't have the "I'll do today's workout tomorrow" excuse. Three of those days are more intense than others, although I'm trying to burn about 600-ish calories per time.


I am not very good about drinking water, but I'm trying to be more mindful of it. I keep a large glass out on the counter with ice and a straw and try to drink one or two glasses every time I'm in the kitchen.

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Water intake? I'm all about that as long as it's filtered through coffee beans first. Otherwise, about 8 oz/day.



This made me laugh.


I mix 1/2 lemon with 16 oz of water to drink at night with my iron pills- that I finish through the night or upon waking.  Other than that I drink coffee all morning and then oolong (see avatar pot) and water the rest of the day.


Currently I designate Sunday as rest day- but I guess you could call it a maintenance day because I often do something fun anyway- today I walked 2 miles with dh and will do my 100 swings before the day is out.  I do sometimes take time during the week off if my body feels funky.  Generally speaking I bet I average 3 intense, over the top workouts a week- but I don't plan in advance which ones they will be because often they happen outside of my control in MMA or kettle bell class.  


I try to do no more than 3- 4 runs a week with one being a long run, one a sprinting fun-fest (with my 13 yo or 20 yo leaving me in the dust), and the rest just comfortable runs. 

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SD, have you always worked out every day? Don't you feel like you need a rest? I'm against the idea for myself because I burn out easily and I believe in the biblical Sabbath. I'm not saying that everyone should follow my religion, it's just what makes sense to me. 


Shukriyya, we like to go hiking. I think it's one of the best workouts because it's what you're supposed to be doing. We aren't meant to dead lift 100 pounds, we're meant to run, and dig, and climb. We actually torture our 4 year old by making him walk 3 miles everyday. He honestly loves it, and I love the easy 500 calories. ;)


My4cowboy, did you know that weight training will continue to burn calories for longer than cardio? Something to look into. And get a water bottle with a wide spout and carry it around. That really helped me.

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SD, have you always worked out every day? Don't you feel like you need a rest? I'm against the idea for myself because I burn out easily and I believe in the biblical Sabbath. I'm not saying that everyone should follow my religion, it's just what makes sense to me. 


Periodization is built into my plan.   However even a rest day means I must articulate every joint across it's fullest ROM, preferably under load.  Plus it's hard to maintain a high degree of flexibility without a bunch of stretching and limbering.

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Periodization is built into my plan.   However even a rest day means I must articulate every joint across it's fullest ROM, preferably under load.  Plus it's hard to maintain a high degree of flexibility without a bunch of stretching and limbering.


I googled this and I'm still not sure what it means. Would you mind explaining? I've only done fitness DVDs and apps on my phone because I'm very ignorant about fitness and I'm trying to educate myself. I've just started The New Rules of Weight Training For Women and will read more once I research what other good books are out there (hint, hint).

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My WOs are planned over a 4 week cycle very similar to the undulating cycle described here (scroll down).   I have very specific goals in mind and I don't exercise just to exercise, iykwim.   I do pay someone to plan it all out for me, I will say.  It's not like I dreamed it all up myself.        I don't have but I really want this book.

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My WOs are planned over a 4 week cycle very similar to the undulating cycle described here (scroll down).   I have very specific goals in mind and I don't exercise just to exercise, iykwim.   I do pay someone to plan it all out for me, I will say.  It's not like I dreamed it all up myself.        I don't have but I really want this book.


I added the book to my wishlist. Thanks. I would love to visit with a personal trainer and I will at some point. I'm in a transition period between not being able to hike half a mile and being able to accomplish amazing things, and right now I believe a personal trainer would be a waste of money because I just don't have the time or money to visit the gym on a regular basis. 

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To everyone:

1. How many days a week to you work out?

2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance?

Before this month (joining a gym--it's now free w dh's work benefits!)

1. I worked out, on average, 5.75 days a week in 2014 :D (it was 4 days a week in 2013)

2. 2 challenging, the rest maintenance


Now, this month

1. 6 days a week, yay us (dh and I!)

2. 4 challenging, 2 maintenance


I drink about 48 oz of decaf coffee and 32 oz of decaf or herbal tea a day, with maybe 16-24 oz of plain, boring water.


In hot weather I drink my morning decaf and then 48oz+ of decaf sun tea and/or icy cold water.

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Slache, I also do some weight stuff every time I go to the gym, but I want to get into weight training more. I have the "New Rules of Weights for Women" or whatever the official title is on hold at the library. I am determined to lose 10 lbs. minimum this year, and am trying to alter many things: better diet, more cardio, adding better weight training, etc.

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Only when I don't have to leave the house, IYKWIM.

This is me also! I stop drinking water an hour or so before leaving the house. We live in a third-world country and public bathrooms, if they're available, leave much to be desired. Even if I'm not in a third-world country, I'm at the age where I need to time my water intake. I stop drinking water at around 6 or 7 PM. 

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I noticed that awesomeusername liked my status yesterday and I was jealous because it's such a great name. I liked stupisusername too.

I changed it back to my previous name. Oh well. I could always go back to awesomeusername again. I love stupisusername also!  :lol:

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1. How many days a week to you work out? As often as I can. I don't plan ahead for rest days. They happen often enough without my planning. I oversleep or things happen. 

2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance? Don't know really. It depends. Some days and some workouts just feel more challenging, I don't plan ahead based on that. Yesterday, I did a few Classical Stretch routines and they were quite tough. I didn't think that the would be. During the time of the month, my workouts seem more strenuous, or right before, anyway. If I'm tired/sleep-deprived, they also seem more strenuous. 


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Slache-do you read at girlsgonestrong dot com? Good stuff there.

Negin- yep one day something is easy and the next time tough. Human variability I guess.


Freezing sleet here this morning. I don't mind getting wet but really dislike falling down. This gym thing may have been worth it. Tomorrow is forecast to be subzero again also. Goody ;)


I would love to have a trainer see where I am and create something. The one time I called the Y though they got my age and suggested, wait for it, I come to their senior exercise class. Ack.

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Day 36/105: Cardio. Wish me luck.


Negin, I know what you mean. The second day of my cycle is *brutal*. I'm exhausted and often don't finish my workout.


Thanks joyofsix. I'll check it out when I'm done.



For the record I work out 6 days a week, 4 of which are challenging. I'm trying to figure a good balance out. Thanks for the responses, they were helpful.

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I would love to have a trainer see where I am and create something. The one time I called the Y though they got my age and suggested, wait for it, I come to their senior exercise class. Ack.


The first Physical Therapist that I went to following last June's calf muscle tear listened to all my goals and then proceeded to treat me as if walking to the mailbox was my ultimate life expectation.  I immediately changed and ended up with a Physical therapist that was also a sports trainer- most of his clients are high school and college athletes.  It made a night and day difference in the sorts of things that made up my therapy-even at the beginning.  


I also recommend only going to a sports- orthopedist, if you are unfortunate enough to need one.

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To everyone:

1. How many days a week to you work out? I aim for 6 days a week





2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance? I think they are all challenging in their own way, but Thur is just yoga, so not really pushing hard.  Right now, all of my running is easy, but that's because I'm taking my time coming back from an injury, so what would normally be a maintenance run is challenging, plus I throw in kettlebell on those days. :)


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I swim with master 2x a week, plus another day on my own lap swimming incorporating hand paddles (It's like lifting weight in the water.) and fins into my workout. After a year of swimming I've improved a lot. Went to a swim meet over the weekend and shaved 12 seconds off my 50 free from last may. I stretch and lift weights on my off days, and when the surf is reasonable I get out on my boogie board for a few hours.

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I did Couch25k week 2 workout and walked on the treadmill for an hour. I also did some bicep, tricep, and shoulder work. Lovely thick snow/sleety rain when I came out of the gym. Ugh! I hate the cold weather!


WildIris, 12 seconds off your 50 is impressive! That's a ton of time - way to go!

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Monday: 2 MMA classes back to back. Among other things I started a new kata and got to work with the bow staff for the first time. It's better than chocolate. I also got my 100 challenge swing and TGU's in.


Today: long tutorial day followed by MMA and kettle bell class. 6 of my kids also do MMA, several outrank me- it's so much fun being in class with my teens.


We did a new upper body conditioning drill: Try to complete in under 2 minutes: a ladder that reduces by one each set starting with 10 mountain climbers, 10 shoulder touches from pushup position, 10 arm reaches from plank positition.

Btw, Ladder means that the next set is 9 of each 3 exercises then 8 of each..... All without ever touching your knees to the floor.

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We did a new upper body conditioning drill: Try to complete in under 2 minutes: a ladder that reduces by one each set starting with 10 mountain climbers, 10 shoulder touches from pushup position, 10 arm reaches from plank positition.

Btw, Ladder means that the next set is 9 of each 3 exercises then 8 of each..... All without ever touching your knees to the floor.



Complete in two minutes? I am 100% certain that not only would I be unable to complete this in two minutes, I would also need medical attention to help me off the floor!  Good for you!


I love cycling and my trainer seems focused on that, and is primarily focusing on my legs and back.  Hey, fella, my legs are in good shape, because I cycle. How about working on other areas? I'm going to try this...but not in two minutes. 

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