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Weight gain because of meds

Night Elf

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When a med has a side effect of weight gain, what does that mean? Is it an immediate effect or something that happens slowly over time? Does it actually mean that hunger is increased so the person is eating more? Or is it because of water retention? Or is it something else?

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How about YES to all of the above.  I think it can vary by medication. Some can have quick weight gain, others more slowly.  Some due to increase in eating, others due to water retention or lower activity level.  For some meds it is a very rare thing, for others a more common thing.  You really need to look at the medication in question.

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For me it wasn't noticible at first, but after 3months I suddenly realized that something was off. I switched medication and the weight disappeared within a few weeks (I was intentional about my activity level during that time).

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Yes, it depends on the medication.  A family member of mine gained 30 pounds over several months while taking amitriptyline.  There had been no noticeable increase in appetite or food intake, but those are known side effects.  Once off the drug, the weight fell off.   Obviously I've no idea what drug you're talking about, but relating the specific experience.

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I think it can be both. Some of the meds I've tried like Lyrica made me constantly hungry and therefore I was eating more and gaining weight. I think some of the muscle relaxers I've been on cause water retention and therefore weight gain. I'm on Prednisone now and it seems to do both.

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I am asking out of curiosity mostly. I am thinking of changing a sleep med, from Ambien to Gabapentin, but weight gain is not listed as a side effect. But when I google for it specifically, I've found some info saying it's a possibility. But the dose I'd be taking is extremely low and most of the posts I've found where people talked about it showed them taking a much higher dosage. I took the Gabapentin one night and had a 2 lb. weight gain overnight. I don't know what to attribute that to. I didn't take it again, but I really want off that Ambien, so I'm thinking of trying it again. My quest for a med that will put me asleep and keep me asleep continues.

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I am asking out of curiosity mostly. I am thinking of changing a sleep med, from Ambien to Gabapentin, but weight gain is not listed as a side effect. But when I google for it specifically, I've found some info saying it's a possibility. But the dose I'd be taking is extremely low and most of the posts I've found where people talked about it showed them taking a much higher dosage. I took the Gabapentin one night and had a 2 lb. weight gain overnight. I don't know what to attribute that to. I didn't take it again, but I really want off that Ambien, so I'm thinking of trying it again. My quest for a med that will put me asleep and keep me asleep continues.


I take Gabapentin at a pretty high dose and am prone to weight gain. It has been weight neutral for me when few things are. I haven't lost anything either (in fairness, I have to really work my butt off to lose weight, and I have not been doing so). I would not attribute an overnight weight gain to a med taken once.  

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I remember when my husband was on an antidepressant for about 6 months, to treat his migraines.  We didn't even notice it much at the time, but later when we looked at pictures of him during that period, it looked like he had put on 20-30 pounds.  Once he was off the meds, the weight must have slipped off.  I don't remember him being hungrier.  I think it was Nortriptyline.



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I am asking out of curiosity mostly. I am thinking of changing a sleep med, from Ambien to Gabapentin, but weight gain is not listed as a side effect. But when I google for it specifically, I've found some info saying it's a possibility. But the dose I'd be taking is extremely low and most of the posts I've found where people talked about it showed them taking a much higher dosage. I took the Gabapentin one night and had a 2 lb. weight gain overnight. I don't know what to attribute that to. I didn't take it again, but I really want off that Ambien, so I'm thinking of trying it again. My quest for a med that will put me asleep and keep me asleep continues.


Rowan gained a great deal of weight on Gabapentin, she hates it and won't take it anymore for her neuropathy.

Our LLMD wanted to switch her to Lyrica with melatonin but our insurance denied it for her.  So she still isn't sleeping well.

Good luck finding something that works.  For what it's worth, I have heard a lot of people say Gabapentin did wonders for them.

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