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I have lost 27 pounds!!

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As of today I have lost 27 pounds. On Mother's Day I weighed 165 pounds and I was very upset about it. I decided I had to get off my fat rump and do something about it. This morning I weighed 138 and I am so thrilled. I have been walking, running, swimming, biking and/or doing some weights everyday. Most days I walk 5.3 miles at a brisk pace. I cut sugar and sugar containing food from my meals. I am eating healthy meals high in whole grains and lean protein. I feel wonderful. Also during this time I have been letting my hair grow out from the short style I wore for years. I had not had my hair cut, trimmed etc in six months. Today I went and got a Meredith Vieira style cut and I love it, my dh says I look ten years young Wahoo!!!!

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Pictures? I'd love to see your new haircut too! Congratulations -- that is quite an achievement!


I think my son may have a before picture on this phone. I was very against pictures being taken of me when I was heavy. I didn't even think of before and after pictures. I will have a picture taken today and try to post it.

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As I was attempting to run my piddly 2 miles one day this week I thought of you and how much you walk...:) I thought....'she needs to change her name to 'walks a lot'. :)


Congrats on the weight loss.


Mrs. Walksalot now that would be good. Walking has seriously cut into my reading time. I am really going to have to work hard to keep up the walking once we start school next week. I suppose I will have to get up at 5:30. Are people actually awake at 5:30.....

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Mrs. Walksalot now that would be good. Walking has seriously cut into my reading time. I am really going to have to work hard to keep up the walking once we start school next week. I suppose I will have to get up at 5:30. Are people actually awake at 5:30.....


Yep. I am. It is the only way I can possibly fit in exercise.

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