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Kindergarten maths


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Can you all please make a decision for me?


My 4 year old is ready for some gentle maths introduction. He is not ready for math mammoth 1 or Singapore 1a that I have on the shelves. With my olders I dis Singapore early bird and/or essentials but I just don't love it and can't face it again. I tried miquon with my number 3 but I just couldn't get my head around it.


I have been looking at right start math a. Would that fit the bill? It does seem expensive and we are not in the US so I'm bothered about spending a lot of money on something that won't do metric or our money.


I've also been toying with mcruffy. Just because it's colourful and fun I think!


What should I do?

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Considering the circumstances, I think mep reception followed by 1a is an excellent idea. There is a big jump between reception (k-3/4 at most) and 1a. 1a is focused exclusively on number bonds, but doing it at half speed would allow you to mix in some other topics, and also slow the pace to a speed that is more kindy-like. If you do it every other day, you could work in the money, time, and measurement topics on the other days. Those are topics that are fairly easy to teach through games and hands on. If you can find a used copy of the RS 1st edition manual, you can create all your own manipulatives/worksheets from the appendix. I think this option is a little better in terms of open-and-go if you are able to find it. (I am the type that doesn't mind putting in a few hours up front but I can't deal with an hour of scanning pinterest every weekend.)

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I like Saxon K for that age.

--There is no writing.  There is no student workbook.  There are optional worksheets at the very back of the TM.

--Lots of manipulatives.

--You are not committed to Saxon if you do this.  Many people use Saxon K with their little one, then transition to a different math program for K5 or 1st grade.

--One lesson/week.  In theory, you repeat the lesson a second time in the week for extra practice for your child.


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RS A would be a good choice. I used it with my ds and am using SM Essentials for younger dd, but if not essentials then I would say RS A. :)

Can I ask why you are using essentials not RS A. I could get essentials much more easily here. Just didn't love it before, but I suppose it's not that bad.


Thanks for all the other thoughts. I'd forgotten about MEP. Might have a look at that again. We have dabbled in the past.

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I like Saxon K for that age.


--There is no writing.  There is no student workbook.  There are optional worksheets at the very back of the TM.


--Lots of manipulatives.


--You are not committed to Saxon if you do this.  Many people use Saxon K with their little one, then transition to a different math program for K5 or 1st grade.


--One lesson/week.  In theory, you repeat the lesson a second time in the week for extra practice for your child.





I love Saxon K for preK.


I think there are 3 lessons per week, though.

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Another vote for MEP Reception.


Right Start is a great program... but I think you would want to be sure before plopping down that much money what with the shipping. If you feel you can, I would go back and look at Miquon again but start by looking at the videos on Education Unboxed. They weren't around when my boys were little, but they're really excellent. Miquon isn't for everyone, but a bucket of C-rods in pre-K/K always seems like the right approach to me.

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Can I ask why you are using essentials not RS A. I could get essentials much more easily here. Just didn't love it before, but I suppose it's not that bad.


Thanks for all the other thoughts. I'd forgotten about MEP. Might have a look at that again. We have dabbled in the past.


Since we do not use RS after A, I found the transition slightly challenging. Regular first grade math was way too easy, but he was not ready for 2nd. Also the way they teach things was very different. Honestly I loved the way it taught, it made so much sense. If we were continuing with RS it would have been great. Also, it was "complicated" as far as manipulatives-- which honestly is one of the things that makes it great. i just needed simpler with my 3rd child, more straightforward for me to teach. That said however, I plan to teach similarly to how RS taught things like place value and use the RS manipulatives as we can using Essentials and later MM. I like just not having to do it, just using it when we can. It really all depends on the child though. My ds did well with RS, my dd will do fine with anything so I am choosing simpler for my needs...

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I used MEP Reception with dd  in K, well not quite all of it as we tried other things first, but we just loved it and I'm looking forward to using it with dd2 next year. We did some Miquon as well but it wasn't as good of a fit for us, although I think I'll be trying out some Education Unboxed videos with dd2 to see how she responds to it.

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