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Please Explain Auras to me (and migraines)

Jean in Newcastle

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I think dd12 had her first aura this morning.  She's had migraines for a couple of years.  We've gone to the neurologist (colossal waste of time where they told me "she is having migraines" like we didn't know).  We have another appt. scheduled with the neurologist in two weeks because she's been having dizzy spells (which have mostly gone away).  She's been thoroughly checked out with specialists because she does have a tumor in one eye.  Their unanimous opinion is that none of this is caused by the tumor which is benign and stable. 


So - now to the aura - or what I think was an aura.  She said that there was a shimmering arc on her right side of her vision.  She could see it mostly with the right eye and only a bit when she covered the left eye.  She started to have a headache right before the shimmering started.  I had her take an Aleve and drink water.  She now has a full-blown migraine.  She was trying to read and do schoolwork but is now lying down in the dark with our gentler dog to comfort her.  


So. . . what is your experience?  Does that sound like an aura?  Did we respond correctly?  (I did what the neurologist said to do but I know that sometimes people find other things help better.)



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Excedrin and a Coke work better than Aleve for me. An ice pack and a dark room help too. Migraines suck. Mine started around that age right before my cycle started, and I continued to get one a day or so before each month. Pregnancy and nursing have thrown that out of whack, but for the better. Stress makes mine worse (law school 1st year was one big migraine) and getting really hot. Weird, yes. Try to keep a journal (or have her) of potential triggers.


Edited: Sorry, auras--yes, that sounds like one. I rarely get floaters or auras, but when I do, I know the migraine from hell is coming. Those make me vomit and insanely dizzy. I've gotten relief from a Toradol injection at urgent care for a couple of those.

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I get what I describe as how one sees after their picture has been taken with a flash. Like I can still see, but parts are missing. That part lasts 45 minutes or so, then I get numb in various parts of my body then a headache, but usually the headache isn't as bad as the symptoms. I take 4 ibuprofen, 2 Excedrin Migraine and go nap for 3 hours. I am usually foggy for about a day. 


My vision being disrupted is my first symptom. 

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Sounds exactly like what happens to me. I get the shimmering vision, and then usually a lack of peripheral vision, then followed by shimmering spots in the center of my vision. All of this progresses over the course of about 30 minutes. I know that if I take an Imitrex right when the shimmering starts and then lay down and close my eyes for about 30 minutes, the headache will not develop.


Hugs to your daughter!

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My migraines were primarily ocular I think.  I do get aura, and yes, for me it looks shimmery.  Like I can't see well, and things are wavy/shimmery in appearance.


I have fortunately had very few in the last 10 years.  My mom recently had her first ocular migraine and she thought she was having a stroke.  She was at a top notch academic medical center, so they screened her carefully to rule out stroke of course, but her eventual diagnosis was ocular migraine.


edited to add that I get it mostly in the periphery initially as well.  Read PP's description above mine and that sounds similar to my experience.

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Excedrin and a Coke work better than Aleve for me. An ice pack and a dark room help too. Migraines suck. Mine started around that age right before my cycle started, and I continued to get one a day or so before each month. Pregnancy and nursing have thrown that out of whack, but for the better. Stress makes mine worse (law school 1st year was one big migraine) and getting really hot. Weird, yes. Try to keep a journal (or have her) of potential triggers.


Edited: Sorry, auras--yes, that sounds like one. I rarely get floaters or auras, but when I do, I know the migraine from hell is coming. Those make me vomit and insanely dizzy. I've gotten relief from a Toradol injection at urgent care for a couple of those.

OK - dumb question but where do you put the ice pack - on the neck or the forehead?

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OK - dumb question but where do you put the ice pack - on the neck or the forehead?

I put it wherever the headache is. My mom got me this Velcro-fastened head wrap thing a few years ago and it's amazing. Combines pressure with cold, which works for me. When it thaws, I use a regular ice pack.

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Growing up through my teen years I though everyone saw "sparkles".  I had no pain until I would have black spots appear. Then the migraine pain would hit like I got kicked in the head by a horse.


Eye specialist says I was having optical migraines and many people get the sparkles/auras and little to no pain at first.  The pain comes second.  Dr. asked if I drank coffee and I told him no.  He told me to learn to like it.  Literally 1/2 cup of coffee or can of coke and ibuprofen and the sparkles disappear.  If as soon as I realize I am seeing sparkles, I hit it hard with the med and caffeine.  I don't get to the pain stage.

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I get the auras, and if I take Excedrin and drink a Coke the minute it starts, I can avoid the headache. The Coke is essential for me, as previous posters mentioned. Mine start as a shimmer in the central vision in one eye, and proceed to a shimmering rainbow-colored arc that slowly moves off to the periphery and finally ends after 20-30 minutes. If I get the headache, only a totally dark, silent room with a bucket in reach is tolerable. I've also found that mine frequently start while looking at a computer or iPhone screen, and that low ambient light when reading screens, or LED lights will almost always bring one on.

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I think dd12 had her first aura this morning.  She's had migraines for a couple of years.  We've gone to the neurologist (colossal waste of time where they told me "she is having migraines" like we didn't know).  We have another appt. scheduled with the neurologist in two weeks because she's been having dizzy spells (which have mostly gone away).  She's been thoroughly checked out with specialists because she does have a tumor in one eye.  Their unanimous opinion is that none of this is caused by the tumor which is benign and stable. 


So - now to the aura - or what I think was an aura.  She said that there was a shimmering arc on her right side of her vision.  She could see it mostly with the right eye and only a bit when she covered the left eye.  She started to have a headache right before the shimmering started.  I had her take an Aleve and drink water.  She now has a full-blown migraine.  She was trying to read and do schoolwork but is now lying down in the dark with our gentler dog to comfort her.  


So. . . what is your experience?  Does that sound like an aura?  Did we respond correctly?  (I did what the neurologist said to do but I know that sometimes people find other things help better.)

Yep...just like your daughter's.  I would see a zigzag arc to the side of my vision and it would move across in about thirty minutes, sometimes followed by a headache, sometimes not.  I'd always take Advil when it started.  Yes, you did the right thing.

Not much comfort at the moment, since we are talking about your young daughter and not you, but I don't have them anymore, post menopause.  One of the few good things about getting older! 

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Dd got auras, they were geometric and she actually drew a picture of it the first time she got it.... then the migraine came.  The headaches seemed to be triggered by hormones. When the aura would start, I would almost trip over myself making instant coffee (always have that on hand) and getting ibuprofen in her, the aura would give only a few minute warning. The sooner we got the coffee and med in her, the shorter the headache. She would ask me to press on her forehead, that made it better. Luckily she hasn't gotten one in a few years, and only got them a few times a year.

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Growing up through my teen years I though everyone saw "sparkles".  I had no pain until I would have black spots appear. Then the migraine pain would hit like I got kicked in the head by a horse.


Eye specialist says I was having optical migraines and many people get the sparkles/auras and little to no pain at first.  The pain comes second.  Dr. asked if I drank coffee and I told him no.  He told me to learn to like it.  Literally 1/2 cup of coffee or can of coke and ibuprofen and the sparkles disappear.  If as soon as I realize I am seeing sparkles, I hit it hard with the med and caffeine.  I don't get to the pain stage.



I get the auras, and if I take Excedrin and drink a Coke the minute it starts, I can avoid the headache. The Coke is essential for me, as previous posters mentioned. Mine start as a shimmer in the central vision in one eye, and proceed to a shimmering rainbow-colored arc that slowly moves off to the periphery and finally ends after 20-30 minutes. If I get the headache, only a totally dark, silent room with a bucket in reach is tolerable. I've also found that mine frequently start while looking at a computer or iPhone screen, and that low ambient light when reading screens, or LED lights will almost always bring one on.


Same here. I get what I call the kaleidoscope effect in one eye and it gets all shimmery.  Take a couple ibuprofen immediately and relax, which helps avoid the headache. Although mine are more in my neck.  Hadn't know about the caffeine thing - will try a pepsi the next time.

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I, too, suffered from hormonal migraines for all my reproductive life. Is there some reason they won't prescribe Imitrex or something similar for your daughter? The Excedrin Migraine actually works almost as well for me, as I had some side effects from the Imitrex. Can she tolerate the aspirin in Excedrin? I still use it for bad headaches, but now I only need one pill instead of the usual two. I do have several friends that use Imitrex and experience no side effects at all.


I enjoyed having a long cold pack that would go from the back of my neck around to my forehead on the side where the migraine was. Otherwise, I would put it on the neck to start.

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I tend to notice for me that they cluster.  I'll have a few 3-6 and then nothing for months and months.  We have established that mold will help to trigger mine.  But yet no one but me cleans out the fridge! LOL  No, seriously.  If you can figure out a trigger then that will help to avoid it.  My sister can not have anything with MSM in it.  She will be down for the count for a good 36 hrs if she gets it in her system.  Me, I could just about swim in MSM and I don't have a problem.  Each person is different.

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Sounds exactly like what happens to me. I get the shimmering vision, and then usually a lack of peripheral vision, then followed by shimmering spots in the center of my vision. All of this progresses over the course of about 30 minutes. I know that if I take an Imitrex right when the shimmering starts and then lay down and close my eyes for about 30 minutes, the headache will not develop.


Hugs to your daughter!

This is essentially my migraine experience.  I also take Imitrex.


At various times during my migraine "career", I have had numbness in one hand/fingers or on one side of my face.  I can also lose the ability to speak coherently.


It looks like a stroke and feels like one, too, but I have been thoroughly checked out.


Migraines suck.  I hate them passionately.  (((hugs))) to dd.

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I get the auras, and if I take Excedrin and drink a Coke the minute it starts, I can avoid the headache. The Coke is essential for me, as previous posters mentioned. Mine start as a shimmer in the central vision in one eye, and proceed to a shimmering rainbow-colored arc that slowly moves off to the periphery and finally ends after 20-30 minutes. If I get the headache, only a totally dark, silent room with a bucket in reach is tolerable. I've also found that mine frequently start while looking at a computer or iPhone screen, and that low ambient light when reading screens, or LED lights will almost always bring one on.


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I used to get the aura but no headache. Triggers included black raisins, red grapes, and chocolate. After a few years I had to start taking fiber supplements due to a digestive issue. Then my aura stopped. I can eat trigger foods now, and I don't see spots. So, you might look at digestion just in case it will reduce the severity of the problem.

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For me, auras are a sign that I'm going to get to the, "I'm scared I'm not going to die" point, and beyond. I don't get auras often (oh, thank you GOD!) but when I do?


Oh dear holy mouldy old cheezits, I know its going to a level of Hades that makes giving birth to quints out my nose appealing in comparison.


I know my typical migraine triggers. Food (nitrates, primarily, tannis in red wine is another) and barometer pressure. Barometer pressure will kick off both migraines and RSD for me. Yay. Like, I've already taken Aleve now, and drinking a Coke b/c my neck is tight. My neck gets tight before a migraine since RSD set in.

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