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Could a food allergy cause a swollen lip?


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I just noticed that ds2 has a very swollen top lip. I don't have a clue where this came from; I am sure he was fine at bedtime last night. I didn't notice anything when he got up this morning but I probably didn't look closely. I was changing his diaper a bit ago and noticed the lip; there are no clear signs of injury. He just ate a banana--could that have caused it? Alternatively maybe it could have been a bug bite during the night? It doesn't seem to be bothering him...


I did call the doctor and will take him in later this morning. I've never seen something like this before.

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Glad you called the doc.


Don't panic: in the absence of other symptoms or worsening symptoms, I would not panic.


DS is anaphylactic to bananas. His lips do indeed swell. But he cries, has a sore throat, among other things.


My niece is anaphylactic to bananas as well.


Banana allergy can be related to latex allergy, so be aware of that.


Hoping it was just a bug bite!

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Ugh, it is sounding like I may need to make an appointment with the allergist--and hide the bananas until we know for sure. 


We'll see what the family doctor has to say, but taking precautions seems wise.


It doesn't seem to be affecting anything but his lip at this point, but I suppose if this is a first allergic reaction that could happen.

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Allergic reactions involving lip swelling are not necessarily going to lead to anaphylaxis, and we've had lip swelling here for random other reasons as well, some never determined. Do call a doctor, though; it would be helpful for your peace of mind, if nothing else.

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I used to have this problem (randomly) before I quit eating gluten. My lips would swell up and I looked like some sort of weird cartoon character. The only time it's happened since I quit eating gluten is when I ate raw honey. I know it was the raw honey, because it happened three times, each time after I had eaten the honey. I eat processed honey all the time with no problems though. Weird, I know.

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Could it be oral allergy syndrome?


My older ds sometimes reacts to foods with swollen lips.  Avocados do this to him.  Sometimes this happens with bananas, as well.  He has some wicked inhalant allergies, and as I understand bananas are related to ragweed or somesuch.  Ragweed season is in full bloom here.

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Thanks everyone for the input. We're back from the Dr., who says it does look like an allergic reaction and suggested benedryl or zyrtec. Because it is very localized he does not think we should be overly concerned right now, just make a note of what he has eaten/been exposed to and watch for similar reactions in the future.


He said it was also possible that it could be a spider bite, I guess sometimes the bites can be too small to see.

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Here is a list of oral allergy syndrome foods:




Where are you located and is ragweed a problem there?  (Are you one of the TX people?  <slinks away because I can't remember...>



Thanks for the link!


We aren't currently in Texas, but there is plenty of ragweed around here...

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I'm glad you got to the doc, and have a lead.  If it happens again, get out the benadryl.  Do you have an epipen (junior), just in case?


Crossing my fingers for you that this is oral allergy syndrome, or just a bite of some kind.  And *not* a food allergy.  Those aren't fun.

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Sounds like angioedema.  Allergies can cause it.  My dd used to get it badly and still gets it once in awhile for no known cause.


Me too, although I know mine is caused by some plant/weed we have here because it always happens when I weed or weedeat. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jazz pollard

You need to identify what it is or assume what it is and avoid it. Swollen lips is how a reaction begins, but eventually your reactions will be more serious. Also see your doctor and explain this. There are test which can be done to determine what is causing it... other alternative to get rid of swollen lips is to use lip plumpers with natural and safe ingredients that will not give any harm!!!!

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