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Pressure cooker question


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OK, there I was, sitting at the computer with 100 bucks in Kohl's cash to spend. The stakes were high and time was short, because I had a 20%-off coupon that was set to expire today and I was too cheap to miss out on using that code. I didn't really need anything, so I started aimlessly browsing through the kitchen stuff, and I saw pressure cookers.


I have never had a pressure cooker, but the nice folks at America's Test Kitchen seem to like them, so I bought one. I got the one they recommended, which is the 8 quart Fagor Duo. Does anyone have one, or know if it's any good?


Also, can anyone recommend some good pressure cooker recipes, or a decent cookbook?


Thanks!!! :)

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I have a couple Fagor pressure cookers, though not that model (I prefer to avoid things made in China) and I like them a lot. I have read that Fagors use a little more energy to stay at pressure than some of the more expensive brands, but overall I think they are a great thing to have in the kitchen.


I use my pressure cooker pretty near daily. They are especially great to have for cooking beans, rice, and soups.


Hippressurecooking.com is a good site to check out for recipes and reviews.

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I love my pressure cooker!  And use Lorna Sass' Pressure Perfect all the time.  The great thing about it, in addition to some wonderful recipes, is that she has cooking time charts for meat, legumes, grains, veggies, etc, so you can branch off on your own as well.


Probably her other cookbooks are good too--just haven't needed any others.


Have fun!



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Pressure cooker love here too. Was going also suggest Lorna Sass cookbooks.


I found that there was a slight learning curve and mostly looked up recipes online similar to what I wa making to get a good grasp on the timing. I love when I can take so etching straight from the freezer and we are at the table in 45-50 minutes.

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I have a couple Fagor pressure cookers, though not that model (I prefer to avoid things made in China) and I like them a lot. I have read that Fagors use a little more energy to stay at pressure than some of the more expensive brands, but overall I think they are a great thing to have in the kitchen.


I use my pressure cooker pretty near daily. They are especially great to have for cooking beans, rice, and soups.


Hippressurecooking.com is a good site to check out for recipes and reviews.

Thanks! I just bookmarked the site. :)

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I love my pressure cooker!  And use Lorna Sass' Pressure Perfect all the time.  The great thing about it, in addition to some wonderful recipes, is that she has cooking time charts for meat, legumes, grains, veggies, etc, so you can branch off on your own as well.


Probably her other cookbooks are good too--just haven't needed any others.


Have fun!




Another good book that helped me in the beginning is Slow Food Fast. I think you'll be very pleased with your purchase! 




Pressure cooker love here too. Was going also suggest Lorna Sass cookbooks.

I found that there was a slight learning curve and mostly looked up recipes online similar to what I wa making to get a good grasp on the timing. I love when I can take so etching straight from the freezer and we are at the table in 45-50 minutes.

Thanks for the book suggestions! I have them in my Amazon cart right now, and will be ordering both of them. :)


I was recently at a used book sale and they had three or four different pressure cooker cookbooks, but of course I didn't buy them because I didn't think I would need them. (Also, they were kind of heavy and I was parked far away!) Now that I ordered the pressure cooker, I will never again see another one of those cookbooks at a book sale.

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We love love love love love our pressure cooker.  We bought it after I had an Indian friend explain how easy it was to do beans in it.

1) Read the directions that come with the pressure cooker.  Loverboy and I slogged through them as a bedtime story.  We were at the point when our children were still young enough that we could read adult stuff aloud to each other.

 2) Things we have had good experience with cooking in the pressure cooker:

--beans (usually chickpeas for hummus, but all kinds of beans have been cooked)

--grains (steel-cut oats that I then freeze in individual servings for "instant oatmeal" in the morning)
--squash (it just cooks faster)

--pumpkin (every autumn we process 3-6 cooking pumpkins and freeze the pulp for pumpkin recipes)


3) Things we have not had good experience with cooking in the pressure cooker:

--meat (the roast tasted washed out).

4) Recipes
4a) Hummus:

(none of this is premeasured)


olive oil

lemon juice

salt (preferably sea salt)
variation: add dry ranch dressing for ranch hummus; watch the salt in this case

variation: add curry powder for curry hummus
variation: add onions and extra garlic for garlic/onion hummus

4b) Pumpkin muffins
2c (or 1 can) of pumpkin

1 yellow cake mix

1c mini chocolate chips

Bake in greased mini-muffin pan until done.  Probably at ~300dF.

4c) Pumpkin dessert recipe like this one.

4d) Pumpkin tomato soup
I'm too tired to type in the recipe tonight.  If anyone wants it, PM me, and I'll type it in another day.

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Do you have a friend in your local area who uses a pressure cooker with which to cook?  If you FB, put a question out on FB and see if you can watch him/her cook using the pressure cooker at least once.

I've done this for 2-3 friends.  Once they see how easy it is, they are much more confident with the pressure cooker.

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My wife uses our Pressure Cooker frequently. Ours is a "Universal" (a brand made here in Colombia) and their products are usually top notch. You MUST learn how to use your Pressure Cooker safely, because they can be very dangerous, if not used properly. We have replaced the rubber gasket several times in the past 17 years and possibly the thing on top that rotates, once. 

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Do you have a friend in your local area who uses a pressure cooker with which to cook? If you FB, put a question out on FB and see if you can watch him/her cook using the pressure cooker at least once.


I've done this for 2-3 friends. Once they see how easy it is, they are much more confident with the pressure cooker.

I don't know if any of my friends use them, but I have been watching some YouTube videos and I'm feeling pretty daring, so I think I'll just take a shot at it. :)


Thanks for the recipe ideas!!!

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I second the reommendation of Hip Pressure Cooking and wanted to note the author of that site just published a book with the same name.

I'm going to order it. I figure that if I order enough books, I'll end up with a bunch of good recipes. Every time I only order one cookbook, it ends up being the one that calls for ingredients only available on the planet Jupiter and there aren't any decent substitutions available.

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