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JAWM pity party - Another kitty gone :(


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This time, it's the new kitty. (Brought into the home 3 months ago.)


The last 2 weeks she has peed on our bed THREE times. Dh is furious and said she would have to go if she did it again. She did it again. Right in front of him. On his pillow. Again.


There's nothing wrong with her medically according to the vet.

Her liter box is spiffy clean. It is scooped every single day, sometimes twice.


So dh says she has to go and I don't blame him.


But she's so good with the kids. Never bites or claws. Let's the 3 yr old carry her around like a dolly. And she's a tuxedo kitty too. Like the one that just died. :(


But I agree with him, if she can't love my husband, and for reasons unknown she most certainly is not liking him, she has to go, so go she will first thing tomorrow.


But it sucks and at least one of my kids is going to be understandably upset.


This week has sucked rotten eggs.



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  


I completely understand having to rehome kitties because they don't get along with someone.  DS has lost 2 of his kitties because they didn't get along with the other kitties.  DH refuses to let any of the kitties into our bedroom because one of them poo'd on the comforter when he was a kitten. That was completely my fault b/c I heard him crying but didn't get up to make sure the door was open so he could get out to the litter box.  Yet 6 years later he's only in there if he sneaks in (which I let him do).

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Peeing on the bed doesn't mean she doesn't like him. I can understand why you might not want to keep her, but there are many possible reasons for inappropriate peeing from cats, and most of them are fixable. (The easiest fix here would be to keep your bedroom door closed.) Perhaps she doesn't like the feel of her litter, or she is suffering from anxiety (possibly she doesn't enjoy the children as much as they enjoy her, but is too shy to lash out, causing them to love her ALL THE MORE) and feels the need to make that space her own.



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I guess you could always get rid of your dh instead... ;)




I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Is there any way to keep her out of your room? Does your dh wear anything with a strong scent on it, or use any heavily scented hair products or deodorants that the rest of the family doesn't use? If your cat really hates a certain scent, she may be reacting to that, and not to your dh.


Is she nasty with your dh?

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It's not an option to keep my bedroom door shut all the time. With 12 people going in and out of it all the time day and night, it's just unrealistic to think half the time they aren't going to forget to close the door. Plus, I don't like shutting my door unless it's for dh and I alone time. Often kids will filter in and out of my room to chat with me without their siblings around or just quietly sit with me knitting or whatever. I won't give that up for a cat anymore than I'd give up dh.


I'm aware there could be mental issues for why she is peeing, but she only does it after all the kids go to bed and it is always dh's pillow. He doesn't wear any strong smelling anything because I can't stand that stuff. After four times and a vet check, dh is not interested in why anymore.


We switched kitty liter and it didn't matter. Maybe someone with a more tolerable husband will try every brand in the market, sand, and hutch bedding, but my dh isn't open to that.

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Can she not live outside? That is what I did with my pee-er. Moved her out at age 4. She is now 15.

Idk if she would stay outside and we won't have cats in and out. They have to be one or the other.


I will likely rehome her to a family where she will be outdoor only.

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She probably smells her own pee on the pillow, so thinks it's the place to go. I highly doubt that she is doing this to deliberately antagonize you or your husband.
If this was my cat, I'd say to dh that you'll give it a week longer before making the decision. I'd keep her contained in the one room where the litter box was, or put the litter box in a room where she can be contained, preferably one with hard floors, not carpets. Put everything else in there that she needs for her comfort, food and water, bed, toys etc. Keep her in there for a week. Make sure she gets some company each day, but only in that room. Hopefully there is no option but to go pee in the litter box. Only change the litter every day or two days. She needs to smell that the litter box is the pee station. In the meantime, replace your husband pillow, so the scent doesn't linger. Hopefully after a week the litter box habit will be cemented, and the pillow won't have a scent that attracts her.

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I highly doubt that she is doing this to deliberately antagonize you or your husband.


No, cats don't think that way. Humans can't imagine any reason to pee on somebody's pillow OTHER than to express a strong dislike (and it'd be pretty strange behavior from a human!), but cats just don't go there.


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If it helps, at all, a medically well cat that is doing that is emotionally unhappy, which means you are doing the cat a favor to rehome it.  Still sucks. I'm so sorry. I've had to euthanize a cat for this kind of problem, as he was not able to be rehomed, and it was for the best. In our case it was a very anxious cat that wasn't enjoying life. 

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I had a cat that was inappropriately eliminating, and I locked him in the laundry room for 3 weeks with his litter box.  He also had a comfy place to sleep, a window to look out of, and food/water, and the laundry room is pretty big, so it wasn't as cruel as it sounds.  Anyway, after that time, he got in the 'habit' of eliminating in the litter box and inappropriate elimination has not been a problem since.  It might be worth a try.

This time, it's the new kitty. (Brought into the home 3 months ago.)

The last 2 weeks she has peed on our bed THREE times. Dh is furious and said she would have to go if she did it again. She did it again. Right in front of him. On his pillow. Again.

There's nothing wrong with her medically according to the vet.
Her liter box is spiffy clean. It is scooped every single day, sometimes twice.

So dh says she has to go and I don't blame him.

But she's so good with the kids. Never bites or claws. Let's the 3 yr old carry her around like a dolly. And she's a tuxedo kitty too. Like the one that just died. :(

But I agree with him, if she can't love my husband, and for reasons unknown she most certainly is not liking him, she has to go, so go she will first thing tomorrow.

But it sucks and at least one of my kids is going to be understandably upset.

This week has sucked rotten eggs.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, now that your story has a happy ending... I disagree with the posters who don't believe that cats will use elimination to show displeasure. A friend had a boy cat who was...possessive. If friend had an overnight guest of the opposite sex, boy cat pooped in his shoes!


I'm glad to hear that your problem resolved!

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Kitty is still around. She stopped peeing on the bed. Yay! Forgot I should have updated.


Desperation is a mother of an inventor. ;p


She no longer gets on my bed at all.


Martha, how did you solve this problem?  My daughter had a cat that peed and pooped on the bed and couch.  She did it in the next home too.   They felt so guilty for re-homing her.

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