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MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air


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So which do I want to get DD1, a HS Jr.


I've used PCs for decades.  I purchased my first Mac, the Mac mini about six months about.  I love it.  We have numerous apple products.   Yes I am now ready to switch my family :)


DD1 is taking three online classes.  She currently has a 7 y.o. bulky Toshiba that she never complains about.  We travel a good bit.  I have the Office subscription service so she will have access to Word, Excel, etc.


I am trying to decide between the low end MacBook Pro 13" or a MacBook Air.  I like to get the most bang for my buck.  I'm leaning toward the Pro.  Is there any reason I want the Air beside is being lighter?   Only being 6 months new to Macs I just don't know enough about them to make the best decision.   At this point I am planning on her using it for 2-3 and then handing it down to DD2 who will just use it at home for another couple of years.  At that point, DD1 will get a new computer for college.  

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It would be a downgrade to go with the low-end 13" Pro. Yes, it has a faster processor, but it has an old-school platter hard drive instead of flash memory, and that is a huge downgrade in speed. It also has an older, slower video card. The Airs have been updated more recently. So basically your daughter will have a faster laptop that is easier to travel with if you go with the Air. If money is tight, check out the refurbished Apples. They are all I buy now, and I've never had a problem. You want a 2013 model. http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac/macbook_air


ETA: My husband is on his second Air. Our daughter has his old one, and they are wonderful. He does photo/video editing and MMO gaming on it without issue. There is no downside to the Air. The low end 13" Pro doesn't come with a Retina display, so that's not a consideration.

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I can't compare the two, but I recently got an Air (June) and I LOVE it! I purchased an external disc drive with it -- you just plug it in and go :) I plug it in at night and it is rare that I ever have to plug it in during the day.

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I have a Pro.  I love it, but I've never had an Air.  DH hates the air because he wants a DVD drive.  Honestly, I think that just dates us as old fogies. LOL  (Here…let me get out my big ol' 5-1/4" floppy drive too!)  


I'd go for the Air.   You can buy an external drive (and it doesn't have to be an Apple) should he need it in future.

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Ok, so basically I am down to one question:  these are the two I am deciding between.  

The air:

13-inch : 128GB Specifications
  • 1.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
  • Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
  • Intel HD Graphics 5000
  • 4GB memory
  • 128GB PCIe-based flash storage

And the Pro: 13-inch: 

  • 2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
  • Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz
  • 4GB 1600MHz memory
  • 500GB 5400-rpm hard drive1
  • Intel HD Graphics 4000
  • Built-in battery (7 hours)2

From my googling, I now understand, that the flash drive is going to be much faster, better battery life.  My concern is a 128 drive seems tiny.   I guess I just eventually purchase her an EHD for photos, etc?  This tiny drive will be sufficient?   I want her to be able to run Office products and ideally Photoshop.  


The refurbs do not seem much of a discount compared to educational pricing to me.  

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If I remember before when I purchased from Apple, I just went into the 'educational store' as if I was a college student or teacher.  When I went to check out there was a place you could check that you verify you are a homeschool teacher.   When I make my purchase this time, if the process is different, I will let you know.


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I thought someone told me once the Airs can't be upgraded.


Yes, this was the main issue that drove me to get the Pro over the Air. I don't store anything in the cloud. If I want my stuff, I want to have it available to me whether or not I have an Internet connection.


I also wanted the DVD drive, because sometimes we use it in the car to watch DVDs, and I'm not paying iTunes every time I want a movie. 

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You own a Mac now. You don't have to know all this stuff any more. ;) I had to go to the site and read about them to give you a rundown of the pros and cons of each. 


I used to build high-end custom gaming PCs. My friends are horrified that I went Mac. Nothing made me happier than to tell a friend the other day that I couldn't troubleshoot his girlfriend's laptop because it runs Windows 8 and I've never used it. Yay!

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Neither Airs nor Pros can be upgraded now.


WHAT?!?!? Tell me more, and if I need to start a new thread. 3 of us are on SL, one on Lion... 2 on SL are topped out, I may be able to upgrade to ML, and Lion to ML or mavericks. Its so confusing, and macs didn't used to be confusing...


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Ds19 just replaced his 5-year-old MacBook Pro and the new one is so much lighter! He didn't get the Air because he was afraid he would crack it in half (with him, this is a legitimate concern), and the new Pro seems like the perfect middle ground between the size/weight of the old Pro and the Air. 

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WHAT?!?!? Tell me more, and if I need to start a new thread. 3 of us are on SL, one on Lion... 2 on SL are topped out, I may be able to upgrade to ML, and Lion to ML or mavericks. Its so confusing, and macs didn't used to be confusing...



Hardware wise, none of the newer Macs are upgradeable now. No more adding memory aftermarket or putting in a bigger hard drive. You buy what you want upfront.


My Pro is an impossibility now. :(

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I have a newer Macbook Pro with flash memory and retina display.  I got it from the education store for a discount, but refurb is usually the way to go.  We bought our iMac and iPad refurbished and they're great.  I don't have an Air, but when I asked before buying my Pro, most people seemed to think the Pros were more stable and hardy. 

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If the Air can stand up to my husband who travels internationally constantly and my 8yo daughter, I'm not worrying. I own an older Pro from the days when you could pimp them out. When I do finally replace it, it will be with a Pro but only because my eyes don't handle the smaller screens well. Other than that, I'd just get an Air. They are nice little beasts.

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We have a Pro and an Air.  There is not too much difference, but the Air doesn't have a moving hard drive.  My husband pointed out that the less moving parts the better.  Moving parts break more often.  


Also, the Air is MUCH lighter if it matters.

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I have both.  If you're really considering the 13" model of each one, get the Air.  Hands down.


It's incredibly light, perfectly powerful and capable, and remember that the lack of a spinning hard drive is a huge advantage which basically means "This computer will last twice as long or more."



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