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I guess I need a medical degree.

Miss Peregrine

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Hey, it doesn't always work LOL.  I remember when my oldest was an infant 10 years ago and my MIL was freaking out that I wouldn't put him in hard soled white baby shoes.  At 9 months he would have been "walking already" if I would just comply with her suggestion.

Yes, MIL was well aware that I worked as a pediatric physical therapist before I had him.  In early intervention.  And spent all day with kids under 3, including a large number of kids specifically referred for delays in walking. My master's degree and work experience were meaningless when it came to passive aggressive MIL suggestions LOL.

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Yep, sorry, it doesn't help. I have a medical degree and my dh never believes anything I tell him about medical stuff.


That may be because I've tried one too many times to get away with the "Ice cream for breakfast is absolutely pediatrician recommended. I'm a pediatrician, I'm recommending it. " :) 

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Hey, it doesn't always work LOL. I remember when my oldest was an infant 10 years ago and my MIL was freaking out that I wouldn't put him in hard soled white baby shoes. At 9 months he would have been "walking already" if I would just comply with her suggestion.

Yes, MIL was well aware that I worked as a pediatric physical therapist before I had him. In early intervention. And spent all day with kids under 3, including a large number of kids specifically referred for delays in walking. My master's degree and work experience were meaningless when it came to passive aggressive MIL suggestions LOL.

OH MY! My in -laws said the same thing!!! My dd didn't walk till almost 18 months and they thought it was "normal" to walk a 8 or 9 months. She actually did go to a PT and the PT said NO DON'T put her in those shoes. I told them that, but what finally stopped the conversation was when I said that if God thought you needed shoes to learn how to walk, I supposed we would have been born with them on our feet. She did walk, in time, and was barefoot!

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OH MY! My in -laws said the same thing!!! My dd didn't walk till almost 18 months and they thought it was "normal" to walk a 8 or 9 months. She actually did go to a PT and the PT said NO DON'T put her in those shoes. I told them that, but what finally stopped the conversation was when I said that if God thought you needed shoes to learn how to walk, I supposed we would have been born with them on our feet. She did walk, in time, and was barefoot!


Yeah, I try to be sensitive to the generational difference.  My parents would sometimes ask too, but because they were genuinely listening and know things change ;)  My MIL would say things like that, and then I'd nicely tell her what we know about barefoot generally being best, etc. and then the next time we'd see her, she'd say the same thing.  So yeah, totally passive aggressive and not interested at all in actually considering I might have a clue on that particular topic, if nothing else ;)

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Yep, sorry, it doesn't help. I have a medical degree and my dh never believes anything I tell him about medical stuff.


That may be because I've tried one too many times to get away with the "Ice cream for breakfast is absolutely pediatrician recommended. I'm a pediatrician, I'm recommending it. " :)

I thought everybody knew that ice cream is breakfast food! smh

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The correct answer to "hard shoes make the baby walk earlier" is "well, who the heck wants that!?!"


My apologies to people whose kids really did walk late, of course, but early walkers are pretty terrifying. You always think they're gonna fall down the stairs, or pull something down on top of their heads, or run out the door and into traffic (while falling down the stairs and dropping stuff on their heads).

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They opposite happened here last week-- My DD14 got glasses that she only needs to wear when she needs distance and the Dr recommended that NOT wear them in the house or very much since it would make her eyes work harder to see things up close.  A neighbor boy said that  he was the same but he wears his all the time anyway.


We (dd and I) had a talk about taking the advice that we paid an expert (someone who went to medical school for years) for.

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Well there's a saying about how we disregard the advice from the expert close to us; I can't think of it right now. I knew a woman who was a math professor who gave seminars on teaching math to elementary students. She always traveled away to do these and someone asked if she did those seminars locally. She said she didn't because the attitude at her own school was something like, Oh Maggie won't have anything new to teach *us*; we already know everything she's going to say. She said the farther you have to travel the more of an "expert" you're viewed as.

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The correct answer to "hard shoes make the baby walk earlier" is "well, who the heck wants that!?!"


My apologies to people whose kids really did walk late, of course, but early walkers are pretty terrifying. You always think they're gonna fall down the stairs, or pull something down on top of their heads, or run out the door and into traffic (while falling down the stairs and dropping stuff on their heads).

Yes it was lovely to sit my 11 mo old in front of some toys and leave the room, return, and find her still playing happily because she couldn't or didn't want to go anywhere!
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Well there's a saying about how we disregard the advice from the expert close to us; I can't think of it right now. I knew a woman who was a math professor who gave seminars on teaching math to elementary students. She always traveled away to do these and someone asked if she did those seminars locally. She said she didn't because the attitude at her own school was something like, Oh Maggie won't have anything new to teach *us*; we already know everything she's going to say. She said the farther you have to travel the more of an "expert" you're viewed as.


My husband's Mom's saying was "Local ginger not hot." (She was Chinese.) 

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I have a family member who is a fairly new medical professional and wants to tell me what to do every chance about my health, my children's health, as if I was born yesterday, as if I just crawled out from under a rock, as if I never opened a book, had a health worry, went to a doctor, had 7 kids. Maybe you aren't bossy about it, but maybe you are. I just know what I deal with as far as family having a degree in medical profession, sucks.

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We have a local bellydance legend nearby. She warns young dancers that "You never make bank in your own backyard." She'll sell out workshops across the country or overseas, but local dancers feel she's always here and they can study with her anytime . . . so procrastination is rampant and workshops don't sell out. :-/

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OH MY! My in -laws said the same thing!!! My dd didn't walk till almost 18 months and they thought it was "normal" to walk a 8 or 9 months. She actually did go to a PT and the PT said NO DON'T put her in those shoes. I told them that, but what finally stopped the conversation was when I said that if God thought you needed shoes to learn how to walk, I supposed we would have been born with them on our feet. She did walk, in time, and was barefoot!

DS did walk at 8.5 months, but he never did wear any shoes until about a year old, lol.

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