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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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pick garden

weed areas of lawn as it's too wet to mow

pick up cat food from the store

pay bills

two more laundry loads

and we should eat at some point


It's all going to be tough if I can't kick a severe headache and some arm muscle pain that's getting me a little nauseous at the moment... I'm hoping drugs kick in soon.  I can't put anything off as we head out to drop middle son off tomorrow.  Hubby needs to catch up on some work projects and middle son needs to pack his stuff.  It's just me and the cats doing the rest and I have a feeling the cats won't be of much help other than reminding me to pick up the cat food.

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I have hope we will see sun today. It rained all day (literally) yesterday. Needed rain of course, but I need the sun to stay motivated :)


Up ahead:

--dd at intensive 9-4:30


--make peach jam

--an email

--house stuff, Wednesday chores

--continue w book/bookcase project



And whatever else I come up with :D


Sorry about the head, creekland :grouphug:

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Ugh for the headache. :(


Hoping for sun for all of us today....




Take Sarah to my dad's and I'm really hoping he didn't forget. She's been hoping for HER day with grandpa for weeks.


Take Will to the pediatrician. We live our ped., but it's a bummer she's an hour away now. Worth it, absolutely, just time consuming.


Take Abigail with me.


Come home and hope school got done without me? Ana is steering the ship this morning. What do people do without teens?!

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I'm afraid to make a list and not get it done, but here goes for the sake of a little accountability.


Sort and box book shelves in computer / school room

Open and put away new books if I get the book shelves done.

Finish computer desk

Pick up books at eleven

combine car trip and stop in BBB for a desk organizer and more coated hangers

Clear out extra stuff from computer / school room



Fit in lunch

water plants outside

practice driving with my student

Sort sewing project and put it away somewhere until I get back to it

clean master bath


check via phone on book order to see if/why they overcharged me




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My utmost thanks to Ibuprofen!  The actual pain of the headache is gone though it still feels like a balloon.  Nonetheless, I can deal with that.  It beats pain and nausea!


Breakfast is done (spam, eggs, spinach, green peppers - the spam being the only thing we bought as the rest comes from our farm - and the spam is a special treat due to being middle son's last breakfast here - we got hooked by eating "local" favorites in HI - just "one" taste - there's a reason they warn people about such things! :tongue_smilie: )


But I digress...


Heading out to do the garden and weeds now.


And I'm thinking of coming over to one of your houses for dinner later as that would save some time - ok, probably not time with travel and all - but hassle? ;)

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For Today:

Finish laundry

More laundry

Laundry Laundry Laundry

Figure out what clothes ds needs to have taken to the cleaners

Ds to the eyedoctor

Lessons with Littles

4 violin lessons

1 viola lesson

Meeting at new church building


Lunch - sweet potatoes, apples

Dinner - baked chicken, vegetables, salad

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Hmm. Not feeling to motivated today but I have a house that needs to get organized before the school year starts and I'll have an extra kid making a mess here.

-clean/organize my room
-clean/organize kids room
-laundry washed and away
-pet sit
-fax some papers

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Good morning...

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dd2 immunizations at 1030- done

- a few things from Walmart- round 1 done, we are going again after dinner to get Dh's stuff for his camping trip

- laundry- last load in dryer

- read/crochet/self educate- crocheted some

- start packing Dh's stuff for his camping trip

- rewrite stuff I need to buy for dh, dd1's school list and Dh's packing list (they are currently all on one big messy list)- done

- dinner- dh decided we are going out

- bedtime routine

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Good morning all!

We are continuing with day 2 of getting ds1 ready to go. He has finally gotten on board and that makes it easier. Today is clothes shopping. Dd2 is coming along to give her stamp of approval. 

And if you all could send up a quick prayer that my dmil starts to feel better. She has been under the weather for more than a week now. Thanks!


To do:

clean kitchen


get boys to clean room


list for weekend

work in study

try not to worry that ds1 will flunk out of college because I forgot to teach him something important

library if time


Have a great day!

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Played a 2 color train Ticket to Ride game with ds (we do it this way to play longer)


Worked on my book club group (entered all the names into an email group, made a roster of all the kids and which of the 4 groups they would fit in, emailed the group with some info and questions)




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Done: canned tomatoes

Took ds to soccer practice.


Still to do: whole bunch of other stuff! Shouldn't be playing here, but I am!


*order wedding gift!

*register M for soccer

*get affidavit notarized

*pick up chicken feed


Do laundry

Record receipts

Make chicken broth

Go through more basement boxes

Clean kitchen floor

Clean hallway floor

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Feel better Creekland

DH is home today and miracle of miracles #2 slept in!  We did not get up until almost 10 WOW!!  It's thrown the whole day off but it was nice!

I've got laundry going
Dh and #1 had things to do in town so they did that and brought lunch home
I need to make final decisions on the last of the curriculum purchases.  I'm never this far behind but up until a few weeks ago we were still deciding if we would continue homeschooling this year.
I probably need to vacuum again ;)

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Creekland, I'm a couple hours away (ish). We'll be having chicken fajitas with veggies from the farmers' market and our garden plus homemade tortillas. We'll eat at 7.




You have no idea how tempting this is... :coolgleamA:


However, after getting oodles of green peppers from the garden, tonight we'll be having stuffed peppers - another "family favorite" that middle son will love prior to his heading back to school.  We'll also be eating around 8 - 8:30pm due to a work meeting hubby has.


Finished garden

Did some weeds around the yard (is that ever finished?)

The first load of laundry is about to head to the dryer while the second awaits the washer.


I'm on the paying bills part (you only thought I was here on the Hive).


Then we'll hit the grocery store for cat food and dorm food "essentials."


That and fixing the peppers will be it for me for the day.  Middle son still has to pack, but he does that on his own.


It's eerie to think of just how close we are to empty nesting. :huh:

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Hey ladies! Chiming in mid-day here!

** school (mostly done)

** piano tuner (come and gone)

** returned call to piano teacher for dd (she's going to put us on her schedule. Thank goodness!)


To do:

** finish school

** find dr. for DS1

** tidy up house

** pharmacy pick-up

** dinner at my parents' house

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Well I got 2 things accomplished today from my list but it was still very productive.  Instead of finishing the rest of my list I got the urge to take my kids to a park that was behind the house I lived in my entire life until I got married.  Its only been 8 years since I've been to this park and its pretty much the same but at the same time so different.  There is now a small skate park there but the huge concrete dolphin I used to lie on while reading is still there!  We wandered around in the forest and I got to tell them all about a movie my brother, cousins, and I made in the forest.  I'll now have to find a copy and show it to them.


It rained all day yesterday so today I just had to spend hours outside!!! Now I'm beat.  I think an early bedtime is in store.  

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Went swimming with the family
Supper--breakfast for supper 
Ordered the last bit of curriculum
Ordered #2's bday present
Another load of laundry going--swim stuff
Going to get that vacuum out of the closet and do that

I believe it's been a pretty productive day today :)

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