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I'm so bored ...


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Reading any sort of YA classics that you somehow missed or would like to revisit (I suggested YA because they are easier on the brain). My mother's been very weak lately after some medical issues and has been working her way through the complete works of Lucy Maud Montgomery.


Hulu some sort of show that you're sorta interested in but wouldn't normally watch because of lack of time/whatever.


Best wishes for your continued recovery.

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This is the perfect situation for a solitaire tournament, party of one :)


Or mindless doodling.

Coloring books.

Shuffleboard with quarters - works best if there's someone who will shuffle the coin right back to you!

Painting toenails.

Deleting outdated contacts and old photos/videos from your smartphone.

Learning to balance a spoon on your nose.

Finding some man candy to ogle on YouTube ... until your eyes bleed or you fall asleep, whichever comes second. ;)


See if you can recall from memory:


the number of windows in your home;

the amount of gas currently in your car tank;

whether your earlobes are attached or detached;

your childhood address or phone number;

... and other weird little things that you probably once knew but had long forgotten about yourself and your things.


I hope you get well and find something to do - very soon.

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Well, on the bright side, at least you're feeling well enough to be bored. :D


(Just kidding!!!)


Maybe you could try responding to every single thread here on the forum, even if you haven't the slightest clue as to what people are talking about. You could invent dramatic and far-fetched personal experience stories to illustrate every point you make, and you could be sure to be completely inconsistent from one story to the next, just to see how many people catch on and play along. ;)

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I was crazed on meds and bed rest for months while pregnant. A friend in the same circumstance started teaching herself chinese. I, on the other hand just focused on the fact that each day completed was a day closer to being up and about. I couldn't focus on anything. Your situation stinks! Your energy will come back but right now it just stinks!! So if audiobooks, visitors, movies aren't enough you can learn a new language. :D or just know that this will pass.

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Well, on the bright side, at least you're feeling well enough to be bored. :D


(Just kidding!!!)


Maybe you could try responding to every single thread here on the forum, even if you haven't the slightest clue as to what people are talking about. You could invent dramatic and far-fetched personal experience stories to illustrate every point you make, and you could be sure to be completely inconsistent from one story to the next, just to see how many people catch on and play along. ;)


Thanks for the laugh, Cat. :D


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If you have Netflix (or similar) and enjoy British crime/mystery series, there are some really good ones: Midsomer Murders, Inspector George Gently, Inspector Lewis (from Inspector Morse), Sherlock. I've started talking with a British accent. My dc laugh at me. :laugh:


I do have Netflix.  I even changed it so I can have two DVDs out at a time instead of just one.  I'm working my way through Dick van Dyke, Leave it to Beaver, Bewitched, and am trying to get ahold of Family Affair (there is a long waiting list for those).


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Hugs.  I agree with Catwoman, grab every thread you can and post crazy stuff.  Be inconsistent.  Talk about how homeschoolers are all introverted crazies that will ruin the world.  Then post that extreme unschooling is the only way to go and everyone else has no idea how to teach.  Share your special cupcake recipe, which includes asparagus.  Maybe talk about how you are creating your own religion and invite everyone else to join.  Post your belief that the earth is just a figment of some alien's imagination and you are a creation in his mind.  Just one or two sentences a post should stir some things up.  We can help it along, act like we totally agree... :)

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I do have Netflix.  I even changed it so I can have two DVDs out at a time instead of just one.  I'm working my way through Dick van Dyke, Leave it to Beaver, Bewitched, and am trying to get ahold of Family Affair (there is a long waiting list for those).



Alright, I see where your tastes lie. You prefer older American comedy - black and white, no colour please. ;)  How about Andy Griffith or The Beverley Hillbillies? If you want to try stepping out into the wild side, try a Canadian comedy series or two. Not sure if they are available on your Netflix, but youtube has lots of episodes of "Corner Gas" and maybe even "Second City Television." All in colour, I'm afraid. 

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Well, on the bright side, at least you're feeling well enough to be bored. :D


(Just kidding!!!)


Maybe you could try responding to every single thread here on the forum, even if you haven't the slightest clue as to what people are talking about. You could invent dramatic and far-fetched personal experience stories to illustrate every point you make, and you could be sure to be completely inconsistent from one story to the next, just to see how many people catch on and play along. ;)




Hugs.  I agree with Catwoman, grab every thread you can and post crazy stuff.  Be inconsistent.  Talk about how homeschoolers are all introverted crazies that will ruin the world.  Then post that extreme unschooling is the only way to go and everyone else has no idea how to teach.  Share your special cupcake recipe, which includes asparagus.  Maybe talk about how you are creating your own religion and invite everyone else to join.  Post your belief that the earth is just a figment of some alien's imagination and you are a creation in his mind.  Just one or two sentences a post should stir some things up.  We can help it along, act like we totally agree... :)


To make it even more exciting, see how outrageous each post can be without getting banned, but of course, sign up with a new username so if you do get banned you can still come back to us. Just ratchet each post up a little more each time and find exactly where the line is.

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Call my kids.  PM me for the number, and I will give it to you because then they will leave me alone long enough to file this year's paperwork!  By the time that is all done and you spent hours discussing my personal life with them (including how I passed gas this morning), you will be ready for bed!

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Alright, I see where your tastes lie. You prefer older American comedy - black and white, no colour please. ;)  How about Andy Griffith or The Beverley Hillbillies? If you want to try stepping out into the wild side, try a Canadian comedy series or two. Not sure if they are available on your Netflix, but youtube has lots of episodes of "Corner Gas" and maybe even "Second City Television." All in colour, I'm afraid. 


I do like shows with color as well.  I watch Andy Griffith on television a lot.  I'd forgotten about the Beverley Hillbillies. 


I also like Golden Girls, Full House, Family Ties, Friends, Big Bang Theory, Walton's, The Cosby Show, and Blossom.

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Post about k cups, diva cups, and plastic cups. It's bound to get things humming around here...


Write cards to friends? Super funny ones? Those crack me up.


Watch all of Call the Midwife. Even if just to see the squishy tiny babies.


Lynda.com has some **great** classes for computer stuff.


Learn asl. Cool websites online with lessons.

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