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So, what do you do with last year's schoolwork?


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I'm cleaning out and getting ready for the new school year and I just don't know what to do with all of dd's work from last year! We still have room in most of our binders, so we can just continue to add to them. But what about -- for instance -- her math notebooks? Part of me just wants to toss them, but they represent so much hard work (for both of us) that I haven't been able to do it.


So, what do you do with previous years' schoolwork?

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If its one-sided, it gets recycled. The boys use them for scratch work, writing and drawing. -- After its been used on both sides, we use it once more for a Summer bonfire!

If its math work that is not graded/checked, I make them check it for errors and call it "Summer Review", but I'm evil like that.

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I just use those banker's boxes you can buy at Staples.  Everything for both kids goes in one at the end of the year- field trip brochures, my weekly planning sheets, and of course their school work.  We have one box for every year up in the attic (9!)  Storage is not an option for us but YMMV.  I'll recycle it all when they graduate. ;)


Connecticut doesn't have any requirements, but I figure I'll hang on to them just in case we're ever questioned or the regulations change.  It did come in handy this summer when I was putting together a transcript for DS's application for community college classes;  I just pulled out the last two years' boxes and they had everything I needed.

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I take it all out of the binders. I tie each subject's papers together in a bundle with yarn. The workbooks get tied into the bundle with the loose papers. I keep it for a year.


After a year, I think to myself, "Why'd I keep this?" and I recycle it.


I know I'll end up recycling it eventually, but I just can't let it go right away. Like you said, OP, it's just too much work to toss right away.

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I keep writing and some drawings--things that reveal a bit of who they are at this age. I chuck the spelling workbooks and math workbooks into recycling. At this point I'm keeping a lot of texts--things they may want to use as references (grammar, Latin), etc. After high school I'll probably get rid of more stuff.

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I just use those banker's boxes you can buy at Staples.  Everything for both kids goes in one at the end of the year- field trip brochures, my weekly planning sheets, and of course their school work.  We have one box for every year up in the attic (9!)  Storage is not an option for us but YMMV.  I'll recycle it all when they graduate. ;)


Connecticut doesn't have any requirements, but I figure I'll hang on to them just in case we're ever questioned or the regulations change.  It did come in handy this summer when I was putting together a transcript for DS's application for community college classes;  I just pulled out the last two years' boxes and they had everything I needed.



I put all their work in a 9 x 13 envelope with the student's name and year and grade, then I put them all in a banker box.

(But please note:  I have horrible hoarding tendencies!)



I do a combination of these.  Loose papers from binders, etc. as well as weekly schedules, printed report cards, etc. get put into large envelopes and labeled with each child's name, grade, and school year.  I do the same thing with my records, answer keys, etc.  Then the envelopes, workbooks, spiral notebooks, etc. get put into a banker's box, labeled and stored in the basement.  So far, I have everything all the way back to kindergarten.  Space isn't an issue for me, so I'll probably end up keeping everything until they're into (perhaps even through) college.  I'm just a wee bit paranoid about it, afraid I'll toss it and then end up needing it for some unfathomable-at-the-moment reason.

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We don't have to have a portfolio or anything in my state. 

I used to keep all the previous year's work, then sort it and keep a few samples of writing and neat things they did. Now, I don't even keep last year's. I keep a few things I really like and recycle the rest.

My oldest is starting high school in a few weeks. He will be attending an online, public school option. They didn't want to see anything. So, I realize now I'm saving stuff just for me. I need lots less. ;) 

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