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s/o sinus infections


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I get these symptoms, too. Hope you feel better soon.


I get that. Especially when I first wake up in the morning. Tastes like something crawled in there and died while I was sleeping. I also get nausea, tooth pain, and extreme lethargy. Good times. :thumbdown:

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:grouphug:  I hope you heal quickly. When I have them, sometimes it is very soothing to inhale steam...long shore, steaming cup of tea, and sometimes running a vaporizer with Kaz medicated menthol drops helps quite a bit. Also, try massaging your temples, cheebones, and behindnthenears (tubes) which sometimes assists with getting it to drain when you have pain from congestion.

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I have found the only cure is feeling sorry for myself. If I do that long enough, the infection goes away.


"Wahhhhh," sooks the Rosie currently feeling sorry for herself.


Also not enjoying Mergath's visual.



Are you sure the taste/ smell isn't infected tonsils?

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I tend to get these quite frequently.  This is the first time I have new symptoms.  I have a rank smell in my nose and rank taste in my mouth this time.  Has anyone else had that problem when having a sinus infection?

Yes! This is actually how I can tell a sinus infection from allergies or a cold. Infection tastes and smells a certain nasty way. I could also tell when my kids were sick the same way. Even their pee smelled funny when they had an infection.

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I don't have that, but I have all kinds of different symptoms - a cough that won't go away,now it seems like my mild anaphylactic shock episodes are related to sinus infection because after I went off the Bactrim this time, I haven't had one since. The most overwhelming symptom, though is just getting more and more run down until I finally give in and go to the doctor. I can never kick a sinus infection on my own.

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yes, with the worse ones.  I had my tonsils removed when I was three.


a neti pot with purified water.


I've found what helps me most:  (one year I had one every. single. month. including one with a ruptured abscess.)


drink lots of water


ibrupofen (it's an anti-inflamitory, and the sinus tissues become inflamed)

stay away from milk products

vitamin c is always a good idea - though I was never dedicated.


I rarely have any anymore.

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I tend to get these quite frequently.  This is the first time I have new symptoms.  I have a rank smell in my nose and rank taste in my mouth this time.  Has anyone else had that problem when having a sinus infection?



I get that.  Especially when I first wake up in the morning.  Tastes like something crawled in there and died while I was sleeping.  I also get nausea, tooth pain, and extreme lethargy.  Good times.  :thumbdown:

Yup. I get these symptoms too.


I often have considered chopping my head off just to make it go away.


Sinus infections are miserable. Hope you feel better soon.

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Yup. I get these symptoms too.


I often have considered chopping my head off just to make it go away.


Sinus infections are miserable. Hope you feel better soon.


I've considered that too (chopping my head off), but I don't know that it would help. LOL

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I'm feeling a little worse than yesterday.  I've already taken one nap and am tempted to take another.

Take as many naps as you need. Sleep is when your body heals. Sleep, drink, and don't worry about eating if you have no appetite.  :grouphug:

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I hope you feel better soon. I kno it is sinus infection because of that odor. I remember telling my mom as a kid that I smelled something wet and rank like the time we had gone camping and everything got soaked and it would not dry out...she searched my room for wet clothes etc... Then realized I had a fever.


Rest is your friend.

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