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If you have given up dairy


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On the advice of our allergist, we started with a 2 week trial, then added it back in large amounts to confirm that any changes were due to the (lack of) dairy.


Benefits to no dairy here: less asthma; less eczema; behavioral (related to asthma, as asthma creates anxiety which creates behavior issues, etc.).


FTR, DS has an actual allergy to dairy (according to bloodwork) thus the trial with no dairy.  We were inclined to keep dairy in his diet, till we saw clear results from the elimination diet.  Since he's not anaphylactic to dairy, we do not avoid trace amounts of dairy or "may contains" - we just avoid it as an actual ingredient.  Also on the advice of our allergist.  YMMV.


ETA:  Oh!  I just remembered - chronic constipation cleared up, too.  :)

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a month minimum is more likely to see results.  Possibly as long as six weeks.


a number of years ago, I went completely dairy free - including items that had milk as an ingredient (milk has lactose, and I gave up sugar.  I did eat butter.) - and it was a good solid 4 1/2 weeks before I noticed a huge difference.  jump in energy, I could think clearly, my sinus allergies disappeared, a number of things across the board.  I was much healthier then, and it may have affected how fast the changes were noticeable.  I dropped a lot of weight without trying - and was in better shape than I had ever been.


I've again pretty much give up dairy - I only have plain non-fat greek yogurt for the probiotics (I add my own berries) - but still much less dairy than previously.  I'm just starting to notice the effects after five weeks.  (we'll see if the energy levels are the start of good things - or just a phase . . . . )


read labels because what is often the culprit for many people is the casein (milk protein.) and it's added to many foods. (even paint.)

I avoid commercial yogurt as it is full of sugar and stabilizers.

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It can take upwards of a month to see any changes when eliminating dairy.


When I was nursing, my baby went from spitting up and cranky to no spitting up and only cranky sometimes. :-) And I wasn't getting that much dairy, only the milk that was on my Cheerio's.


I've been doing Medifast (for what seems like ages, lol), and there's almost no dairy in it. What I noticed eventually was that I was way less congested than I have ever been in my life. It has, in fact, been like a religious experience, lol. I don't avoid dairy altogether, but now the only dairy I have on a regular basis is cream in my morning and evening cups of tea. 

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In under two weeks, I literally felt twenty years younger.  I didn't have major health issues, but I never realized that I had some small aches and pains until I didn't have them anymore.


One of the best decisions I ever made healthwise.

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I gave up dairy for ethical reasons. However, at the time I made the decision, I was on medication for what my doctor thought was excess acid or a developing ulcer. 


Several months later, I was cleaning out my purse and found the remains of a package of meds lingering in the bottom. That was when I realized I hadn't needed them since I quit eating dairy products. Since that time, the only problems I've had have been when I accidentally ate something that included dairy.


I don't know how long it was before things improved, because I wasn't watching for symptoms.


Also, and I admit a sample size of two is too small to be statistically significant and it's possible my son wouldn't have had any issues, anyway; however, I was still eating dairy while nursing my daughter, and she had pretty serious colic. By the time my son came along, I had gone dairy free, and he had no colic at all.

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Another anecdote:


A friend decided to clean up her diet, which also meant her dh had to go along with her. :-) One of the things she did was eliminate dairy.


Her dh had had bad acne since high school. In fact, his nickname was "Red," because his face was so red from the acne, poor guy. Well, when dairy was eliminated from his diet, over time his skin cleared up, such that friends he had known for many years didn't recognize him.

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