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Profile rating and topic rating

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You are so right! It is just a little annoying whenever I check my profile to see my content, I see those three stars. Neither of you have any rating on your profiles, which is good.

I am reminded the picture book I read to my kids when they were younger about people putting stickers on each other to show if they are popular or not. The moral is if you know your value in the eye of your Creator and don't care what stickers others give you, the stickers will not stick and just fall off of you.

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This whole thread reminds of Seuss's Star Bellied Sneetches. :lol:








Those stars weren’t so big. They were really so small.
You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.


I’m quite happy to say.
That the Sneetches got really quite smart on that day.
The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches.
And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.
That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars and whether
They had one, or not, upon thars.

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Very kind you of. And honestly even if I get a spate of one star ratings there are much, much bigger things in life to worry about :D


But I did learn about two new functions today - this rating thingy, and filtering new forum content. There are a few forums I'd just rather avoid unless I seek them out and unfortunately they kept popping up on my new content tab, but it discovered I can filter for the ones I actually want to read. It was SO great, made my day.


That, and the ignore button, make the Internet a happier place :)


What does the ignore button do? Does it make it so that you don't get notifications from those two posters everyone knows I'm referencing?

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I've never deliberately rated anyone and wish that feature weren't there. I have only rarely put 5 stars on topics that I especially liked--though I have sometimes wanted to and could not do so. Never done a less than 5 star topic rating.

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I have a one star rating, too! lol


I don't like those things exactly because I feel like it says more about the person who left the rating. Also, once I accidentally gave a thread a one star rating while I was on my phone, and, if you can change it, I sure couldn't figure out how! So, maybe I irritated someone, but, then again, maybe the person was on her phone, did it accidentally, and couldn't change it. :D


I don't ignore anyone, because I would be too curious and look every time anyway- kinda renders the feature useless if you look anyway. Also, I am horrible with names, so, if there is a thread where I disagree with someone, I am not going to remember that person when I "see" her again in another thread. After all these years, there are only a couple of handfuls of people here that I remember from one day to the next. (Sometimes, if someone changes her avatar, I "loose" her for a bit before I make the connection.) Anyway, I figure anything said here isn't personal because the person saying it doesn't actually know me and probably won't remember me tomorrow.



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I think I have NO STARS (sob sob lol) as my stars are all grey. Or maybe I am a dark galaxy.

Although I do have a green bar that proclaims me to be "Excellent" for no apparent reason.


ETA: I realized that is from receiving "likes". So I'm not actually Excellent, I just made a few posts that people hit 'like' on.

Darn it. Now I am a dark galaxy that is devoid of excellence.  :lol:



And here is the number of farnarkles I give:

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