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Texting and Driving

Miss Peregrine


296 members have voted

  1. 1. What is "texting and driving?"

    • Typing only
    • Reading only
    • The whole process(reading and typing)
    • Nathan Fillion

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I don't understanding this "glancing at a text" thing. I can glance at it all I want, but my brain is not going to register the words until I actually to look at and read them.


Do freeways not have exits where you live? Of course you can't stop on the middle of one. If it's an emergency, you pull to the shoulder. You exit, pull over, and read your map or instructions when necessary. Does this take up time? Yes. But that's why you plan in extra time.


Somehow people got to their destinations without gps and phones once upon a time....

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Where I live, there is a large population of deer, including many fawns right now, and I swear they were all born with a death wish.  Without warning they will leap out of the woods next to the road and dash in front of your car.  So far I have been able to stop every time and also warn oncoming cars etc.  I understand how to be alert and react efficiently.  However, there are places where the danger is not present.  There are places and times where there will never be a surprise kid or car or whatever that appears out of nowhere.  Experience does come into play.


Going off the freeway to figure out directions is not always safe.  I've taken wrong exit ramps and ended up on one-way streets covered with broken glass at night in the ghetto.  There are many off-ramps that don't have a corresponding on-ramp.  No thank you, I will slow down and watch for a safe moment to check my Mapquest printout on the road.  I will not be speeding etc. while I do this, I promise.  There's more to safety than the way one drives.


Again, if you make a choice to never look at your phone while you drive, I am glad you had the choice to make and you made the choice you are comfortable with.

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It's illegal to stop on the freeway to check directions.  You have to do it while driving or memorize the whole thing before you leave and hope for the best (assuming you don't have a navigator in the car).

And, in fact, memorizing it before leaving is what I do.


My husband laughs at me. I think he's just jealous. he can't keep it all in his head.

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I can think of countless times where I or a family member or a friend were able to avoid an unexpected collision because we were paying attention to what was happening and were able to react quickly.

Yeah. I just about hit a kid on a bike who came shooting out of an alley yesterday.


My passenger didn't even see him.


Little bit of rubber on the street and my heart went a bit fast, but thank goodness I was actually looking ahead of me right then. Could have been much worse.

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Yeah. I just about hit a kid on a bike who came shooting out of an alley yesterday.


My passenger didn't even see him.


Little bit of rubber on the street and my heart went a bit fast, but thank goodness I was actually looking ahead of me right then. Could have been much worse.

:grouphug:   Glad it was o.k.

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Where I live, there is a large population of deer, including many fawns right now, and I swear they were all born with a death wish.

I rounded a curve on a little traveled highway in the rain and almost ran smack into about 30 mule deer just standing out in the road.


I didn't even see them at first, just all their reflecting eyes.


And they didn't have the sense God gave geese to get off the road even when I'd almost run into them. They were licking the road. I'm imagining they were after salt -- it was the middle of winter.


Am I just going to keep coming on here with recollections of all my worst driving moments?

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I rounded a curve on a little traveled highway in the rain and almost ran smack into about 30 mule deer just standing out in the road.


I didn't even see them at first, just all their reflecting eyes.


And they didn't have the sense God gave geese to get off the road even when I'd almost run into them. They were licking the road. I'm imagining they were after salt -- it was the middle of winter.


Am I just going to keep coming on here with recollections of all my worst driving moments?

Yeah, I've been having a few bad flashbacks myself!   :)  Every near miss ever...  I need to stop getting on this thread.  


Thankfully I have not been directly involved in very many accidents at all and only one was my fault.  I rear-ended my future husband when we were both trying to get onto the highway to go to work (we both worked at the same place and used the same on ramp).  He stopped abruptly because his alternator died and I was following too closely.  We weren't married yet.  We weren't really even dating.  But I felt so guilty he took ME to lunch.  My car was the one damaged, not his.   :)

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Yeah, I've been having a few bad flashbacks myself!   :)  Every near miss ever...  I need to stop getting on this thread.  


Thankfully I have not been directly involved in very many accidents at all and only one was my fault.  I rear-ended my future husband when we were both trying to get onto the highway to go to work (we both worked at the same place and used the same on ramp).  He stopped abruptly because his alternator died and I was following too closely.  We weren't married yet.  We weren't really even dating.  But I felt so guilty he took ME to lunch.  My car was the one damaged, not his.   :)


That sounds like the plot of a Hallmark Channel movie. (That was not meant to be insulting in any way. I think it sounds cute. But I am paranoid that you will take it the wrong way. Please don't.)

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Clearly the answer is to get a car that drives itself so that I can nap while in transit instead of having to keep my eyes on anything. Screw the cell phone, just let me sleep and ride instead of drive and I'm good. I think all it will cost is a gajillion dollars. Better start saving my pennies so I can be an early adopter. :)

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O.k. I was at the grocery store just a few minutes ago and I just have to share my experience....  I realized I needed to text DH to ask what he wanted from the store for our trip.  I pulled my basket over to text him, thinking I was out of the way, but I wasn't really paying much attention to my location.  I got hit by another basket.  She was texting while pushing her basket and keeping her 2 kiddos entertained.  I must admit I laughed pretty hard.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   The woman probably thought I had lost my mind.   :laugh:


(but I am kinda grateful these were grocery carts at low speed... :))

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I just don't understand all the excuses along the lines of "well lots of things are distracting, we should all make our own decisions about the level of risk we're comfortable with." How would people react to someone who claims that about driving while drunk or high? It's one thing to gamble one's own life on the assumption that "well, texting doesn't really distract me," but it's quite another to risk other people's lives.



No one is arguing that everything be outlawed but is anyone going to argue that drunk driving should be legal? The reasons there are laws are because people weren't self-regulating or making good decisions. Just like with texting they think/thought it didn't impair them and they were still able to drive. Accident reports showed the opposite and people continued to do so, despite knowing the dangers. The same is true with texting it has been shown to significantly impair reaction time yet people continue to do so, so now laws are being put into place to protect the safety of the populace because people aren't making intelligent decisions. Of course we cannot outlaw all things unsafe but it is just as ludicrous to say nothing should be outlawed. Outlawing the most dangerous behaviors to protect the populace doesn't make it a nanny state. 

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Last I checked this was not a JAWM thread.  In fact it was set up as a poll, implying there is a possibility for people to have different opinions.


BTW the thread isn't about whether it is OK or should be legal to type and send a text while driving.  Nobody is arguing that point at all.

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