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Which book should I choose for Year One? Charlotte's Web or The Trumpet of the Swan?


Charlotte's Web or The Trumpet of the Swan?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Which book by E. B. White?

    • Charlotte's Web
    • The Trumpet of the Swan

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I have to decide between these two books for the schedule for Year One. I'm currently working on the last section of Term 2 and I need to choose one over the other. I had set the schedule up to allow for the user to choose which book they prefer, but now that I'm writing notes for this section I need to choose one. I really just can't write notes for both books. I'm very overloaded as it is. :) I've even asked my girls and they liked both. I can't decide...Charlotte's Web can be a bit sad for young children and The Trumpet of the Swan is often overlooked, so I'm leaning towards the latter book. But, Charlotte's Web is a classic choice...Please help me to decide! :) Even though one book will end up in the schedule with narration suggestions, the book not chosen can still be read for fun.



P. S. This is my first poll. :) And I did not include the required other because I only want to choose between these two.

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Oh please do not make me choose. Please, do not.  It hurts us!


(Alright, do Charlotte's Web for whatever Year one, Term 2 means, and read aloud Trumpet of the Swan.  But you are not allowed to skip Trumpet of the Swan.  So precious and haunting.)

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Oh please do not make me choose. Please, do not.  It hurts us!


(Alright, do Charlotte's Web for whatever Year one, Term 2 means, and read aloud Trumpet of the Swan.  But you are not allowed to skip Trumpet of the Swan.  So precious and haunting.)


Year One is the first year for the curriculum I'm writing. I've divided it into 3 terms or 2 semesters, the users choice.


It hurts me to choose too. :)

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Mostly it is me who cries at the end of Charlotte's Web.  My kids are fine.  <sniff>  Three times I've read it aloud, and all three times I broke down crying and had to stop reading at the end...it takes me awhile to finish, and the kids comfort me.

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So far, it seems that the lean is toward Charlotte's Web, but I've just had an idea. I don't know why I haven't thought about this before. It's so weird how these things just occur to you all of the sudden and then you wonder about yourself when it does. I'm thinking that I could choose Charlotte's Web  for Year One and then replace Homer Price in Year Three with The Trumpet of the Swan. I try to keep a balance between books with boy characters as the lead and books with girl characters with the lead. Switching The Trumpet of the Swan for Homer Price would keep this balance and I like the latter book better anyway. In addition, it is still a very readable book for a Year Three student, so this would fit perfectly. :)

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I just love Trumpet of the Swan. It might be one of my favorite books of all time. I like Charlottes Web too, but not as much. I think Swan is a more beautiful story and more powerfully written. I like the way Texasmama said it, precious and haunting.

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My 2nd grade girl absolutely adored Trumpet.  Loved it.  So much that she read it on her own after I did it as a read aloud.  OTOH, she won't touch Charlotte's Web.  I think she feels like she already knows the story - we listened to the audio book when she was small, and her sister has been in the musical version, and they've seen the movie . . . it's a much more familiar story, whereas Trumpet was an amazing discovery for her.



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I just love Trumpet of the Swan. It might be one of my favorite books of all time. I like Charlottes Web too, but not as much. I think Swan is a more beautiful story and more powerfully written. I like the way Texasmama said it, precious and haunting.

I cried while reading aloud the chapter when his dad injured himself trying to help his son with a disability. It moved me so deeply as a mother of a child with a birth defect. I think it is a chapter all parents would be moved by. It is unlike any other story I've ever read. I grew up with Charlotte's Web, but I never read Trumpet until last summer.

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IMO Charlotte's Web is more simply written and understood in Year One. We listened to Trumpet of the Swan in Second, but even then I think the beauty and meaning was somewhat lost on my ds (then 7).


I love Trumpet of the Swan, especially as read by Mr. E. B. White himself, so I'm going to save it for third as well. My dd6 (she'll be 7 soon) loves animals as well, and she enjoyed Charlotte's Web. We watched the movie afterwards as well (the one with Dakota Fanning). Dd6 cried at the end, but she learned a valuable lesson. Death is reality, but special people's spirits live on in our hearts. She also learned how far friendship and kindness can go.

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So far, it seems that the lean is toward Charlotte's Web, but I've just had an idea. I don't know why I haven't thought about this before. It's so weird how these things just occur to you all of the sudden and then you wonder about yourself when it does. I'm thinking that I could choose Charlotte's Web for Year One and then replace Homer Price in Year Three with The Trumpet of the Swan. I try to keep a balance between books with boy characters as the lead and books with girl characters with the lead. Switching The Trumpet of the Swan for Homer Price would keep this balance and I like the latter book better anyway. In addition, it is still a very readable book for a Year Three student, so this would fit perfectly. :)

Good choice. Thanks for your great blogs. I've been reading them for years and borrowing a lot. :)

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We love Trumpet of the Swan and choose it over Charlotte any day. We have had many deep discussions about disabilities, parental love and sacrifice, special gifts and talents, finding each person's special place in the world, and many others stemming from Trumpet. My children always got hung up on Templeton's attitude to enjoy Charlotte very much.

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Is this a read-aloud? I would say Trumpet of the Swan for a read-aloud. If it is for the student to read themselves then I would pick Charlotte's Web, which I think is a special book for a child to read himself when he is ready.

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I voted Trumpet... but mostly because of content... My kids and I are vegetarians so Charlotte is the book that brings up... conversation...  more than any other about the topic.  


That said, the audiobooks read by EB White are so deliciously delightful we've listened to both...  I just think there's something patient and understated about Trumpet that for me makes it a better first read... It was my son's very first nighttime chapter read aloud...

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