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Friend at the door tonight... baby birds beware!

Jann in TX

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DH woke me about an hour after I went to bed.  He said someone was at the door for me... and I was groggy enough to fall for it --groggy enough to NOT grab my robe!

Here is our resident rat snake-- scoping out our back door... he was hoping for a nice dinner of baby birds-- unfortunately/fortunately the barn swallows moved their nest to a new corner of the paito that he/she cannot access.


DH was so glad that he looked before opening the door to let the dogs out one last time before he went to bed....


Of course we woke up dd-- she grabbed her camera and joined the photo fest... snake was NOT amused!  We also took the time to educate our dogs that snakes are 'ouches'... Our big boy (white german shepherd) was looking through the door at our visitor and I said "ouch"-- he leaped back and  was very cautious the rest of the visit!  Of course we will not tell him that this snake has no venom...  I wonder if it is the same guy I had lunch with out on the deck a year or so ago...  I'm 99% sure it is the same snake that ate my baby cave swallows last month-- he stayed all day in their nest (on our front porch) staring down at us!


Now I get to TRY to go back to sleep!!!




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Our visitor was at least 5ft long-- probably close to 6 ft-- DH watched it slither next to my BBQ smoker and it was longer than that (smoker is close to 5 ft long).


I did not hear the baby barn swallows this morning-- but they were close to 'first flight' and there were several barn swallows swarming around the back patio this morning-- so I hope they were the babies and they survived the terror threat!


I've lost at least 3 nests to this snake so far this season-- even so we are NOT lacking in the bird department (this was the 3rd clutch this year for these barn swallow parents!).


It did take some time to get back to sleep-- and I was a bit creeped out watering the plants on the back deck this morning...

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I guess I am one of the few who likes snakes, although I might have a word with this fellow about eating all the baby birds. Lovely rat snake. :001_wub:


We have one about the same size that lives,in our yard. He wanders into the store room when the door is open, and goes in and out of the garage in the evenings. He is big enough that the cat tried to chase him down several times, but the snake just ignored her and went on his way. :)

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I showed the picture to dd4 and told her it was in Texas, where we also live...

She is currently fascinated by snakes and excitedly asked the following: "if she has ophidiophobia, do you think she will bring the snake to live here, in our yard?!"

No dear. Not ever, ever.


Of course, I am the mom who currently has neighbor's massive pet tarantula visiting our library because dd was sooooo excited to babysit the thingðŸ˜

I find myself heading in frequently just to make sure the thing is still nestled safely in the terrarium!

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My older dd's have bearded dragon lizards for pets-- so I'm very used to reptiles...


I knew this guy was harmless to humans-- and he was BEAUTIFUL-- he tried his best to act like a rattle snake and then a cobra-- he even tried to play dead before giving up and slithering away.


DH is the one who can't stand reptiles!  I touched the knob and he jumped back 10 feet-- thinking I was actually going to open the door and let the fella in... I was just jiggling the handle so he would move a bit so I could get a better picture!


We've lived here 12 years and have had only a handful of snake encounters-- all harmles types, although DH did see a coral snake leaving our property a few years ago.  The majority of the snakes we've had in the past have been garter snakes-- oldest DD used to pick them up and play with them (and try to scare DH with them). We used to have a family of toads living on our back porch... we haven't seen a garter snake since the one that ate the last toad... they must have moved on.



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You got a nice picture of him! I much prefer a non-venomous snake to the flying (and non-flying) roaches that hang out on our back door at night. I swear there are like 4 different species chilling out in our back yard. The flying ones, the black rounder shiny ones (people call them water bugs), brown-banded ones, giant ones that run fast...it's like wild kingdom and I hate them all! Sorry, what were we talking about? :lol: I want a hungry snake that eats roaches.



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