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Can I unfriend someone on facebook without her/ him noticing?


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I just don't like this lady, I don't know why I ever said yes to her friend request. I see her occasionally in an exercise class I take, so this is someone I know in real life, and not one of my imaginary wtm friends. :)


If I unfriend her, will it be obvious, like a message or blurb on her facebook friend: "Trylycrabby has unfriended you?" :o

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You don't get any notification. If they look click on your page it'll show you don't have each other added, but that's really it. If you are worried about upsetting her I believe there's a way to hide people's posts from your feed without deleting them.

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Nope. Often they won't even know it happened unless they suddenly notice that they aren't getting any posts from you and go look at your page and friends list


I know people that didn't realize someone unfriended them until a year after the fact.

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I'm not sure if they receive a message or not, but I do recall one of my acquaintances posted something on his timeline once along the lines of "Noticed I'm down one friend. Didn't they know they could just unfollow me?"


So, I don't know if this person would notice you unfriending her or not. If you're annoyed by the things she posts and don't really care if she sees your information, I'd just unfollow her, so nothing from her will show up in your page. If you don't want her seeing what you post, the easiest thing would be to unfriend her, though I guess you could go through the effort of creating customized "who can see this" lists that exclude her, then remembering to apply that setting to everything you post.


I usually just unfollow people I find annoying, though if it's really bad, I'll unfriend.

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You can set her to "acquaintance" then set your feed to "friends except acquaintances." You won't see her stuff in your feed, she won't see yours, but you will each still have access to the other's timeline page should you ever want to pop over there and take a look.


Eventually she might figure it out but it's fb. That kind of stuff happens all the time.

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It's not obvious, but she certainly might notice. For one thing, you might show up on her "people you may know" list. 


Sometimes I just hide people if I don't want to see their posts, but if I actually didn't like them? eh, I'd probably defriend her. If she has the nerve to ask about it, just say you decided to narrow down your friends list to people you see and talk to more often. People do this all the time. She doesn't have to know she was the only one weeded out. 

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I'm not sure if they receive a message or not, but I do recall one of my acquaintances posted something on his timeline once along the lines of "Noticed I'm down one friend. Didn't they know they could just unfollow me?"


Wow, that person keeps a mighty close eye on their friend count, lol! 

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I really just don't want her to see my posts. The only public groups I post on are homeschooling ones, so they likely bore her to tears... :o


Thanks for everyone's help. I will try changing her into an acquaintance, but if that doesn't work, I will unfriend her. :)

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If you unfriend and block her, you will disappear entirely. She could think you deleted your FB account.

When someone deletes their FB acct, they still show up on my friend list. When I click on their name a message comes up that says... This person has deleted their account, you are the only person who can see them on your friend list.


If they pay attention, they will know you unfriended and blocked. You could keep them as a friend, but unfollow and restrict. This way they will see you on their list of friends, but won't see any of your posts. You will not see any of their posts, either. It will seem like you have gone inactive.



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I just don't like this lady, I don't know why I ever said yes to her friend request. I see her occasionally in an exercise class I take, so this is someone I know in real life, and not one of my imaginary wtm friends. :)


If I unfriend her, will it be obvious, like a message or blurb on her facebook friend: "Trylycrabby has unfriended you?" :o


But you could also "unfollow" her, which means you would not see any of her posts. 

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If they pay attention, they will know you unfriended and blocked. You could keep them as a friend, but unfollow and restrict. This way they will see you on their list of friends, but won't see any of your posts. You will not see any of their posts, either. It will seem like you have gone inactive.




Yes, do this!  Several posters have mentioned the unfollow part, but you should also go the extra step of restricting her access to your feed, or adding her to a list like acquaintances, and they have all of your posts exclude acquaintances.  I've done this with a few people who aren't really "friends" but I don't want to unfriend for whatever reason. 

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You could also unfriend and then totally block her.  If she searched for your name, you just wouldn't show up. Then she might just think, "Oh, she got rid of her FB account" (or, yes, she could think, "Oh, she may have blocked me").  Either way, she'd be out of your FB hair. 

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