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A nifty old book find ...


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Today while browsing the old book section of a local thrift store, I found something nifty in an old logic book:


A University of California, Schedule of Final Exams for April - May, 1915



It's ninety-nine years old and is in wonderful condition; it looks as though it could have been printed yesterday.


It's about 11 by 12 inches in size and printed on both sides.  So, some items of interest:


The vast majority of exams were three hours long.  (My husband who attended UCB in the seventies said that was true then as well.)


To name just a few (amongst the hundreds listed), there were exams in:


Civil Engineering






Oriental Languages



Jurisprudence - X

English - X

Zoology - X

Philosophy - X


Agriculture: Viticulture

Domestic Art

Latin (many, many sections)


I've marked with an X the exams the owner of this paper was scheduled to take.


The final exam for Subject A was scheduled for Monday, April 26, at 2:00pm.  My husband said that Subject A was still offered when he attended and was commonly referred to as Bonehead English.


My husband went looking for, and found, exam times for Professor Hildebrand's Chemistry classes.  This professor who was teaching classes in 1914 was still a member of the department some sixty years later when my husband was there.


And, no, we don't live in California.  So this paper has done some traveling in both time and distance.






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We have a big collection of things from old thrift store books, but I don't know what to do with them yet. Maybe one day when I'm not lazy I'll look at pinterest or something. We found someone's college course list once, little notes to people, study notes, etc. Lots of them are from around the 70s. I thought that was old, but I think you beat us with 1915!

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My husband left a message for the archivist at UCB over the weekend.  She called today, and we had a pleasant chat.  It turns out that they do have a bound collection of all the exam schedules from 1875 to 1956 (then they have a gap in such materials until 1978).  So, while she appreciated the offer, they do not need the schedule for their collection.  I think that my husband might frame it; we shall see!




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