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"I threw my pie for you!"


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I will probably start it tonight. I'm a bit torn though, because a few friends talked me into watching Supernatural and I just finished season 1 last night and I want to know what happens after the crash. And I have work tomorrow so I can't just stay up all night watching both. And neither is remotely kid friendly so I have to wait until the boys go to bed. Oh, the dilemma!

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I will probably start it tonight. I'm a bit torn though, because a few friends talked me into watching Supernatural and I just finished season 1 last night and I want to know what happens after the crash. And I have work tomorrow so I can't just stay up all night watching both. And neither is remotely kid friendly so I have to wait until the boys go to bed. Oh, the dilemma!

Yeah, Orange definitely isn't kid friendly!

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We watched the first two episodes of season 2 last night.


Spoiler, sort of:



Ugh! Piper!!! Alex!!!! Just, ugh.

I don't have any sympathy for Piper on that one--that was a completely idiotic decision. It's too bad she found Alex at the other prison.
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I don't have any sympathy for Piper on that one--that was a completely idiotic decision. It's too bad she found Alex at the other prison.


Yes, by "ugh", I meant, "Gah, what an idiot!".  And Alex, "Ugh,for lying to PIper" (b/c you now she knew she would get a shorter sentence or something if she ratted him out.

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Going on vacation tomorrow with no way to watch for TWO WEEKS. I have been bingeing before we go.


I didn't know they'd release the whole season. I sat down to watch one episode and then...another episode?! And another! What?! They're all out all at the same time! Overload!


Morello. Wow. Didn't see that coming.


Vee is super manipulative. I wish Red would give us more clues about Vee's past.


Ok--gotta watch another episode before going to bed.

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Oh, Morello. Yikes.


Oh my goodness.  That girl. She is so pretty, andi have alwaysloved her cheerful exterior (which is quite obviously a thing of carefully cultivated upbringing).  I keep ranting to dh that if our prison system is really like this, then we are no better than countries we denounce as having inhumane prison conditions.  That girl should be getting psych help, and everyone around her should be aware of her "problem", so they can redirect her to reality whenever she starts to indulge in fantasies/delusions. 

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