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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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Good morning!


Hubby is off to work with breakfast in tow. Being at the mom's meeting, I didn't make dinner, so he didn't have leftovers.  He's buying lunch out today because he has an extra long planning period.


Coffee and computer time is ongoing.



May go to breakfast with my best friend (we planned it last week and didn't talk about it yesterday)

breakfast for the kids

school with ds: Awana, history, science, grammar, math, reading

school with dd: Bible, chemistry, alg 2, history, lit


tidy house

work on labeling books for book sale this week

make a shopping list (dd is having friends over Thursday night/Friday for an extended edition Lord of the Rings marathon)


take ds to swim practice


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Did everything on yesterday's list except the actual cleaning:P


I did, however, gather up two large bags of clothing for the charity box and delivered them last evening. So, that counts;)


today must involve cleaning of some sort




flower gardening, weather permitting.

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Good morning everyone!

Got most of my list done yesterday. 

Grocery shopped as well and saw Spiderman 2 with bff for her birthday.


Morning chores

school with youngest

American Lit class here tonight to watch Arsenic and Old Lace

make something for dinner

Mom coming by this morning to drop off stuff

Hospital called, Rowan's port procedure is at 6:30 am on Thursday!


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Well, I'm having a tough time getting started today.  Going to keep the list short so I don't feel overwhelmed.


  • rework our schedule in order to finish a few subjects this summer (Lukeion Latin ate a lot of Ds's time this year) also try to get to art more consistently - work in progress
  • water plants
  • walk dogs w/ Dd
  • morning chores- Dd has done dishes & cleaned kitchen table, I am straightening
  • sort & start laundry
  • emails - for some reason I am dreading this
  • fill in the calendar for May
  • discuss website updates w/ Ds, have him email or call Cocker Spaniel Club
  • agility trial & dog show entries - not happening until tomorrow
  • dinner

afternoon chores

  • remind Ds to clean downstairs bathroom, he mowed the lawn instead, bathroom is being saved for tomorrow.
  • remind Dd to clean living room


  • school, of course

I think that's all I want to think about now.


Forgot to say 'Good morning!'


Also done:

computer desk cleared

my sweaters put away

one 3 4emails done

put some books away

donated a couple bags of books

Dd also made brownies and homemade granola bars


I predict we will get nothing done tomorrow...

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Feels like summer this morning!



--laundry on the clothesline

--check attic for basket wrap for a wine-themed basket for event Thurs

--freeze chicken purchased yesterday in various marinades for quick summer grilling

--exercise: Pilates plus some cardio (will be split into two sessions)

--weeding and deadheading

--start packing list for China trip

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Good Morning, Everyone!

The heat is ramping up around here. By tomorrow or Thursday it's supposed to be over 100 degrees. I am not ready for summer!



** school

** try to make it through the day without losing my temper. This hormonal stuff associated with peri-menpause is making me insane. I'm either yelling about how messy the house is, blah, blah, blah or crying for no reason at all....I did see my GYN yesterday and she's putting me in low-dose bcp to try to even things out for me.

** dd has tumbling

** dinner at my parents' house.


Have a good day everyone !

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Good morning!

I have nothing much to put down for today's list. We had a very late night and are all dragging this morning. After lunch we will walk (about a mile, though it takes us 40 minutes to walk it with the youngers) to ds's class to see his project presentation. Dishes need to be done. Laundry needs to be folded. I have a new book from the library to start.

Lunch - pb&j sandwiches
Dinner - tuna noodle casserole, maybe soup instead? Depends on when we get home from presentation.

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I'm going to *swim* over to my parent's and drop off #2.  Someone posted on fb  that we got around 6 inches of rain last night.  I don't know if that is accurate, but we got a lot of rain!

I may take myself out to breakfast--tbd

Watch The Blacklist season finale

We are down to a handful of school lessons left and #1 has been doing a lot of it in the evenings.  He has 2 Alg 2 lessons and a chapter or so of Bio 2 left. He's ready for summer break!

I've got laundry going.

I need to mop but I'm not feeling it today either ;)

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Good morning! We had a late night with the confirmation (it was lovely), so everyone but dd1 slept in. She, of course, was out the door with dh at 5 am. I picked her up and by the time we came home, the painters were already started with prep work! Even with snow on the roof, the crew started on time. 


So today is: school for all, chores for all, laundry, wade through the stacks of paper on my study, and get the bills organized. And figure out something for dinner, dh is gone tonight.


And I am making a list of all the things that will need to be done in the basement. Dh has taken over the travel arrangements for the summer, thank goodness. I definitely hate that!


Have a great day!


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Still feeling sick but thankfully not as sick. I doubt I'll get another day of relaxing in bed because the kids are going insane being stuck in the house with no mom to pay attention to them.  I will attempt to entertain them the best I can and do a few other things that NEED to get done.



-Wash cloth diapers

-1 load of other laundry

-Older kids to kung fu to get energy out.  

-Quick grocery store trip

-Post office

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Jean and Angi- :grouphug:


Today has not been a good day for ds. He has had such an attitude about school. He's already lost privileges for 3 whole days. I let him cool off instead of pushing the issue, and we've had lunch. He has to get back to work now, like it or not. 


Hopefully, it will be better.

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Late night, ds allergies acting up, my body aching = not much getting done.  


I hurt myself cleaning the other day then aggravated it trying to do more yesterday. (see I shouldn't clean  :lol: )   


Instead of doing cleaning I will be things like

clearing emails

organizing files on computer

making lists to go with summer projects

pointing out things for dc to do



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Jean, congratulations on defeating the Dreadful Medical Bill Payment dragons!


Good morning!

I have nothing much to put down for today's list. We had a very late night and are all dragging this morning. After lunch we will walk (about a mile, though it takes us 40 minutes to walk it with the youngers) to ds's class to see his project presentation. Dishes need to be done. Laundry needs to be folded. I have a new book from the library to start.

Lunch - pb&j sandwiches
Dinner - tuna noodle casserole, maybe soup instead? Depends on when we get home from presentation.


I forgot what a mile-and-a-half walk in sunny 90* feels like while carrying your 5yo.  gah.  Really, the kids did great and I didn't carry her much at all.  We pretended we were on an adventure hike and eventually the kids found some pretty leaves to distract them.  Lots of roses to stop and smell on the way.  I am glad we were able to drive back home.


My plan for the rest of the night is to make some dinner (the vote is for tuna noodle casserole), bring dd to girls' Bible study, put the youngers to bed, and then watch TV while folding laundry.  Is there anything good on network TV on a Tuesday night (we don't have cable)?  I may have to try Netflix.

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Did everything on today's list including quick cleaning master bath. How many quick cleanings can you get away with before you have to do a major clean? Hmm, I guess time will tell. :lol: Planted some more flower beds around pool area, more to do. I counted this as my exercise for the day.

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Spent the day at the doctor about 45 min. away.  Oldest son had a bit of a scare but got more tests and he is fine, but it did take most of the day.  Then we had Venture Crew tonight.  


We will try for a more normal day tomorrow.

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