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... or other pets and possible water your plants while you are on vacation?  I'm just curious about how much people typically get paid to pet sit for someone.  This would be having the sitter actually stay at your house for the duration of your vacation. 

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Around where we live the professional house sitters charge $50 to $70 a night -- and they stress that they're only in our house from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. because they have to go out and pet sit their other clients.


So I finally found a kennel that seems really -- I hope -- caring. But I did a ton of research before using it.



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We are paying a high school neighbor boy, who lives across the street, $150 for 2 weeks. He does not stay at our house but comes at least once a day and sometimes twice, feeds and waters the cat and dog, and cleans the litter box. He does a great job.

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My son charges $20/day to stay in someone's home. They supply all of his food for the time he is there. If they do not want to supply food, then he charges $30/day (only one regular client doesn't want to do that). Most people pay him extra as they say he does not charge enough. If he is not staying there, he charges $7/visit.

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Our sitter charges $60 for an overnight stay. She would also have to do at least 2 additional visits during the day so I don't have her stay the night.


She charges $15 for half hour visits, $25 for an hour and $7 for a 10 minute visit.


She also waters plants, brings in mail, garbage cans, ect.

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My service charges $65 a night, and similar to what was said by a PP, that means coming around 6pm and staying til about 7am. It includes as many walks or let-outs as needed during that time. Many pups can get by with that plus one 30 minute walk midday,

No food. Pet sitter usually sleeps in a guest room.

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I get friends to come twice a day, and they do it for free. I think the $150 a week is reasonable. I don't understand the huge amounts for overnight. Call around to local vets, and ask for recommendations. I know the techs at our vet do pet sitting, but don't know how much they charge.

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My daughter and I have been sitting with my sister's 2 dogs whenever they go on vacation.  We haven't charged her anything and she cuts out hair for free.  We always bring ALL of our own food.  She usually only gives us each maybe 2 haircuts a year and we have already stayed with their dogs 10 days and nights this year.  She does not want the dogs left alone at all at night and even wants us to sleep in the same room and bed with them.  My daughter downloaded a couple of pictures onto her computer and she is claiming that messed up her computer and started an argument with her about it yesterday.  I don't think she realizes how lucky she was to have us there.  There is also the fact that she told my parents when we were out to dinner a couple of times that she had been having trouble with their computer for several months now.  Her husband has never liked my daughter and looks for ANY opportunity to start trouble.  I told my sister we will NEVER stay with her dogs again and that we don't even want to talk to her anymore. 


Am I being unreasonable?

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Considering everything you're going through right now, Luanne, your sister sounds like an idiot. I can't believe she would intentionally take advantage of you and your dd, and then try to upset your dd about the computer. Doesn't she care that your dd must be so upset right now???


I'm so angry with your sister right now!!! :angry:


All things considered, I think it's a good idea to take a break from your sister and her dh right now. If they're not going to be part of your support system, you don't need their negative energy around you. :grouphug:

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Are you being unreasonable? Yes and no. 


IMO, it's completely reasonable to stop sitting for her dogs. Obviously this job is leading to contention between you. The relationship is more important than the job. Remove the contention. 


Not talking to her again over it? To me that seems over the top, but I'm not living your relationship with her. If there are other things going on, this could be the last straw but this alone isn't enough to sever a family relationship. 


Unless your daughter had permission to be on her aunt's computer, she was wrong. Even if she did have permission, she should not be downloading anything to someone else's computer without specific permission. It is easy to download malware if you're not careful. She's a teen and learning. This should definitely be an apologize and move on kind of thing. If your sister can not move on after an apology, yeah, that's a problem. If you or your daughter can't apologize because you feel you were doing her a favor, that's a problem. Whether or not you were doing her a favor, you are responsible for your actions at her house. If she's vindictive after apologies, she's responsible for that. It's reasonable to put distance in relationships like that. Vindictive people aren't healthy. 

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Are you being unreasonable? Yes and no. 


IMO, it's completely reasonable to stop sitting for her dogs. Obviously this job is leading to contention between you. The relationship is more important than the job. Remove the contention. 


Not talking to her again over it? To me that seems over the top, but I'm not living your relationship with her. If there are other things going on, this could be the last straw but this alone isn't enough to sever a family relationship. 


Unless your daughter had permission to be on her aunt's computer, she was wrong. Even if she did have permission, she should not be downloading anything to someone else's computer without specific permission. It is easy to download malware if you're not careful. This should definitely be an apologize and move on kind of thing. If your sister can not move on after an apology, yeah, that's a problem. If you or your daughter can't apologize because you feel you were doing her a favor, that's a problem. Whether or not you were doing her a favor, you are responsible for your actions at her house. If she's vindictive after apologies, she's responsible for that. It's reasonable to put distance in relationships like that. Vindictive people aren't healthy. 


My daughter is 25 and my sister gave both of us permission to be on their computer.  My sister has these fits about whatever she can come up with about twice a year and this has been going on for 15 years.  My daughter did something when she was 10 that made my brother-in-law angry and he has never forgiven her for it.  Quite honestly, we don't even know what it was... and she was only 10 at the time.


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Bonded and insured pet sitter here. To stay the night at someone's house I charge 50 a night. That entails 10 hours there. Any mid day visits are 8 extra. For free pet sitting your sister should deal with the comp issue herself. Proving your dd messed it up is impossible and any price to fix it is comparable to a few nights of pet sitting. Now she has to pay for both since she burned that bridge with you.


No you are not being unreasonable cutting communication right now. She should know you and dd have more important things to worry about than a computer.

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