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Massage Therapy Business Name......HELP!!


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I am graduating from Massage Therapy school in 8 weeks and need an LLC Business name!!!


I don't want traditional day-spa esque names like "Oasis", "Zen" or "Still Waters"....I want something with more depth that reflects the vision I have as a therapist and the work I do....I have an MA in Counseling and this 'new' career is a extension of that- still therapeutic in nature, just lesstalkinganddrama. :) I am very intuitive with massage therapy....go figure.  

The massage style I have is deep tissue oriented- structural and myofascial in nature- and always with the goal of lasting change in the body.  I am always thinking anatomically of the muscles & structure that I am working on- how the fibers run, reading the tonicity of tissue etc and planning as I go...BUT I will likely be doing basic spa massages where you do a lot more gliding, fluid and whole body experience because well, that's how it goes and its quite lovely- but not what really excites ME.  I will be starting out working within a sports Chiropractors office, working with athletes, rehab/injury, chronic conditions and so on. 

So I want a name that can encompass all of that and point toward depth and professionalism as well. :)  I live near Denver, CO so this area is pretty health/wellness oriented and there are a LOT of massage/alternative therapies/wellness/holistic options...

Some ideas...I'm stuck on balance- the concept of gaining & maintaining balance- physically, mentally & emotionally....I believe the body/mind/spirit are incredible interconnected, as is the body to itself (you can't have one muscle in spasm without other muscles being affected).  And I'm not wild about 'healing' or 'restoration' themes that imply brokenness...I'd rather have a neutral  name that can host a variety of modalities. And nothing cute or whimsical.  I want it to be positive but not cutesy. 

Options that I haven't totally hated- LOL 

"Statera Massage" (Statera is Latin for balance- yes I realize that pondera and libraman are more central) But also the name of an ADHD med... "Strattera"

"Balance Massage & Bodywork"

Oh goodness- if you've read this far and are processing it all, THANK YOU.  I'm kind of under a time deadline as well as in the middle of final, studying for state licensing and such....bad time to be creative.  


This is like naming your child....LOL (Please know I have a child whose name is non traditional "Gracia" (Gray-sha...a unique form of grace)



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Congrats on your new career.


I reacted positively to balance in the name. Stratera made me immediately think of ADD meds.


If you think you will ultimately have a website one place to start might be looking at available domain names. While your business and domain name don't need to be the same it does make things a big easier. Even if you don't want to build a site now you can get the domain for about $10 a year so you are covered if you do want to have a site later.

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Guest submarines

"Balance Massage and Bodywork" sounds like what you are looking for. Straightforward, serious, no-frills. I don't find it terribly attractive, but maybe if I were choosing a therapist and all the other clinics were cutesy, I'd like it better. I don't like cutesy either. Good luck with your business, and congratulations!

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Connections Massage and Bodywork (Thinking of connections with the client, btwn emotional/mental/physical, and also of the muscles etc)


Elemental Massage (sounds interesting and memorable, also breaks things down to the parts of the body)


I like Elemental better. Connections may be overused.


Good luck!



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I'm not a fan of descriptive names for massage. Some make me wonder exactly what kind of massage is being offered.


My favorite is Lastname Massage Therapy. No cutesy/quirky/deep meaning to figure out, and the word therapy reminds customers that they are receiving a legitimate therapeutic service.

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Thank you for responses and suggestions....it's helpful to hear where people approach massage,


I like Elemental and connections..,,


striated is too graphic for me because of many cadaver pictures we've had to study lol. But very clever :)


Yes domain issues are in the forefront of my mind too.... Lots of massage businesses out there :)


I do want to keep it simple but also have some depth or connection to what I'm doing but also not too serious :)


My last name is a noun and too specific to use in a professional setting....:). And I don't think Laura's massage is professional enough for where I'm working...

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I know every area is different, but mine has a very real (and highly publicized) problem with human trafficking through massage businesses, so I would be HIGHLY conscious of anything that might give the impression of... *that kind of massage.  For me, "and Bodywork" might do just that.


I'm sure an excellent website could help legit clients sort that out. I'd hope that would "help" the non-legit people to cross it off their list, too!

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Maybe change your last name into latin?  Make sure whatever you do it's easy to spell when the customer writes it on checks.  


I hope you won't lose the talking part when you do your massage.  That's my favorite part, hehe.  I usually talk through child-rearing problems, decorating, midwife or medical choice issues, etc. That is, until I konk out.   :lol:  

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I hope you won't lose the talking part when you do your massage.  That's my favorite part, hehe.  I usually talk through child-rearing problems, decorating, midwife or medical choice issues, etc. That is, until I konk out.   :lol:  


I'm just the opposite--I can't stand it when a massage therapist chats during a session!  I want quiet and relaxation, not small talk.  Just make sure you know your client's preference.


I much prefer Balance Massage to Statera Massage (I'd leave off the "and Bodywork"). 


Good luck!  :)


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I have no ideas for names, but your description of what you do makes me want to fly to Colorado for whatever treatment you recommend.


I agree with you about avoiding fake-Bhuddist, spa type names. Can you find a name that emphasis the therapeutic nature of your technique without sounding too clinical? Checking that you can get a domain name is excellent advice. Btw, bodywork sounds like car repair to me.

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Balanced Bodyworks is a common name for massage businesses around here. It is very close to my MIL's company name, so it stands out when I see it.  I have seen several variations on the name, so clients may have difficulty finding you online.



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What if you used your initials? For me, that would be DKM massage. Simple, professional, and hopefully unique. You could do a nice triangle shape with the letters to emphasize your triad of treatment--physical, mental, emotional.


Don't be afraid to make up a word or name. Java, Google, and Yahoo come to mind as words we use daily now, but didn't 20 years ago. :)


Best wishes for success in your work! I went to a certified massage therapist at a sports clinic for lymph massage at the end of my chemo treatments because I was retaining pounds of water. After months of people sticking, poking, squishing, and otherwise invading my space, it was soooooo lovely to have that massage twice a week for a few weeks. It helped me physically, yes, but mentally also.

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Guest submarines

What if you used your initials? For me, that would be DKM massage. Simple, professional, and hopefully unique. You could do a nice triangle shape with the letters to emphasize your triad of treatment--physical, mental, emotional.


Don't be afraid to make up a word or name. Java, Google, and Yahoo come to mind as words we use daily now, but didn't 20 years ago. :)


Best wishes for success in your work! I went to a certified massage therapist at a sports clinic for lymph massage at the end of my chemo treatments because I was retaining pounds of water. After months of people sticking, poking, squishing, and otherwise invading my space, it was soooooo lovely to have that massage twice a week for a few weeks. It helped me physically, yes, but mentally also.




Initials; first syllables of your names or of the words that have meaning to you, middle syllables... Anagrams. Start with the letter A so that you are listed first in professional directories.



ha-ha, here you go: Ancedymi Massage. :lol:  But this will start you out.


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