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which shampoo for a young teens daughter's long hair?


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My daughter has long hair and it's oily...like most teen's hair.  I thought you could by specially formulated shampoo for oily hair, but I couldn't find a single bottle at Wal-mart the last time I went.  Am I imagaining things...did that ever exist?  Did they discover it didn't work?  What should she be using on her hair?



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Commercial shampoo tends not to market itself as good for oily hair.  You need to buy a clarifying shampoo.  Usually marketed for fine hair as a volumizer. 


The best tip my hair stylist gave my daughter was dawn dish soap. The soap they use to bathe animals that are victims of oil spills.  Once a week she washes with Dawn. Works great.

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If you have a Sally Beauty Supply or something similar near you, you can buy a shampoo pump like what they use at the salons.  It's around $3, and it holds about 1 1/2 - 2 bottles of shampoo.  I used to wish my shampoo (natural, no fragrance, blah blah) worked as well as the salon stuff, and then it did with the pump, oops.  

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thank you...we might try the clarifing kind first...and then if that doesn't work...the Dawn seems like an intersting choice.


I wondered about the conditioner too....her hair is super fine and I wonder if she needs the conditioner or not...what do you think?  She claims it's not as soft without the conditioner. 

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we found suave daily clairifying shampoo to do a good job on oily hair.  those of us with long hair always conditioned afterwards so we could comb it out without it being a tangled mess.  keep the conditioner off the scalp, and rinse really well.


most shampoos are aimed at restoring moisture to processed hair.  perms, colors, highlights, blow-dry, curling irons etc.  all things that are very hard on hair.  using styling products also tends to attract dirt.

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DH (oily hair though short) prefers shampoos with tea tree oil. They also keep the scalp from being dry and itchy, which can be a reason for over-producing oil. The tea tree oil is clarifying and healing. Trader Joe's has a good one. Our favorite is Nature's Gate. I get a huge jug at Whole Foods that lasts forever. The price is very jacked up on amazon right now (showing $19.xx for me). I think the regular, perpetual "sale" price is $9.99 at WF for the giant bottle with a pump. No SLS or weird ingredients either. :)


Try a lighter weight conditioner only on the ends of her hair, not near the scalp.

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DD15 has long, fine hair and so do I.  We use Matrix Amplify shampoo and conditioner.  It is sold at stores like Target, but is in the salon quality shampoo section. If it is cheapest in the liter size at JCPenny or Ulta (if it is on sale).   You can find it at most mall salons in a 2 liter pack.  I don't pay more than $25 for 2 liters, if that gives you an idea of the price to look for.   It is not cheap but works great on fine hair. You don't use as much so it goes farther than cheap shampoo.  It doesn't leave a thick build up that weighs down fine hair.   It is hands down the best shampoo I have found for fine hair.  DD and I both only wash our hair every other day, which cuts down on the amount of oil the head produces.  Once every month or so I do an apple cider/water rinse.



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thank you...we might try the clarifing kind first...and then if that doesn't work...the Dawn seems like an intersting choice.


I wondered about the conditioner too....her hair is super fine and I wonder if she needs the conditioner or not...what do you think?  She claims it's not as soft without the conditioner. 


After shampooing, squeeze the hair out into a ponytail, and only apply conditioner to the ponytail.


I wonder if you could add some Dawn to the shampoo?

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DD12 uses cheapo clarifying shampoo ($1 a bottle Suave kind) on her hair once a week to strip out the gunk that builds up.  For her, that's what would trap the oil on the hair and make her hair look greasy.  She has LONG THICK hair, so a volumizer was definitely not what we wanted.  Just once a week with the clarifiing shampoo, then letting it air-dry uncombed has made a big difference in how healthy, clean and shiny her hair looks.

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I have long hair and I need to wash it every day. All of my girls have long hair as well. Of course, the big girls no longer live at home, so I have no idea what they use. But, we use Suave here. It's cheap and it works fine.  I use conditioner on the ends. If I put it on my scalp, my hair looks greasy.

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