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Anyone else as unmotivated as I am today to get their kids on task to do their schooling?

I just don't.want.to.do.it. And, yet, it needs to be done. I'm thinking next year that maybe I should

be part of a co-op again. Then again, settings like that are difficult for my Aspie dd. Bleah.


But for today, I just don't want to do it. And we have no money to do anything else. So here we are.

I really do need to get us on a schedule, which I despise.  Anyone else in this mode besides me?



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I was out of town for the weekend with my son and his dance team for a competition. He started coming down with a cold or something smack in the middle of the weekend, and he woke up this morning with a foot that feels asleep and won't stop tingling. I made him a doctor's appointment, got him to and from his dual enrollment class and picked up his sister from work. Add in actually taking him to the appointment (leaving in five minutes), and I pretty much feel like that should count as "enough" for today.

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I worked all weekend and 2 of the 4 kids were sick with the tummy thing.  DH let the house go over the weekend (understandably) but now I have to play catch-up.  Nobody wants to do school, though the oldest is getting a bit done.  I don't want to cook or clean or educate...it's a nice day and I just want to go out and play. 

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We tested for two hours today because I had to. Both boys have colds, but feel OK. I'm sort of in the waiting to catch it mode. 

I'm planning on loafing the rest of the day until it is time to clean my two rooms for the day. Then I'm planning to take root in my chair and either sort my mixed mess from the last two months of school, work on the backstory of my very, very interesting character (who takes up way too much of my time these days) OR, I might watch a movie with the boys. 

And I don't feel guilty at all.

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just today? I've been in this mode since October. It's a good thing my older 2 kids are more independent and I just have to check their work. I've really let things slide with my 1st grader and younger crowd. But my main goal was to get him reading this year, which he is, so I can't be too hard on myself I guess.

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I wound up taking the kids to get sandwiches at Sprouts (a local Farmers Market store), then we hung out on 

the Starbucks patio, reading and discussing ancient Greece history. I found a few dollars for sandwiches and had

money on the Sbux card. It was a nice day to be outside! In a couple of hours I'll leave for the community center so

I have some time to study my own homework before ballet. Tonight is my first night

"en pointe" (in my pointe shoes, aka toe shoes) and I'm very excited about that!


One of these days, God will finally help me totally refuse to worry about anything . . . 

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I am just unmotivated, period.  We went to a ComiCon Fri, Sat and Sun, and it absolutely wore me out!  Indy, Han Solo and I were all still in bed at 9am, and all day all I could think about has been taking a nap.  Our house looks like two tornadoes spawned baby tornadoes and let them loose in all our rooms, but I simply don't care today!  Laundry has piled up, both clean that needs to be folded or ironed and then put away, and dirty that needs to be washed, dried and put away.  I simply don't feel like it.  Blah.  Indy has done very light school work today.  I've done pretty much no work today.  Some days I just want to throw all our clothes away and buy new ones, simply so I don't have to do laundry.  That's probably a bad thing to do.

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Yup, we did "spring break" last week because I had surgery, so today was our first day back doing school. We walked three miles around the lake (wore me out), then did grammar, cursive, a few science, geography, and paragraph editing sheets, then watched a brainpop video. We are saving math until DH gets home. :)

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Well, we went on a picnic and to the park today because it was 62 degrees!! The warmest it's been in a looooooong time and we're back in the 40s tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. So we did no school at all today. Not even a read aloud!

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I'm on day five of a nasty virus/infection of some sort. My throat is so swollen and painful that I can't even speak to my kids, even to whisper (forming words hurts). Plus I'm feverish. So I've basically spent the day in bed and I'm not quite sure what my kids did in school, if anything. My husband is home taking care of the baby for me (I really am ill) and I know he tried to make them do stuff but he's not terribly aware of what all they have to do.

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I am just unmotivated, period.  We went to a ComiCon Fri, Sat and Sun, and it absolutely wore me out!  Indy, Han Solo and I were all still in bed at 9am, and all day all I could think about has been taking a nap.  Our house looks like two tornadoes spawned baby tornadoes and let them loose in all our rooms, but I simply don't care today!  Laundry has piled up, both clean that needs to be folded or ironed and then put away, and dirty that needs to be washed, dried and put away.  I simply don't feel like it.  Blah.  Indy has done very light school work today.  I've done pretty much no work today.  Some days I just want to throw all our clothes away and buy new ones, simply so I don't have to do laundry.  That's probably a bad thing to do.

Hey, I think ComicCon counts as a whole host of things!  I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could think of tons of educationally based learning that occurred (I'd help but my brain is too tired :) ).  Count it as good!  


And maybe if you just stick the clothes outside for a bit they will smell like fresh Spring and not need washing yet...(if there are stains, though, you might want to turn them inside out - make a fashion statement).   :thumbup1:

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