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Has anyone tried paper back swap?

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I tried it. Sometimes I can "buy" a credit for 3.49 and get a book I am looking for. I posted a bunch, but only a few went and I ended up donating the rest as I did not have storage space. Make a "wish list" and see how many you want are available. I am like #345 out of 356 on many of my wishes (just a sample #, but it's a long wait for most).


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I tried it. Sometimes I can "buy" a credit for 3.49 and get a book I am looking for. I posted a bunch, but only a few went and I ended up donating the rest as I did not have storage space. Make a "wish list" and see how many you want are available. I am like #345 out of 356 on many of my wishes (just a sample #, but it's a long wait for most).


I didn't realize that you have to be on a waiting list.  I just thought you look through and pick what they have.  Hmm.. Maybe not what I thought it was.

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If what you are looking for is available, it's great. But most of what I was looking for was not. And just be aware about possible smoke/pet issues. I had one wish granted, but I put no smoking/pets in my requirements and they responded "sorry, we smoke:" AFTER I "bought" a credit.

And for picture books/readers, it wasn't really worth it. I can get lots of a particular series on ebay for less.

Like I bought DD a bunch of Nancy Drew Notebooks series for about 1.50 each including shipping. Yes we already had 2, but I gave those away.

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I love it! Many of my books to get rid of go quickly and with my wish list books many have been fulfilled. One thing I do to try to make sure I get my wish list book fulfilled before I need it is plan ahead. So if I know what I'll need for next year I add it as early as a year before I need it. I've gotten all the spelling workout books from itand the books I use as my spine. My sister got a son light lesson guide.

If you go to the community forum they have a spot called book bazaar where they have threads like wish list multiples. In that thread ppl post books that are wish listed by other that they have multiples of so they can send multiple books to one person and save on shipping.

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I used to use it quite a bit, but then I had problems with getting books with tons of writing and underlining in them. Really, to the point where it was distracting to use for school purposes. I actually had one member respond to my complaint by stating that her kid used the novel in college, so it was considered a textbook, which is expected to have writing inside. Argh. So frustrating. 


I also hated having a box of books sitting around hoping that someone might request them.


It's a good idea, but I find it easier to just go to the library or bookstore. And I accumulate too much stuff already, so having books waiting to be requested is just another thing taking up space in my cluttered garage. It is easier for me to just donate the ones we no longer need.

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I use it a lot. I get probably half of our Sonlight books from there - the half we don't get from thrift shops :)


That being said - it can be a long wait. I have a ton of kids Islamic books on my wishlist that I doubt will ever get posted, but you never know. On the other hand, it doesn't cost me anything to keep them on my wish list, and they are ones I am not likely to find used locally either.


As for posting books - I post in spurts & only for books that someone else has wishlisted. That way I can post say 10 books, send them all out at once, then hold the credits until I need them.


FWIW - you can buy credits in their forums for about $2.25 each from folks who have too many {or want to raise $$ for shipping}. At that price, it's far cheaper than my local used book stores {mostly} and definately less than Amazon.

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I use it a lot. I get probably half of our Sonlight books from there - the half we don't get from thrift shops :)


That being said - it can be a long wait. I have a ton of kids Islamic books on my wishlist that I doubt will ever get posted, but you never know. On the other hand, it doesn't cost me anything to keep them on my wish list, and they are ones I am not likely to find used locally either.


As for posting books - I post in spurts & only for books that someone else has wishlisted. That way I can post say 10 books, send them all out at once, then hold the credits until I need them.


FWIW - you can buy credits in their forums for about $2.25 each from folks who have too many {or want to raise $$ for shipping}. At that price, it's far cheaper than my local used book stores {mostly} and definately less than Amazon.


Ameena - how do you KNOW a book you want to post has been wishlisted by someone else?

And apparently I need to get on the forums and see what is up there.

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Ameena - how do you KNOW a book you want to post has been wishlisted by someone else?

And apparently I need to get on the forums and see what is up there.


The easiest way is to put the ISBN in the search box {not the post this book box} & do a search. Then click on the listing {if it doesn't take you directly to it}. It will say how many wishers it has, as well as tell you if there is already a copy available to request. If there is another copy already in the system I don't post it unless it's something like a Sonlight book that tends to get requested a lot. Keep in mind though that a lot of folks {myself included} use their reminder list as a wishlist overflow, and it won't show up as wishlisted then.


The forums are great. You can buy credits in the Book Bazaar - if you buy in bulk, you can get it down to about $2 a credit. I also score cheap credits by watching for thin, lightweight homeschooling books I know will be wishlisted. I just sent out a package of 10 Rod & Staff Little Jewel books - all wishlisted, to 1 person. I spent .50 a book, plus $4 shipping for the whole thing. So I spent $9 for 10 credits. I try to get as many going to 1 person as possible to save on shipping.


I'm TXhsmom21 on PBS, BTW :)

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I dig it. I use it to get rid of surplus books that would sell on Amazon for .01. If those don't go after a month or so on PBS, I just remove the listings and donate them.


I don't really think of it as free though, just a better "upcycle" option for a lot of stuff. Right now I'm using credits to collect my current obsession: Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science books.

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I've been on PaperBackSwap for about 6 years. It is great for personal reading, but takes planning ahead and patience if you want to use it for school. We read a lot of classics, especially now that my daughter is in high school, and they are easy to find on PBS. The best thing is to build up your credits by posting a lot of popular books that get requested right away, and banking them for when books on your wish list are available. I usually carry about 25 credits, and I have a wish list of about 130 books, most for personal reading but some we might use in school, so if we get them great, if not we will buy it or not from Amazon.

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we've used PBS since 2008.  We really love it and use it somehow every week.  The kids ALWAYS try a search on PBS when they want a new book.  We have had great success with our wishlist.  For school, I have found a few things we needed, including a Dolciani Algebra textbook!  Just last week, 2 books that DS is dying for and put on my wish list came up for him, and he was so thrilled.  It is a bit of a wait for wishlist items, but it's like any other thing you want to get a real deal on..you either have to do lots of digging, or wait.  As for books I'm offering, I just have a moving box in the basement with the books I've listed in it.  I keep adding to the box and when one is requested I just visit the box.


One trick I've used over the years is to go in and totally remove ALL the books you are offering and then re-add them if you haven't gotten a request in a while.  I don't know what it does to the system, or if it makes it think you are new again or what, but about once a year I do that and immediately get requests for a while.  And I love that if I don't wanna fool with sending books out, I can buy credits and get books in for the cheapest anywhere.  AND if I want it new, I can click on the amazon link and choose to use 1 credit to get some $ taken off the Amazon price of the book. 

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Love it.  Like others, I put up books there that I'm not going to make money on otherwise.  I usually get about 1/2 of my school books that way, and a few for me.  


I still sometimes take a load to the library for their sales, but only if they're not going to move on Amazon or Paperback Swap.

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Just for kicks, I once typed "A Beka" in the search bar at PBS. If you don't mind using older editions of their items, I think you can h/s from K-12 just from PBS.  :laugh:


Another thing you can do to get credits is to use their DVD Swap and transfer the credits. DVDs are cheap to ship.


I've gotten some nice things from PBS over the years. But mostly I use it to get reading books for CP that I don't want to bother renewing multiple times from the library. Even if the credits "cost" between $2-$3, that's still cheaper than the $4 to get a penny book from Amazon.

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I sent a friend request to you on pbs. I figure it'll be easier to check you board if I don't have to keep remembering your nickname and searching

Tahe easiest way is to put the ISBN in the search box {not the post this book box} & do a search. Then click on the listing {if it doesn't take you directly to it}. It will say how many wishers it has, as well as tell you if there is already a copy available to request. If there is another copy already in the system I don't post it unless it's something like a Sonlight book that tends to get requested a lot. Keep in mind though that a lot of folks {myself included} use their reminder list as a wishlist overflow, and it won't show up as wishlisted then.

The forums are great. You can buy credits in the Book Bazaar - if you buy in bulk, you can get it down to about $2 a credit. I also score cheap credits by watching for thin, lightweight homeschooling books I know will be wishlisted. I just sent out a package of 10 Rod & Staff Little Jewel books - all wishlisted, to 1 person. I spent .50 a book, plus $4 shipping for the whole thing. So I spent $9 for 10 credits. I try to get as many going to 1 person as possible to save on shipping.

I'm TXhsmom21 on PBS, BTW :)

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I like it as sort of a "zero clutter" system. It lets me get books that I don't want to pay full price for without adding to the clutter in my house (since I have to send a book out for the credit). I haven't had much luck finding homeschool curricula or teacher resources used locally, but I've gotten a bunch of stuff from PBS. Over half of the books I've received are homeschooling books (and that's not including the fiction books I've gotten that we read during school). Things like Marilyn Burns books, two WRTR editions, etc.

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so with a little bit of patience, it might be worth it. I have 3 large boxes of books I can trade.


Very worth it.


And can I just say - since this thread was posted I've had FIVE Sonlight books we needed come up available. 2 were wishlisted, 3 on my reminder list. Guess WTM mamas all ran over to Paperbackswap :)

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I love Paperback Swap! I just wish listed a bunch of books that I'd like to use. Of course I have no idea if you can find math and grammar books on there...? (At this point I don't know the difference between workbooks and lesson books.)

I've gotten a lot of kids books on there - most of our Dr Seuss books are from there. And if we find a library book that we particularly like, I will look for it on there.

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