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Update on my poor sick cat who was not eating - Good News!


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Took the cat to the vet last Friday, and the vet did all sorts of testing and shots (antibiotic and short-acting steroid), but he gave no pain meds.  The cat still was not eating or drinking so I was syringe feeding her homemade slurries and Science Diet A/D.  Called and pestered the vet twice on Tuesday for pain meds and finally got some. 


I realized that I was in over my head and that I was not getting any help from the vet who had seen her on Friday.  On Tuesday, I was desperate for help and broke down and called my cousin's wife, who is a cat vet (cat only).  I've met her once or twice, but she was very nice and talked to me for 25 minutes and helped me make a plan.  She said I was keeping her alive with the syringe feeding but that she needed a dental specialist ASAP.  I found one and had the cat in the next morning.  She was diagnosed with severe stomatitis, so severe that no tooth extractions could be done.  The vet did some cleaning, xrays and injected steriods directly into the sores in her mouth.  She will need many extractions, but I finally felt that we got some help with the cat.  She stayed at the vet all day getting worked on and came home at 5 pm.


After we brought her home, she drank water and ate an entire can of cat food.  Then I put another can out overnight, and she polished this off.  I put another can out this morning, and she ate that all up.  My baby is finally eating and drinking!  She is on liquid oral pain meds every 12 hours and has a follow up appointment in two weeks to judge the condition of her mouth and whether or not she is a candidate for extractions at that time.  They do them a few at a time to minimize the trauma to the mouth. 


I'm so happy she is doing well.  Golly, this stuff is expensive. We love her, though, even though we've only had her for four months (she's a Humane Society adoption).  I know now that she has been in pain for some time and just reached critical mass with her illness.  I had no idea.  I just thought she was not a big eater.  :(  She has never eaten an entire can of cat food at once.  She ate dry food and seemed okay.  I think she was just swallowing it whole.  She will be on canned for life now. 


Anyway, I thought I would give an update.  I had never heard of stomatitis, and I've had many cats.  It is a terribly painful autoimmune disease, and the preferred treatment is removal of the teeth.  Most cats live long and happy lives when this is successfully done. 

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Thank you for posting the happy update! I have to admit I was a little afraid to open this thread at first, fearing the worst, so I'm so glad to hear she's doing so much better!!! :hurray:

Oh yes - I should change the title to reflect that it is good news.  :)

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I am so glad your kitty found such a wonderful momma' and a wonderful new vet!!


Yes, whole-mouth-extractions are not rare in cats. Hopefully, once she stabilizes, her health will be easier to maintain in the future.


I know this level of care is not (at all) inexpensive, and I applaud you for taking such first-rate care of your newly adoptive kitty. She is one lucky kitty, and I hope your caring and love is returned to you many times over with many good years together.


Thanks for such a great update!

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Ya'll make me feel like a rock star.  :D  She is the most precious little thing, such a lapbaby.  I couldn't do anything but take care of her.  We are at least her third home.  She was on Craigslist at one point and ended up surrendered to the Humane Society.  She has had a rough life, and we will do our best to care for her in her "senior" years.  Even my dh, not a cat person, likes her.


Before we got her, we had to rehome two dogs, and we were very torn about this decision and there was hurt, anger and division within our family.  But when we got Lily, she brought peace with her - she is a pet that works for all members of our family.  I think she rescued us.  :)

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