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Ok, time for a thread about funny "knowledge gaps"


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I feel like I could write a book on this when it comes to my 6 y/o DD.  She's under the weather right now and I saw her trying to get a tissue out of the tissue box.  She said, "Mom, it won't rip."  I watched as she held the tissues down with one hand while trying to "tear" the tissue with the other hand.  I told her to just pull.  She didn't get it.  I finally told her to let go of the tissues with the hand she was using to hold them down and just pull with the other hand.  After she managed to do it, the look on her face was priceless.  Like she couldn't believe it was that simple or something.


Her birthday was recently and at her party she was sitting sideways at the table where her presents were.  She was trying to open the gifts on the table while her body was twisted, if that makes sense.  One of her friends then tells her to put the gift on her lap because it will be easier.  My DD gave her a blank stare.  The friend told her again and eventually all of her friends were saying it as my DD sat there looking like they were talking in a foreign language.  They even started demonstrating where her lap was.  She finally got it, but had a look on her face like, "Well this makes no sense at all."   :huh:

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So, how many cigarettes are there in a pack? Do tell! I still don't know! Sheltered, I guess. :laugh: And I worked in a gas station for a while in college!

Ds7 doesn't know the word 'cigarette'. He was telling me once about 'those things people put in their mouth and they stick out and then they blow smoke and...' We eventually worked out he was referring to a cigarette.


I often weigh myself at home, and when ds was 4 he saw a scale in a pharmacy, and excitedly told me that they had 'one of those thing for seeing how old your feet are'.

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My kids didn't know what a "TV dinner" was. They were reading a book that mentioned TV dinner and were clueless.



And....my kids have no idea what the words are The Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. In fact, they didn't even know what those were let alone the words. I kind of took that one for granted.

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My kids didn't know what a "TV dinner" was. They were reading a book that mentioned TV dinner and were clueless.



And....my kids have no idea what the words are The Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. In fact, they didn't even know what those were let alone the words. I kind of took that one for granted.

We go to baseball games often enough I thought he would know what the Star Spangled Banner was. When he was about 7 we were heading to a game and I said we were running a bit late to get the bus and he asked if we would get there in time for the the "rocket song". "The rockets' red glare" being the words he decided were the most important part. I asked him if he meant the Star Spangled Banner and he had no idea what I was talking about.

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We go to baseball games often enough I thought he would know what the Star Spangled Banner was. When he was about 7 we were heading to a game and I said we were running a bit late to get the bus and he asked if we would get there in time for the the "rocket song". "The rockets' red glare" being the words he decided were the most important part. I asked him if he meant the Star Spangled Banner and he had no idea what I was talking about.


Wait. Are you saying that "the rockets' red glare" is NOT the most important part?


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My kids didn't know what breastfeeding was. I nursed the older for 10 months and the second for 2 months but because they are only 18 months apart, neither had any memory of it. When I explained "When a woman has a baby, her breasts make milk that comes out of her nipples when the baby  sucks on them." They thought I was joke so I google imaged "breastfeeding". My oldest's comment was, "That.. is disgusting." Since then we've been around breastfeeding babies and it's much more normal to them.

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We go to baseball games often enough I thought he would know what the Star Spangled Banner was. When he was about 7 we were heading to a game and I said we were running a bit late to get the bus and he asked if we would get there in time for the the "rocket song". "The rockets' red glare" being the words he decided were the most important part. I asked him if he meant the Star Spangled Banner and he had no idea what I was talking about.

That makes me think about one of the Ramona Quimby books where she calls it the "Donzer" song, because of the phrase "by the dawn's early light" :D

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When my older daughter was 13 I realized she could not tell time on an analog clock. That is when I noticed that every clock in our house was digital. I went out and bought a few $5 clocks at Walmart and she finally did learn how to tell time. 


Not my child, but my HUSBAND:

My younger daughter is sick so today was a Netflix/lounge on the couch day for us. She was watching Walking with Dinosaurs when my (very intelligent) DH came home from work. He sat down and watched about 10 mins of it with her and then said to me....


"Is this actual footage?"


LOL My 8 year old looked at him like WTF??

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This one might be a little more disturbing, or evidence of educational negligence, than funny. But discovered this week that my 4th grader (above grade level reading and spelling, no dyslexia) doesn't know his alphabet. He knows the letters. He doesn't know the order. At all. He can't even sing the song to get them.


I realized he never learned it. He went from no phonemic knowledge to reading phonetically, and I forgot about the whole can't say the alphabet business.

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