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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Friday will be a busy but good day


work daycare 730-830

hopefully do some daycare admin work 830-930

work daycare 3-6

pack teens for camp (they have to walk over from the library for 430 and head off on their own)

pack youngers for gramma's

drop younger's off in city at gramma's after work so about 830ish\

hang out in city until folks back from v-day date and then drive the 2 hours home

pick up freezer bags (and put ds15's meds in one with instruction sheet and pack with gear)

clean bathroom

pick up crickets and shavings at the pet store

fill gas tank

drop off paperwork at new job

read aloud ds10s lit class assignment

school- ds15 and dd14 heroes of greece and rome homework, ds15 classic adventure 2 homework, dd14 latin homework(must be emailed to tutor), ds15 and dd14 T.C. dvd lectures (mythology, superstar student and shakespeare).  dd6 HWOT,AAR and MUS, ds10 MUS, AAR

dd14 online class 1-230pm WWII


Can't wait to get home friday night to an empty house,  it is a rare occurance and I so very much need the break, even if the break I am getting is because I work all weekend.

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TGIF, indeed.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Geography, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Spelling, Geography, Reading

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-if I'm still alive after lunch: science experiment with dd7 and dd5

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Greek

-study Latin


-clean bathroom

-read a book

-online payment

-call bank - Monday

-write BaW post



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



I hope everyone has a great day :D!

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Jean, I hope you're feeling up to all that.


James Bond has a 4 day weekend, which means he'll be in the way for school tomorrow.  Blah.  Although, I told him I want to sleep in for Valentine's Day, so YAY!


To do:  


B'fast, lunch, dinner (pasta, maybe?)








Fold the mountain of laundry I've done this week


Iron (just kill me!)


Give Bella a bath


Make a batch of "hot pockets"




Eat candy


Think about Sherlock


Watch some of the lectures for my class


Think about my next assignment, due Mon, which has me completely stumped


Eat more candy to combat the fact that I'm stumped on the assignment



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Not a whole lot for me :)

- dishes

- one load of laundry- in the dryer

- tidy house- done

- college prep stuff

- shower while dd2 sleeps- done

- dd1's school valentine's day party at 1:30 (dh might attend with if he gets out of work early enough) bring dd1 where ever with me after school- well dh won't be out in time so dd1 will come home with me after school to wait for dh to get home. He has had to work late every day (like until 9 pm) this week and he has to leave Wednesday for Chicago and be gone for 5 days. Dd1 really misses her play time with daddy and I miss talking to him (the long conversations). He hopes to be out at 3 today and not have to work this weekend

- pay bills, shopping and out to eat with dh and the girls

- bedtime routine :)

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Funky day ahead:


--dd's FLL team is giving their final presentation to an industry partner group at 10. We have to leave early because some roads are still bad.

--Math Olympiad 1:30-3. We have to leave before 1 to open the rooms.

--dd FLL team meeting 4-6:30 (??). I have to find her a ride home.

--dh and I have a dinner and concert beginning at 5pm. We'll be home after 9:30. I still don't know what I'll wear----one outfit works with heels and one with my black boots. I think I'll probably have to go with the boots outfit.


Dd wants to bake something to take to the FLL competition tomorrow for sharing. She might be able to squeeze that in between the presentation and Math Olympiad. I'm not wild about her baking when we're not home.


She needs to do some English today as well.


I should probably check to see if I need to do laundry.

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Good morning everyone!  Hope you are feeling better Jean!


Happy Valentines Day, a day that is usually a non-thing for us but dh brought home cards and chocolate for the girls and I last night. 


Don't have to think about supper, we have a young friend who's family is all elsewhere and she always comes to make pink pancakes for supper on Valentines Day and we watch a movie. (she mixes red M&M's in the batter)


Already tended to all the feathered, finned and furred and got the woodstove going.

Did the dishes, tried to get the cat to eat something and he wouldn't so I syringed the high calorie Nutrical into his mouth and now he is mad at me.


School with youngest when she gets up.


1st pills for eldest at 9 then I will bring her something to eat so she can take the big guns at 9:30.  She is on crutches these days, her legs have gotten unreliable.  Tried to call the Lyme guy in NY yesterday but they were closed due to the weather, will try again today.  Looks like she will not be finishing her senior year any time soon.  But she will get her driver's license in May, so that's something.


I have laundry going and have to make beds up with fresh sheets at some point.


Looks like vacuuming is on todays list as well.






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Good morning! Jean, I hope you are feeling better. Lizzie, praying here for your dd.


Schools are out today, so our schedule is a bit different. A later morning practice, and a friend for ds3 is coming over between practices.


To do:

work out rental cars for upcoming trips

call mom

grocery shop/pick up Valentine's Day present for dh

pick up house

wash car

pm practice: swimming only, I think

school for everyone except ds3


clean master bath



green smoothie



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Well I didn't make it into work for my am shift nor for admin work though I may go in earlier today for my afternoon shift to get that done.  My child support didn't arrive to my inbox in time to get gas to get to work.  It is there now, so this afternoon won't be a problem.  Kids are all still asleep so I have spent the last 2 hours online enjoying the quiet.  Laundry is going, and a portion of what I wanted to get done at the front entrance tomorrow is already done (it has become a catch all this week, with bags for goodwill, bags of bottle to return, all the rubber boots emptied from the deacons bench now that the mitts etc are in it, camp gear for the teens etc, it was a distaster).  So all in all starting out to be a decent day.  Just about to make some breakfast and a cup of coffee before starting some of my coursera work while I have some quiet to think.

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Not a whole lot for me :)

- dishes

- one load of laundry- in the dryer

- tidy house- done

- college prep stuff

- shower while dd2 sleeps- done

- dd1's school valentine's day party at 1:30 (dh might attend with if he gets out of work early enough) bring dd1 where ever with me after school- well dh won't be out in time so dd1 will come home with me after school to wait for dh to get home. He has had to work late every day (like until 9 pm) this week and he has to leave Wednesday for Chicago and be gone for 5 days. Dd1 really misses her play time with daddy and I miss talking to him (the long conversations). He hopes to be out at 3 today and not have to work this weekend

- pay bills, shopping and out to eat with dh and the girls

- bedtime routine :)

Dishes are done, gotta get dd2 and I dressed to go to dd1's school party. College prep pushed aside again, oh well might get to between the girls and I getting home and dh getting home. Oh I and I have to fold and put away laundry yet too.
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Woke up feeling like maybe I'm coming down with something.:(



Made kiddos breakfast

Cleaned kitchen


Dd1-math, grammar, test prep (shoot me now), cursive, writing, science

Dd2-math, phonics, reading

Made kiddos snack

Cleaned kitchen

Folded laundry

Cleaned master bathroom

Wiped kids bathroom counters

Dogs walked and fed




Thaw steaks for dinner

Sweep and mop downstairs

Vacuum stairs, girls room, playroom, my room


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Happy Valentine's Day!



Human care including breakfast done


Pet care done


Did glucose testing with ds for health class (we're talking about diabetes etc. since dh's entire family is diabetic and I'm pre-diabetic).  His fasting came up at the very highest end of normal.  We're going to test all day.  If there is a problem, we'll be going in to the doctor.


Assigned history reading to dd amid many groans.  


Dh and I think that my latest antibiotic has stopped working.  Fortunately I have an ENT appointment for Monday.

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TGIF, indeed.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Geography, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Spelling, Geography, Reading

-dd5: Math, Copywork, Spelling, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-if I'm still alive after lunch: science experiment with dd7 and dd5

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Greek

-study Latin


-clean bathroom

-read a book

-online payment

-call bank - Monday



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil



I was so tired (of all the bickering and annoying behaviour by the kids) that after school was done, I didn't have the brainpower to study Greek or Latin :glare: . And I didn't want to clean the bathroom. So I didn't.


I did read a book! And dh ordered pizza (which is very rare for us!) :001_wub: , so the day ended well :D.


I'm going to put the kids to bed now and then read some more. See you all tomorrow!



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Cleaned the kitchen.  I don't know why I bothered, since dd is now baking. . .    She's making heart shaped cornbread muffins for today's lunch.  She saw the idea on Pinterest.  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/325948091752882181/


I was dancing in the kitchen (don't tell Liz in CA, she thinks I'm resting) while the kids were yelling "My eyes, my eyes!"   :glare:

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I took my little one to my parent's house.  I ran errands in town--bank, walmart, grocery.  Dh took #1 to work the library this afternoon so I've had a pretty quiet afternoon.

Put a roast in the crock pot for supper

House is still looking good :)

Ready for the weekend!


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Happy valentine's Day! Our house is part of some big comcast outage, so we've not had phone & internet since the ice storm. I'm at mcdonald's on my nook. I hope everyone is well & happy. We had power outages off & on but didn't lose any food. I think I'm on the tailend of this cold.


My dad called to tell me happy v-day. It used to be my mom who called. Two things in one week of missing her calling has been hard.


Hopefully we'll have internet soon!

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Hi everyone! I'm checking in at the end of the day. Had a bit of school this morning and then it was off to our co-op's annual Valentine's Day party at the bowling alley. It was fun. I had a nice time visiting with the other moms. DH and I don't "do" Valentine's Day. I feel like it's such a contrived holiday, an DH is always relieved when I let him off the hook for these things. He hates holidays. Or I should say, he hates the pressure of having to come up with something on holidays. Right now, I'm the only one up. Just sitting on my comfy chair, watching the Olympics.


Hope you all have a restful sleep!

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