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Who else survived the first week???


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I actually survived the first week! It was really tough though. My 7th grader was not prepared for how much more work there will be this year. I did change her science from BJU to Apologia. That was a major relief for both of us. It was also a bit of a shock too because we have used BJU science since 3rd grade.


4th grader is loving her new "stuff"!


So, any survival stories out there??

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First week officially survived here. :001_smile: Day 4 was our tough day, ds couldn't quite believe I meant for him to do school *every* day! Day 5 went better. I have 2nd graders this year so I gently bumped up math and writing expectations, and I think that was a little tough for them to take in. ;) But they rallied and I think it was a pretty good week. Completely exhausting though! Maybe it's being pregnant this time around, but I was WIPED out at the end of each day!

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We just finished our first week and it went really well. MFW CtG has fit in really nicely. I'm a die hard sonlight fan so adding something new took alot. We are also doing the 1st half of sonlight core 6 and everything is fitting together so well. I just couldn't miss out on the sonlight books, not even for an Old Testament study.;) We had our first Feast last night and I was so proud of ds for handling it with such grace. I thought he might scoff at it being a teenager and all but he was wonderful and even handled his fathers parts of the blessing as dh was on the road.


BJU pre-algebra is really going well, he hasn't had to ask for help with anything yet. LLATL is also going great, this was a last minute decision. I had originally planned on BJU for LA too but the LLATL Green book just seemed to fit our studies this year so well that I changed. BJU Earth Science is interesting but much harder than he is used to, guess we'll grow into it.


The Auto Upkeep course I got for his elective is going great, he has learned a ton about his old firebird he bought. It is also neat because my db is helping him with the hands on labs and this is giving them some time to bond over something they are both really interested in.


Now, if only next week goes so well!:D

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We did! I tried to be very laid back and just started the week with the basics. We will add in our extras (logic, cwp, beautiful feet character, etc.) as we get into our routine. Bella told me how much she was loving school, which of course made me happy about our decision to bring her home this year.


If you ask Bella, her favorites are LA (Cle and wwe) followed closely by SOTW 1. Our only struggle seems to be with math thus far and by struggle I mean she is getting frustrated because she doesn't have her facts memorized. We spent the first week doing some review - she passed the CLE LU 201 test with no problem, but some simple subtraction facts brought her to tears. We will work on those more this week and I guess we'll have to see where to go from there.

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We finished our first week with LCC, it was a blast. We have changed a few suggestions, one was adding LOF Fractions. Ds laughed so hard during math, he asked to change all of his math to Fred. This was the best first week we have in 5 years.


We got everything we needed to do accomplishate (yes, that's my word).

We identified a few areas of struggle.

We had time on Friday to focus mainly on science (ds favorite subject).

We made it through week 1 of CW Aesop.

LFC A was a blast, I'm patting myself on the back because I feel like I made the best Latin choice for us.


We had a few moments of attitude and balking but it wasn't excessive and I feel like for once my ds actually enjoyed school.

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We had a great week. Everyone was happy, stress was low, and it was nice to be more structured. It is amazing to me how much more I get done daily when we have structure. But.....I sure love the lazy days of summer. ;)


This was us too. Great week, stress was low, the boys worked well and rarely complained. I told them if we have just as good of a week this coming week I'll take them to see a movie next Sat.

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We survived!!!


My oldest dropped her British history text, but she's taking several social science classes at the community college, so that'll make up for it.


My boys are happy with everything...thankfully!


I had to change my 1st grader's reading program (dropped Sonlight Core 1, Alpha Phonics, and Explode the Code for Pathway Readers first grade set with workbooks -- she loves it!!)


1 week down ... 35 to go! LOL! :D

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Subtraction was our struggle the first year I pulled ds from ps too, it must be a ps thing.:glare: We spent a few days just working on subtraction and once he got the borrowing thing he was good to go and has been a math whiz ever since.:D


We did! I tried to be very laid back and just started the week with the basics. We will add in our extras (logic, cwp, beautiful feet character, etc.) as we get into our routine. Bella told me how much she was loving school, which of course made me happy about our decision to bring her home this year.


If you ask Bella, her favorites are LA (Cle and wwe) followed closely by SOTW 1. Our only struggle seems to be with math thus far and by struggle I mean she is getting frustrated because she doesn't have her facts memorized. We spent the first week doing some review - she passed the CLE LU 201 test with no problem, but some simple subtraction facts brought her to tears. We will work on those more this week and I guess we'll have to see where to go from there.

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We had a great week! I do have to admit that I cut out science and history just for the week. I wanted more to cencentrate on getting up at the right time and establishing our routines better. This upcoming week will be a full blown schedule.

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We made it through the week, but I petered out on Friday and took the girls out for breakfast. Then, we went tennis shoe shopping. In the afternoon, we had to get a meat delivery, so it was pretty much a worthless day. We're going to make up for it tomorrow.


I expecting things to go well this next week. We'll see how it goes!

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So, any survival stories out there??


Piece o' cake. He isn't starting until tomorrow. ;)


Our PS doesn't start until Wednesday!


ETA -- Oops! I meant he starts Monday. And I'll be glad when he does, too, because I've been a day or two off since he started vacation!

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We had a great week. My 2nd grader has really matured over the summer and things seemed to have "clicked" for him. My 4th grader has accepted the fact that more wil be expected of him this year than last year.

And I need to find more stuff for my 7th grader. He's finishing everything I have planned in just a few hours then looking for stuff to do.


35 more weeks to go.

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We had a fairly good first week. My 7th grader bulked the first day with the extra reading load-we're using Omnibus 1 this yr. She enjoyed it the following days though once she realized it covered 3 subjects. She also complained her science was too easy (I intentionally chose an easy course to offset the Omnibus load), so I switched her from Oak Meadow to Science Explorer.

She is doing BJU pre-algebra while my 9th grader is starting Algebra 2 with Foerster's Algebra & Trig. Strangley, all their topics have correlated so far.


My 9th grader is really enjoying Omnibus. They both enjoy the indepth discussion and writing topics. I got stuck on the 4th day of Algebra 2 (math is not my strong point). Dd had some confusion on how to tell what degree a polynomial is. I tried to struggle through it with her and she quickly caught on, I didn't. Later that night I asked her to explain it to me, so I wouldn't be so ignorant when dd2 comes into Algebra 2. She was very gracious in explaining it to me and it probably helped to cement the concept in her brain. Hopefully, I won't hinder her enough. I really like Megawords. She is a poor speller, but very logical. Thbis book makes spelling so logical. I hope it helps. She is taking Biology & Computer Assisted Design online and won't start those until Sept.


It was overall a good week, it was great to get back into a routine after a hectic summer.

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We've finished 3 weeks here. The first week was really good, the second was a little tricky. My sister, who's been disabled for about 4 years after a surgery, got very sick with swelling and cellulitis in her legs. My mom couldn't go take care of her because of my grandmother, so me and the kids packed up our schoolwork and went. She actually got worse and we spent 2 whole days at doctors' offices and the ER. They admitted her but we stayed the rest of the week in case she got out and needed help. She didn't get out until Saturday.


We did manage to get most of our school work done, but this past Monday was spent catching up. The rest of the week went fine.


Now my parents want to take dd on a vacation to NC to see The Lost Colony. They pick her up Monday and will be gone all week. It will be nice to do school with just my ds, but we're doing some MOH activities and project with our best friend homeschool family, so we'll have to double up next week so we don't get behind them.

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We survived!! I scheduled a lighter week because DH and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday and the boys went to Grandma's house to stay overnight. I forgot how much mental energy it takes for ME to make it through the week. I am so tired! It's good to have a routine again though. The boys did great and I'm wondering how in the world to fit in all the new stuff I have planned for next week.


My weekly report for this week is up though. Link's below.:)

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We survived our first week too, but I have to admit I am starting dd out softly with mostly review lessons before adding the new "stuff" in increments. We just started our new MUS this week and she loves, loves, loves it. Makes me wish I'd switched over from Saxon much earlier!




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I survived. It was ... somewhere between mediocre and great. In some ways it was great, but then again, I really only got to about 1/4 of the little ones' work. I'm telling myself that it's okay, we're easing in, they're young ... but at some point I'll have to work it out.


All the kids were compliant and generally happy, with the exception of the 6 year old who currently lives to test my limits.

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With our 7th grader. I have made a few decisions to help with the workload like not doing a formal language arts class this year. But there are only so many places to cut back. Wish us luck and I am glad yours went well.

Funny, we are switching from Apologia to BJU with the dvds. :)

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