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If you were a bat where would you be hiding? He's been captured!!!

Flowing Brook

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Day three and I still have not found the stupid thing. Our house is sealed tight so there is no way he could have gotten out. We have not opened the attic since the day he flew in.  I think he is still in the bedroom. So where is he? If he does not leave soon I am going to send him a bill for rent.  And yes grandma I know it is cold outside but he cannot stay in the house until spring. If he does I will start sleeping outside. 

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I am very sorry for you. I would have moved out of the house if that happened to me :ohmy: 


I would put motion detector night vision cameras and catch him in action. Look inside all your closets and shake out all the clothes and jackets - if I were a bat, that is where I would hide.

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I went in to get some clothes before showering. I saw HIM hanging on the outside of the  curtain. I did what any coward would do and shut off the light and went and got my dad to deal with it for me.  He took a net and captured it. My dad then let it outside. I am glad we did not have to kill it. I did not want to hurt him just get him out of my house.  Now I have to work up the courage to sleep in my room tonight. :tongue_smilie:

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I went in to get some clothes before showering. I saw HIM hanging on the outside of the  curtain. I did what any coward would do and shut off the light and went and got my dad to deal with it for me.  He took a net and captured it. My dad then let it outside. I am glad we did not have to kill it. I did not want to hurt him just get him out of my house.  Now I have to work up the courage to sleep in my room tonight. :tongue_smilie:


Please tell me you looked up the rabies cases in your area before releasing him.  Otherwise, a call to the health dept or your doctor is in order. Rabies is high in my area with bats, raccoons and skunks.We have even had a case or two in cats.  

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