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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I am in though I won't be home long


ds15 online lit class 9-1030am

go to tire shop at 9 am for new tire

pick up last pay cheque at diner

get gas

drop 2 bags off at donation bin

load up trunk with overnight bags (that I will pack first since I didn't get to it on Tuesday)

Drop kids off at my moms in the city (and her pizza order too)

drive to brother's place in Calgary

go to homeschool store in Calgary and pick up AAR2 perhaps


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Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, Dutch grammar, English, Latin, Biology, History, Geography, Logic

-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch (2x)

-Greek & Latin vocab

-take dd10 to theater class



-write & post a postcard

-take dd5 to gymnastics practice


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)...I'm trying

-vit D & multi & fish oil

-NO SUGAR....maybe, depends on headache


I hope everyone has a great day! :D

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I don't want to bit I got to....

- take care of fish that died- done

- file mom's and brother's taxes- in progress

- Reorganize dd's bookshelf- done

- one load of laundry (for clothes)- done

- tidy rest of house- bathroom, living room, kitchen done

- vacuum

- dishes- done

- dinner- burgers- done

- change bedding both beds- done, sheets need to be folded and put away, 1 of 3 comforters in dryer, 2 of 3 comforters in washer

- pay property tax- done

- make nursing pads and find other cute free baby stuff patterns to hand sew or crochet :) well I have the fabric out and I've been looking on Pinterest while dd2 is nursing

- get dd off bus- done

- bedtime routine- done

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Dh is taking the boys on their field trip for their science class, which leaves me with a blissful, empty, quiet 3 hours to get stuff done around the house and exercise.


1. wash neck pillows from work.

2. wash comforter

3. exercise-45 minute walk and yoga

4. bible reading

5. take boys for new sneakers

6. buy coffee grinder-amazon or target?

7. finish emptying junk drawer!

8. afternoon-math, latin,.....??

7. clean out back of car

8. renew library books

9. purchase 9 remaining CEUS, begin coursework

10. put away laundry 

11. prep egg shells to feed to chickens

12. buy coffee

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Tress--I hope you don't have a headache or it gets better.


Halcyon--enjoy the quiet.



I went and helped my dad and sisters make the arrangements yesterday. The visitation is Thursday afternoon and early evening, and the funeral will be following it. We'll have a short service for the burial on Friday. It's been very difficult, but I know it will eventually get better. 


Today (These are the only have-tos besides eating):

Laundry in my new washing machine (My neighbor let them in yesterday to install it!)

Try to make a dvd with pictures of Mother that will play in an actual dvd player

pack for the trip

head out of town



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Halcyon-jealous of your quiet time!!!



Take big girls to watch the Robin Hood play (perfect timing as dd8 just finished this book for history!)DONE

Math, spelling, writing, cursive, science, Awana verse, and geography for dd1DONE(minus science and geography)

Math, handwriting, reading, phonics, and Awana verse for dd2DONE

Gymnastics for dd3DONE

Vacuum upstairs, toilets, bathroom counters, fold laundry, sweep and mop downstairs, wash master bed sheets and blanketDONE

Dinner??? Chicken something. Not sure what exactly.DONE-it wasn't chicken, I did a Costco run and the kids chewed down on fresh fruits and veggies when I got home. Calling that good enough dinner. ;)

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Today my older dd turns 19 :party:


Dd let me sleep in (I was up late last night through no fault of my own). He drove dd19(!) to class, got ready for work, and then picked her up when class got out 1.5 hours early (last day before the final) :D


So my wet Wednesday:

--schoolwork: algebra 3, practice AMC10 test, mock Science Olympiad rocks and minerals test, something else for science, English, more of Ken Burns's Civil War

--prep dd's dinner and dessert (peanut butter cheesecake!) choices

--exercise: 60 min elliptical


--decide what I'll eat tomorrow on my second 5:2 "fast" day

--dd14 ballet w rehearsal after 6-9

--get ds whenever he can come home for dinner and/or dessert (weather not appropriate for biking home)

--continue high school planning (looking at books/resources for ancient history)

--celebrate with dd :)

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Morning Ladies,

I'm in my usual spot to begin my day - kitchen table with my coffee, Bible and devotional. Gotta check in with you gals first, though!


** school today. I've been trying to do art on Wednesdays, so here we go. It's Wednesday.

** work more on co-op plans

** kids have Awana


I'm just worn out emotionally. Nothing major or traumatic, but... my oldest had an issue with a neighbor kid, which we worked out, but it was difficult. My second is starting guitar lessons and he's very anxious, and when he's anxious we all pay for it. My baby, I love her to death, but she shadows me all day. I know this is typical, I know all about that, but I am an introvert and she is a bright shining extrovert who loves Mommy and it is very hard for me to keep up a running stream of conversation all day, and then I feel guilty because.... it is hard and I should be loving these times because tomorrow I'm going to wake up and it'll be her wedding day and I'll never see her again. And sometimes I just wish she'd go paint, or play with her dolls or something.


Well, hope you all have a great day.

Jean, how are you feeling?

Amy, you're in my prayers!

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Amy, :grouphug: .

I hope all are feeling better. Dh is taking today off because he leaves with ds1 for the last college trip. So I slept in a bit, and will start the day rested. It is really close to Zero outside and a bit chilly in the house.


To do:

school for kids

oversee chores/snow shoveling

check in with ds1 on deadlines


work on mudroom

clean study

pick up downstairs

pm practice: swimming, climbing, aikido, water polo



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes

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ds15 finished his online class, bags are nearly packed, donations dropped in the bin, tire fixed.  Tried to get my paycheque and old boss refused to give it to me.  Trying again after I post this.  If she doesn't pay me I have to cancel my appt for tomorrow and am starting to feel very sick (as in actual nausea and dizziness) at that prospect.

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I'm actually having a good day today.  


The long and involved process of taking care of my health with all it's potions and libations is done.

Ds is finally done with his math test after 3  hours.   :svengo:  (And yes, I'm going to have to figure out what the problem is and address it.)

Pet care is done.

Human care is done.

Beef is defrosted and is waiting to be made into beef veg soup.

I've chosen a recipe from "The Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without" by Mollie Katzen to make for tonight.  Now I"m trying to find frozen artichoke hearts.

I've discussed how to research a contrast paper with ds16.


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Well, school is taking forever today. Chemistry experiments with ds2 are a long and careful process. Which is good, but he has other things to do!

Dh is home and cursing the fafsa, mostly because he did not listen to me. Which he is now figuring out. And I have left him to it.


Sigh. Sometimes I feel like I am shouting into the wind. Between ds1 and dh (who are very much alike in both good and bad ways), I get exhausted trying to get things done.


Everyone is tired today and we have a long afternoon (in extreme cold) to deal with.


Hmm, I need lunch but that means braving the cranky man in the kitchen!

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I'm late today for everything..... I've had a headache all day and it's really slowing me down.


Stuff I've gotten done:

  • vacuum and tidy first floor
  • made the bed and cleaned up both bathrooms upstairs
  • crockpot turkey breast is cooking and the house smells yummy
  • graded ds algebra work...we will be going over the last three lessons again tonight, apparently he missed something in the lesson and is having some issues.  I need to figure out what's going on.  
  • Finished lesson plans for next week
  • took out trash and brought the trash cans in from the street 
  • made list for shopping tomorrow after music lessons


To do this afternoon and night:

  • dinner--finish it--peas, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and stuffing on the table by 6
  • clean up kitchen
  • go over all algebra lesson mistakes
  • go to bed early...I need to be on my game tomorrow. :)
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finally got my pay cheque, went to bank and depositted (sp?) it, refilled all of ds15s meds, returned library books, got lunch, filled the gas tank.  Realized ds15 left his overnight bag at home, and I left my gift card for my meals on the road at home so we stopped back here on our way out of town.  SHould be rolling into Calgary by about 730ish tonight if there is no more stops beyond dropping the kids off.

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Called all over and finally found frozen artichoke hearts - ironically, at our local grocery store that I called last, because I was sure they wouldn't have it!


Went to the grocery store.  Got the final ingredients for tonight's supper.  Crock pot is loaded and I'm ready to hit the switch in a moment.


Watched a gross episode of Dr. Who.  (I like them usually but this one had the actor who plays Mycroft Holmes as a mutated scorpion thing.)



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Amy, I'm so sorry. 


We met Dh for lunch today
Took #1 to library
#2 and I went to the dollar store
Spent afternoon playing w/#2
Taking a break now

I need to:
maybe vacuum--it's not bad but either tonight or tomorrow
maybe supper--late lunch usually means no supper

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Took a nap.

Dd wanted me to take her to a park to videotape her doing gymnastics.  The cold would have made that more than unpleasant since the cold makes my muscles tense up and intensifies the pain.  So . . . we worked out a compromise.  She got her 16 year old brother to agree to do the videotaping.  I drove them there in my warm car and stayed in the running car with the heat on while they did the shoot.  Everyone happy.


Now - I am going to make "Artichoke heart and spinach gratin" from the Mollie Katzen cookbook.  Dd says "eeew" but we're all going to try and expand our vegetable horizons!  

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Jean will you share the artichoke and spinach gratin recipe?



I got 3 thumbs up (mine, dh and ds).  Dd, once she got done calling it "rotten gratin", tried it and told me that the spinach part is good.  She still doesn't like the artichokes.  

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