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If you have long-haired people in your home, how


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do you deal with it on the carpet? Dd's hair is very long (over 2 feet, but haven't measured in a while). She isn't the best at keeping it from tangling, so she tends to lose a lot. my hair is longer, too. How do you find is the best way to get it up without having to deal with the vacuum roller getting it all?

Thanks for any ideas!




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We don't have carpet.


Problem solved. ;)



(I have to tell the truth -- you must be a lot tidier than I am, because even when we did have carpeting, it never occurred to me to think about the long hair issue. The dog and cat hair issue was another story, though.... :D)

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I have four girls who have often had long hair, and I guess I never really noticed a lot of long hair on the carpet!  :)  We had pets who shed a lot more, so we vacuumed regularly.  That must've gotten up the human hair too.  It was a bigger problem in the shower stall, which we had to clean regularly or the drain would plug.


One of my daughters brushes her hair vigorously every time she washes it, and says that helps a lot with the hair shedding.  Also, I've heard that adding zinc to your diet helps with people who seem to shed a lot of hair. 

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I have very long hair; I could cut enough off to donate and still have long enough hair to donate a few more times. Honestly, there's no good solution. Eve on hardwood floors, we just have to clean out the vacuum cleaner every so often. Same with the drains; I clean it out every time I shower, and the pipes still get clogged. Just the way it is.

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We don't have carpet.


Problem solved. ;)



(I have to tell the truth -- you must be a lot tidier than I am, because even when we did have carpeting, it never occurred to me to think about the long hair issue. The dog and cat hair issue was another story, though.... :D)


I wish, but we don't have a few thousand dollars lying around right now to change over! LOL!

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We are a long hair family, and I am the only female in the house, lol.


I also don't have carpets but I sweep a lot and we vacuum regularly. I also try very, very hard to keep all hair brushing to the bathroom. DH is the worst offender. He will stand there in the kitchen, leaning against a counter, taking the boys and combing his hair and putting it back before he goes to work. Blurg.  I also take scissors to the roller on the vacuum a couple times a week. I have an expensive vacuum and I want to keep it in good working order.


For the drains, well, every sink and tub has a mesh drain trap that catches all the hair before it goes down. Yes they have to be cleaned out often, more than once during a shower, but they keep the hair out of the drains. I removed all the plugs and replaced them with the mesh traps. I am sure it has saved us a fortune in plumber bills. I put the traps in the dishwasher every couple days.


I am pretty vigilent about the hair really.

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dd's hair was past her bottom.  she was required to brush regularly (daily) to get the loose strands.   conditioner works wonders to help it not tangle.  she also tended to put it up in a bun with hairsticks (or pencils pretending to be hairsticks), or braids.


when my hair was long, I also tended to pull it back.

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