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Anyone ditched their land-line altogether?


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I'm almost ready to take the plunge.  I'm paying $30/month for my land-line.  I can add one more cell phone to my family plan for $10/month AND keep my existing phone number.  Is there a good reason I shouldn't do this?  


Four of the five of us already have cell phones.  My youngest, 14 yo, doesn't have a phone yet.  I could get the 5th line for him, but then we would just be dropping our house phone.  Or the 5th line could be the house phone, for now, and we could gradually switch all house phone calls over to my or husband's cell phone, then give the phone to the youngest.


I'm just trying to think this through.


BTW, land-line is VoIP, so I'm not giving up the dependability of a real, old-fashioned land-line.

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We haven't had a landline in years.  DS10 has his own smart phone and dd will have one when she turns 10 (assuming she is responsible like her brother, she has a long way to go though  :001_rolleyes: ).  I do not let the children stray far from me or home alone until they're 10 and responsible.  I have not missed not having a landline at all.

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We haven't had one for a long time.  Right now, our kids are little so we do make sure they know how to use the cell phone in case of an emergency.  I don't miss it at all.  

If we were getting cable I might consider it, but probably not.  Right now we watch everything online and it saves us a lot of money.  

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We finally got rid of ours in July.  It has been blissfully quiet.  I never get telemarketers now.  Dh requested not to have our calls forwarded.  


Ds and I FaceTime using his iPod if I am away from home, though I suspect he will have his own phone at some point in the near future.  Dd does not stay home alone.  

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We pay $3/month for a VOIP thing -- so we have a home telephone number and our regular phones at home work.  Ours is through Ooma, and I wouldn't want to give it up.  I prefer to have a collective phone number for the family, especially as we have some really little kids.

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I'm almost ready to take the plunge. I'm paying $30/month for my land-line. I can add one more cell phone to my family plan for $10/month AND keep my existing phone number. Is there a good reason I shouldn't do this?


Four of the five of us already have cell phones. My youngest, 14 yo, doesn't have a phone yet. I could get the 5th line for him, but then we would just be dropping our house phone. Or the 5th line could be the house phone, for now, and we could gradually switch all house phone calls over to my or husband's cell phone, then give the phone to the youngest.


I'm just trying to think this through.


BTW, land-line is VoIP, so I'm not giving up the dependability of a real, old-fashioned land-line.

We are planning on getting rid of the land line and adding a "home line" into our at&t wireless plan. $10 extra a month and you share minutes with the other phones in your plan. Comes with voicemail, caller ID, etc.


right now we are paying $30 for the bare minimum phone plan- no caller ID, voicemail, long distance. I just want to have something for emergencies. We don't use the land line for anything right now.

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We did 8 years ago. We moved into a new area and the people who hook up phone lines were on strike. It was going to take 3 to 6 weeks before they could hook me up. Even then the time estimate of when they would arrive was sometime between 8am and 8pm. 


We got phone through the internet and haven't had a typical phone line since then. 

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I'm not a very high tech person--after seven years, I *think* I can finally turn on the tv by myself.


We ditched our landline two years ago. We've never regretted it.  We still have DSL internet and cable tv through the phone company.  We got a cheap phone plan for our youngest child so we'd all have phones.


Dh and I have one cell carrier; dd and ds have another.  Our internet is a third provider.  I like this as a backup, because it protects us if one cell carrier were to go down for bad weather or natural (or unnatural) disaster.  Even for minor outages--with the bitter cold weather this week, our internet went down twice.  That's highly unusual, but we still had our cell phones.



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