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Who still hasn't started?

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We had our catastrophe with homeschool academy so we are up in the air. DD 15 is starting cc next Monday for one class. I have current math curriculum I am using with oth girls. Younger dd is still finishing last year's science. I am having dd 15 read Stephen King's On Writing to start of her English while I decide on what to do next. She read a lot while waiting for her learner's permit today. DD 15 is having shoulder surgery next Friday so I have decided reluctantly not to start everything back until Labor Day.

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We've had a bit of a summer program going (school lite?), but we don't "officially" start fulltime until September :) -- we tend to follow the ps schedule because we have one hs'er (dd11) and one ps'er (ds9), plus *all* of the 'friends' (neighbourhood swarming with kids) are ps'ers.

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Well, let me ask you this:


Can a body START school w/ mil here?


I assume no. I mean, my grandparents came for a couple of hrs & I thought I might need to go to the ER afterward for heart palpitations.


So mil for 3 dyas? Probably not going to happen.

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I was planning on starting Monday, but DH is taking the kids to Kings Island Wednesday and we are going to the pool on Friday (a big deal, it'll be the whole day) and I think we have a Dentist's appt on Thursday, so I'm not sure what we're going to do....I think I'll go ahead and start. It'll just be a light week.

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We're finishing 2nd grade core: Math, Ind. Reading, and Primary Language Lessons right now. Our official first day of the new year is Sept. 15th.


I'm glad that we're doing school light right now, it'll allow us to have full days to start off with. We took a lot of time off for life this past year, MIL's passing, my 13 year old dog's passing, moving, dh's back surgery...what a year.

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We have yet to start. Gameplan: clean house thoroughly today saving the library (aka school headquarters or hotspot, take your pick) for last. When that room is completely functional, *then* I will be reporting for last year, mapping out the new year, and then finalizing the daily plan. *Hopefully*, we'll be up and running by the end of next week! :-P (The good news - I have all of our materials in hand).

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