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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


Ds- school

Dd - school


Clean toilets

If the buyer pays, ship E-bay product


Buy VT book



Get in steps

Digestive Enzymes

Keep living room clean - need to refocus on this

Keep dining room clean - need to refocus on this too

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

10 min. dog grooming

Green smoothie or kombucha

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Thursday to do:


work daycare 730-830am

work daycare 3-6pm

meeting for ds15 terms of probation 630pm

work diner 9-10pm

p/u mail

school: ds15 agriculture safety intro and unit 1, LLATL, math

dd14 agriculture safety assignment 1 and unit 4, history of horse, math, LLATL, latin exercitia 1

ds10 AAR, WWE, math, LLATL

dd6 AAR, WWE, math, LLATL

clean kitchen


go to pet store and p/u shavings, snake bedding and carefresh

clean rabbit cage

clean guinea pig cage

clean tortoise cage

clean litter box

clean entrance


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breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time


breakfast for the rest of the house

Ds school: writing, history, math,science

Dd school: Bible, chemistry, history, writing, SAT prep online class



pay bills

tidy house


dh take ds to basketball

dd and I go clean at job

more housework (whatever I'm in the mood for)




Track food on app


green smoothie

schoolwork/housework put away


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Waiting for doctors' office to open so I can go in and see if this darn rash is something bad or just a rash.


Hoping to take the dog in to get groomed.  She is a furry, smelly mess!


Kids will do school.  I will help with math and some writing.


Oldest goes to Robotics tonight.


Hope to clean the kitchen a bit.

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Dawn, hope you can find out what's happening with your rash and get relief.  



  • sheets are washing, just need to remake bed
  • tidy kitchen, dust and vacuum first floor 
  • work on lessons for next week, finish up grading and review today and tomorrow.
  • unload dishwasher and put everything away
  • cook dinner :)


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On this lovely Thursday:


--school: English, history, algebra 3

--pick up dd18 after her winter session class

--Science Olympiad meeting/material check-out/talk w partner for one event

--stop at store for cilantro on the way home


--new recipe for dinner

--print AMC 10 exams for practice

--dd may have a FLL practice OR she will go to ballet 6:30-8

--some paperwork, sigh

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  • sheets are washing, just need to remake bed

  • tidy kitchen, dust and vacuum first floor 

work on lessons for next week, finish up grading and review today and tomorrow.

shower and get dressed, have breakfast

unload dishwasher and put everything away

cook dinner  :)




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Good Morning! I'm here!

Kids are eating breakfast, school is looming. Nothing much else on the docket for the day, other than the never ending task of laundry. It's my day to tidy up the schoolroom (yesterday it was the dining room) and then.... Who knows.


Have a good one, ladies!

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Good morning! I slept in this morning hoping to knock out this cold. It is still here, but "I'm getting better."


To do today:

clean out hall cubby upstairs


supervise chores

school for ds3, dd2

oversee teens (new scholarship application for ds1 and list of films for his movie class)


grocery run

drop off stuff at ARC



Healthy lunch/green smoothie

30 minutes art/craft

30 minutes writing


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I'm in a flare and I'm trying not to have a very big pity party. But. . . pity parties aren't helpful. I've spent some time trying to analyze the data but honestly, I've been trying to analyze the data from 20 years of pain and it hasn't helped me so far. So. . . this is what I'm going to do. 


 I am going to: 


 Monitor my blood sugar (a nice low fasting blood sugar of 86 this morning! after a high of 126 while on prednisone) and blood pressure (still higher than I'd like at 142/82).  done


 Take my digestive enzymes 3x today. This has really become a habit. 


 Possibly make an order for supplements once I hear from my neighbor about what she wants to order. 


 Take a nice hot shower - not just for hygiene reasons but to ease the pain and my muscles. Sometimes I wish I could just stay in a nice hot shower forever but then I would turn into a prune! done


 Stretch. I actually don't like to do this because it hurts. Sometimes my husband has to help me stretch and I do my lamaze breathing because it hurts so much. My husband is home today. I think I do need his help because my knee is being pulled out of it's socket. 


 Monitor my blood sugar 2 hours after every meal. This is a big of pain in the middle of a busy day with lots of responsibilities but I need a new baseline of how I'm doing. 


 Get in my steps.

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Most of this list looks the same as it does every day with a few exceptions


School work

Figure out what I am making for dinner

Make dinner



Continue working on planning school for next year so I know how much of the income tax refund check we will need to buy stuff

Figure out what I did with the girls' leotards etc since they have dance tonight for the first time in a while because of the holidays

Look for a monologue for dd12 for an audition that she has in a few weeks.   

Help dd12 with her song for the same audition

Go over script with girls for homeschool play we are doing


Then, some prelim plans in case I need to go out of town next week.  My best friend for 24 years may need me to travel to help her with her little boy while she is in another city taking care of her mother in the hospital.  


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To do:

  • make waffles
  • make bed
  • sort dirty clothes
  • 2 loads of laundry (1 started)
  • fold and put away laundry
  • enter remaining expenses into spreadsheet
  • upload photos and post on blog
  • make muffins (measured dry ingredients and thawing zucchini)
  • clean out old medicines
  • vaccuum house
  • clear counters and clean
  • clean/organize 1 section of girls' room
  • school with boys
  • school with girls



  • minimum 4 cups water
  • vitamins
  • Bible and devotion
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Today I have:

made breakfast

went to get a new bank card--my bank sent a letter saying that those affected by the target should replace their cards--this was after they said they were monitoring and then advised changing PINs and then finally you need a new card.  I'm just glad my account was never compromised

started laundry and found out that my dryer has died :(  It's raining here so hanging them out is not even an option

Find a new dryer uggg

I have a load of laundry to fold that I did yesterday



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What I did-


Dd8-writing, cursive, spelling, grammar, math, history

Dd5-math, phonics, sight words, handwriting

Pick up beds from dh's guests last night

Wash guest bedding and towels

Strip dd3s bed since she decided to take her diaper off and then peed. :/

Dogs walked

Made elderberry extract and used leftover elderberries to make jam

Breakfast and lunch made and cleaned up

Dishwasher emptied and reloaded

Kitchen, dining room, and entry way swept


Still need to do-

Tea time and read aloud DONE

Science for dd8 DONE

Take dd5 and 8 to gymnastics DONE

Fold two loads of clothing laundry and the guest sheets and towels DONE

Figure out dinner DONE

Mop kitchen, dining, and entry way DONE

Toilets (3) DONE

Bathe children DONE

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Dd - writing done and she wrote an entire page and it was really good!  (this is my child who would rather throw up than write)

Ds - working on Alg 2 with dh   :hurray:

Me - studied ahead a bit in the science book so that I can plan out the next lessons.


OK - I have to search for some fabric samples for science.  I'm achy, do not want to bend and twist to search for things and the schoolroom is a mess so I don't know where everything is.  So I'm breaking this task up into baby steps.  My next goal is:  find a sample of cotton fabric.  

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If you read my other thread…….rash is from a chemical…..most likely caused by my messing housekeeping……I tend to take my bra off the min. I get home and put it on the bathroom floor or the laundry room.  Both places have chemicals, although it was probably because of the STRONG stuff I am using to try to clean that dang shower.


Wish I were better at keeping things neat and tidy and clean, but I find it a complete waste of time!


Did get the kids' school done.


Did take dog to the groomer.


Will be leaving to take oldest to Robotics in about an hour and will pick up the carpool at 9pm.  Robotics is an hour away……so we have a carpool going, but because I live so far out, I still have to drive about 25 min. to their house to take my son there.



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