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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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oh, and laundry

hole punching about 250 pages of math lessons for all three of us (I'm learning, too, :) ) which should carry us through for a bit

looking at the growing pile of books i need or want to read in dismay then drinking a cup of tea and chipping away at one of them...


dismantling the enormous Christmas Ferris Wheel my DD and I dragged into the garage from the front yard

school for everyone (including me)


business paper processing





Hope the new meds help Jean!!!

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Feeling any better, Jean?  I hope so.  I did 5 (FIVE) loads of laundry on Mon, and most of them were folded, but not all put away, so I need to get that taken care of.  Indy and Han Solo were both a bit sick, so not much school or anything else got done, aside from the endless laundry.  Blah.



To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Um????)


Finish Monday's laundry


School (if Indy's feeling better)



-Greek vocab



Put all the holiday stuff back in the containers (most of this is done), and put them in the garage


Clean kitchen


TACKLE the pantry/laundry room!  It's a crazy hot mess in there!  I got some more storage things today, so that will help.


1 load of laundry


Try not to eat everything in site (that special time of the month is upon me-huzzah)


Plan how the US can use all that snow for good-I'm thinking we can pack it all up and fly it to places where they need water, or save it for fire season, but I still need to work out how

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Plan how the US can use all that snow for good-I'm thinking we can pack it all up and fly it to places where they need water, or save it for fire season, but I still need to work out how

See, that's what I like about you, Heels.  Always working on the big problems facing our world!  (Perhaps some really big freezers?)  

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See, that's what I like about you, Heels.  Always working on the big problems facing our world!  (Perhaps some really big freezers?)  


Waterproof shipping containers?  Do those exist?  Big vats?  I just think about all that water that is just going to go to waste!  James Bond thinks we should ship it all up to the poles to build up the shrinking polar ice caps.  Man, we're true humanitarians!  

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I feel like I have been hit by a truck, so I'm going to tackle the day slowly.

Plans for today:
-dd10: it's 8 o'clock and she has finished all schoolwork, independently, even math! (Could this be the case of a body snatching alien here?)
-dd7: Math, Reading, English?, History
-dd5: Math, Reading, History with dd7
-Greek & Latin vocab
-take dd10 and dd7 to music lesson (bike)
-take dd5 and dd3 to library (bike)
-read a book

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR.....depends on if migraine returns: drank coffee with sugar

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-temper tantrum (by me) because a certain Dutch educational publisher refuses to sell their Teacher Manuals. They only sell to schools. And nothing I'm saying, or explaining, or my offer to show official legal documents, makes any difference. Grrrrrrr.

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Hugs Tress!


All the public/private/charter schools are closed due to the windchill today. Dd gets the snow days off (so she can play outside w her cousins) but she's not getting today off!


So today looks like:

--school: English, history, just one math, astronomy

--pick up dd18 after her winter session class


--print FLL consent forms for Saturday's competition

--dd update RDES presentation for the competition

--dd inventory boomilever building supplies (need to make a hobby shop run or order better stuff online)

--exercise: Pilates abs and thighs

--email not-local major university to see if dd can sit the AMC10 there next month

--read both nonfiction and fiction (my library pile is impressively tall!)

--check book blogs for reviews of books published today by usually auto-buy authors

--update Goodreads account if I finish anything


I do not want to leave the warmth of the fleece blanket wrapped around me to go take a shower in our very cold master bathroom :( Our room is above the unheated garage...

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*work 730-930

*work 3-6

*teens cadets 630-930/parent meeting tonight

*help teens sew uniform badges on

*install new drain hose assembly in washer


*school x4

*work 8-9

*put garbage can out to curb

*p/u mail


*pick a room and clean it

*pack dd6s things for daycare tomorrow(we are going swimming)

*go to bank and deposit paycheque I finally got (boss finally giving us the cheques that we should have gotten on dec 31st)

*fill gas tank in car

*return library items

*make more snow playdough for daycare this afternoon(new staff tried to make it yesterday and messed it up completely so have to redo that)

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Good Morning...man it's cold outside..-5 windchill.  I feel like hibernating right now and I love winter. 



  • tidy and vacuum first floor
  • made a hot breakfast for everyone this morning
  • go over all world history and marine biology we've covered this year so far
  • cook taco soup with all the trimmings for dinner
  • start some new knitting projects 
  • drink large amounts of hot coffee
  • restock bird feeders
  • stay warm ;)
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Good morning! I feel like we are getting back on track now that all the friends and the kids on the swim team are back to school. My cold is manageable with some coffee (and vitamin C).


To do:




school with dd2, ds3

meeetings with teens

school meetings with kids

update calendar

get chores going again

figure out some sort of dinner



Still working on this list-but I am going to have a green smoothie today and finish my crochet project

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Make pea soup with leftover ham bone

Make shepherd's pie with leftover leg of lamb

Make apple-cranberry-ginger pie with leftover apples, ginger and cranberries

Make Christmas cookies with leftover dough

Eat leftover chicken dish with artichoke hearts, green olives and chickpeas that ds did not like

Eat leftover galette des rois (puff pastry with almond cream filling) that ds did not like

Eat remaining Christmas candy (marzipan and chocolate truffles)

Find a use for other leftovers or throw them out


Put away ornaments and throw out Christmas tree


Can you tell that I want to stay in the kitchen with oven on? House is actually warm, but psychologically I want to be by a stove, lol.

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Been productive thus far today.  went to work, had a good shift.  deposited pay cheque at bank. picked up mail.  Got home, installed new drain hose assembly into washer, 1st load going now testing it out.  Considering I used a binder clip to deal with the clamps because I could not find my pliers I think I did pretty good.  Found out the cats were using a section of dirt in the basement(it extends under the livingroom) as a litter box and basement is now filled with flies (never would have known if I wasn't looking for pliers), so ds10 is up under there scooping out all the poop and then we will pour bleach over it all, and then we will top with foil to prevent the cats from using it again.  I guess when I head back to work today I need to stop at the hardware store and pick up fly paper to hang down there.


Now about to see if there is any shows I want to watch online while I sew badges on cadet uniforms.

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Plan how the US can use all that snow for good-I'm thinking we can pack it all up and fly it to places where they need water, or save it for fire season, but I still need to work out how

Please send it to us here in California. We have not had precipitation since November. It is getting a little scary. Of course, the weather has been rather nice, compared to the rest of the country - we had a high of 68 degrees yesterday. It's just a bad winter for us. And there's no change in sight.


So... today.....

** school

** finish some laundry

** call about guitar lessons for DS

** sign DD up for tumbling with the rec dept. in our fair burgh.

** weekly dinner at my parents' house

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Our day is half done, so I'll list what I've done instead of what I needed to do.


School done-

Math, cursive, writing, spelling, grammar, awana bible questions done with dd8. Still want to read history.

Math, handwriting, phonics, reading done with dd5.

Mothers helper came to play with dd3, it was the first day, and IT. WAS. AMAZING. A whole two hours where she occupied dd3 (who is 3). She played, changed, and painted with her. The best part is that dd took to her right away, which is unheard of. She is very very very clingy. However, they hit it off when the sitter said she had a horse. ;)

Downstairs vacuumed (entryway, dining room, living room, kitchen)

All walls and baseboards wiped downstairs

Light switches and door knobs wiped downstairs

Doors wiped with Magic Eraser

Beds made

Playroom picked up

Laundry in dryer

Living room dusted (kid chore)

School room dusted (kid chore)

My room dusted (kid chore)

Bathroom counters and sinks wiped down (kids chore)

Dinner started (beans and rice cooking for Mexican casserole-I'll put it together and have dh put it in the oven half hour before dinner, since I won't be home)



Still need to-

Get dd3 to nap

Read aloud to big girls-will happen after rest time at tea time

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Ds - online class done

Spent 20 min. trying to find a book that is unavailable on Kindle.  I'm now getting someone to pull it off of a library shelf so I can go grab it.  Unfortunately it isn't at our local library and I don't have time for them to ship it to me there.  I'm going to have to jump in the car to go get it but that is the price for not being organized.  

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Solved the problem of a missing and unavailable book. (How can a book be unavailable at the moment on Kindle?) I tracked down the book and we drove to the library that had it. This took more time but because I took the time to do this now, we can now keep on track for reading. 


 While we were out and in the general area, took my 16 year old to the PC parts shop to price a project. Taking the time to do stuff like this sometimes seems bothersome but it is important, I think, to encourage him to work on projects - esp. since this one will benefit our church as well as give him valuable work experience. 


 Took lunch with us. I knew that we would be gone over lunchtime. And I knew that I would get irritable if my bloodsugar got too low. And I knew that we're trying to only spend for necessaries right now. The kids threw some easy lunch items in a bag and we took it along. I did start to get low and I was able to sit and eat in the parking lot. Problem solved without having to spend money eating out.

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Solved the problem of a missing and unavailable book. (How can a book be unavailable at the moment on Kindle?)

If you're borrowing it through you library system my understanding is they have one e-copy available so if someone's using that then it's listed as 'unavailable for the moment'. Once they 'return' it it becomes available again.

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Today's agenda:



laundry, maybe--still being asked to conserve by the electric co.

ck to see if 4H is on for tonight

decide on something for supper--I'm thinking soup

take ds1 to lunch just to surprise him


everything done, even laundry

4H canceled due to weather

now to cook supper

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If you're borrowing it through you library system my understanding is they have one e-copy available so if someone's using that then it's listed as 'unavailable for the moment'. Once they 'return' it it becomes available again.

I was trying to buy it on Amazon!  It was a classic (Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH) - so not a new book.  

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Seatwork at home: My daughter and I worked on writing, Japanese and vision therapy exercises. 


 My son got his Latin, robotics, and health done. 


 I got one load of laundry folded and put away. 


 I have been keeping up on my digestive enzymes. 


 The kids and I did a "laundry blitz" and got another load folded and put away and all the dirty laundry sorted and the first load running in the washing machine. 


 I got the dishwasher unloaded, loaded again and running for the second time today. 


 Instead of a green smoothie, I am drinking kombucha today. I hope this will help with all the tummy issues caused by the antibiotic and prednisone.

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Got a great surprise this afternoon at work.  One of my former students stopped by for a visit.  So proud of him!  We talked about high school vs. college expectations.  He shared some very insightful things that I took to heart.  He is headed back this weekend to finish his junior year at Yale. 


Left to do:  one load of laundry, read with dd, and read for 52 books challenge. 

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Made dinner - a stir-fry of chicken, garbanzo beans, carrots, garlic and celery. 


 Got in my steps. I wasn't sure I was going to walk tonight. The prednisone has helped me to have more energy and feel better but has surprisingly put me into an inflamed joint flare. But I decided that I'd walk on the treadmill and see how I did. One child was at the Y volunteering and the other was at taekwando, so there really was no excuse for me not to! So - I've gotten over 4000 steps today. 


 Oh - the laundry is finishing up in the dryer for the day.

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Well most of the badges were sewn onto the cadet uniforms.  DD14 has 2 more to put on her sleeve that we ran out of time for today.  Went to work, then to cadets, the information session about summer camps and then the parent meeting took the entire 3 hours so I didn't go into my cleaning shift until 10pm and worked until 11pm.  Put the garbage can to the curb, fed the animals, sent the kids back to bed a few times.  Now heading to bed myself.  No school got done today like I had hoped but they did do a lot of reading at the library today(they spent 3 hours there) so it was not a wasted day.  Tomorrow is going to be packed full of work so planning a mini school day with only a couple main things to cover in the few hours I will be home.

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Made dinner - a stir-fry of chicken, garbanzo beans, carrots, garlic and celery. 
 Got in my steps. I wasn't sure I was going to walk tonight. The prednisone has helped me to have more energy and feel better but has surprisingly put me into an inflamed joint flare. But I decided that I'd walk on the treadmill and see how I did. One child was at the Y volunteering and the other was at taekwando, so there really was no excuse for me not to! So - I've gotten over 4000 steps today. 
 Oh - the laundry is finishing up in the dryer for the day.



What is the prednisone for?  I cannot and will not take prednisone.  It makes me swell up like a balloon and gain weight.  Boo.  Glad it's helping you feel better though.  Good for you for getting your steps in!  Indy was still sick today, so instead of using all my extra time wisely, I wasted it on the internet and didn't even exercise.  FAIL!

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