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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Friday was very bad to me, so Sat had better cut me some slack!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (salad with baked chicken strips)


1 load of laundry


BACK to the DMV to try to get my WA driver's license.  I waited for almost an hour today, when their system went down.  GRRRR!!!


Pick up some Little Swimmers for Han Solo


Take the kids to the pool (James Bond may have to do this if the DMV puts me over the edge)


Lesson planning for the next few weeks


Work on organizing stuff in the school area


De-trim the tree?

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Plans for today:

-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin
-review Greek grammar
-read a book

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR......depends on if the migraine comes back or not.

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I'll join today!


-Dd8 needs to write her spelling words.

-take same dd to a riding lesson

-drop dd off with dh and go to Costco

-clean guest bathroom and sweep downstairs

-host play date


-dinner (?) maybe a rotisserie chicken from Costco lol

-neighbor coming by to teach dd8 some pottery techniques

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We take ds to play his first basketball game of the season, then we are headed into Atlanta to see my mom. She's been in the hospital since last weekend. She was passing blood and threw up some. It was enough that they had to give her transfusions. They were able to do a scope and found an ulcer. She picked up fluid while there, so a renal specialist has been working with her before sending her back to rehab. 


We might go to IKEA while there and visit the food truck park, so it will be a fun day instead of a work day. 

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Friday I didn't finish my list, I was not feeling good again so when not at work I was lazy.  Today I need to make up for lost time:


work job #1 730-2

work job #1 8-9

finally get that darned area rug and small sofa shampooed

clean kitchen

finish reorganizing school books

clean entrance

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No Juli yet....

- dishes- done

- one load of laundry- in dryer

- tidy living room and kitchen- kitchen mostly done, gotta vacuum

- have dd clean her room

- clean bathroom

- go to town to meet lady I'm buying a bounce seat from- done

- have dh put Christmas stuff in the shed- done

- dinner- thawing

- bedtime routine

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The kids are hoping it warms up enough to sled today before the snow melts tomorrow :)


I have to

--get dd to/from ballet 11-1

--go to library

--prep my contribution for dinner

--exercise: Pilates abs and arms

--start planning school for the next week(s)

--send some emails re Science Olympiad and a math competition


--update Goodreads

--go to potluck dinner with dd18's former Girl Scout troop members and their moms (we've all been friends for 13 years!)

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Snowing here, so my 90 minute drive this morning will be much longer. 


I am not going to tackle anything else, as I have to leave earlier than planned and will be home later than planned as well.


I will leave a list of chores for the kids and hope that things will get done around here.


I hope everyone has a good day!

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Good Morning  :seeya:


  • pick up bird food at tractor supply store
  • pick up few items we need for next week
  • gave the kids some money for lunch as they wanted to walk around the mall, so dh and I are going out for lunch today
  • I have a gift card to wal-mart so I'll pick up some coffee beans
  • tidy the first floor--quick vacuum
  • watch a movie and cook a yummy dinner and hang out with the kids  



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I'm waiting for the antibiotic to kick in. I slept 10 hours last night and still feel like a truck ran over me.


What I would like to do is....

** make a bird feeder (I love watching the winter birds, the little finches are so sweet, and I have a very simple idea, shouldn't be too difficult - my dad gave me a tree prop, I'm going to get a big, plastic saucer from the plant store, nail it to the top of the prop and "plant" it in the backyard away from trees, but still in view of my windows. The cats won't be able to get to the birds, the prop is about 6 feet tall)

** get Children's Church lesson done

** finish lesson planning for next week

** household budget stuff

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KrissiK, I hope you will feel better soon!


I'm going to walk on the treadmill and then I really need to review Greek grammar.


Can someone please kick me? I so don't want to review Greek grammar, but I really need to pick it up again!

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Plans for today:





-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin

-review Greek grammar


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR......depends on if the migraine comes back or not.

And now I'm going to work on Greek grammar. Really.
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laundry done.  I checked online and walmart, target, dollar tree and dollar general do not carry the item in store that I was looking for.

I'm going to read now.  Dh and boys are at the barber and they are picking up pizza for lunch.  

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Quick Tress, congugate λυω !

:lol: I know how to conjugate luo, but I don't know how to type Greek font on my ipad.

Maybe I should add some computer stuff to my self ed plans :D.


I have no idea how to sing Louie, Louie, though.

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Home from work.  It is flipping cold out, with windchill it is -44C, even after "warming" my car up it was still freezing and stiff to drive home.


Think I am going to have a bite to eat and read under a blankie for a bit and then jump into the rest of my list before heading back to work for my cleaning shift.

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Went grocery shopping, made my bird feeder and am resting now and listening to my uncle being interviewed on the radio. There's a program on Sat. Afternoon called "Hometown Heroes" where they interview WWII vets and have them tell their stories. It's such a great program, the guy who conducts the interviews is sooooo good with these older men. My uncle was in the Pacific Theater during the War and his ship was torpedoed. I knew this had happened to him, but never really knew the details. His mind is sharp as a tack. These interviews are so great because there aren't many WWII vets left anymore.

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We had all been hiding out at home since the after Christmas company left on Monday. Today we went out for a walk to the Burberry and grocery store. It may have only taken 90 minutes of walking but I was done in afterwards. My winter boots are very heavy and we all got some heavy books out of the library. (just in physical weight. You need to fill up an adult knapsack to last the week if almost everything in it is a graphic novel)


I did make my dh carry most of the gorocies home since I had all the books. Head a hikers back pack full up of groceries. The boys only had to carry the bread products that would fit in. I just had the box of organes. (at my store they ask if you would like to take the box of oranges home, but leave the box.)


Time to make a nice curry for dinner and sometime do more dishes and read more of the hobbit .. Or some graphic novels.

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I have been busy unpacking boxes and boxes of science titles out of my back storage room and trying to somewhat organize them on my new "science library" in the livingroom.  So many good titles we just weren't getting to read because they were in boxes.  Several I will be packing up for goodwill right after we read them to make room for the best titles and open the space a bit more.

Made burritos for supper, they were yummy.  Kitchen was nearly done before I made dinner and let the kids play with playdough on the table etc.  Have to redo it yet.


I have to figure out what to do with the rest of the school books now that I stole the shelf they were on, things still need some reorganizing as far as my plans for centers go, but for now I need to come up with a plan in the meantime

I have mulling spices simmering on the stove just for a pleasant scent while I work and I pulled out the fridge to clean under it.  Holy moly I need to do that more often, I can't believe so much fit under there.  I have only swept under there for now, next go round in there I will be scrubbing that floor and the sides of the fridge before I move back on to the rest of the room.

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  • pick up bird food at tractor supply store


  • pick up few items we need for next week


gave the kids some money for lunch as they wanted to walk around the mall, so dh and I are going out for lunch today--Cracker Barrel


I have a gift card to wal-mart so I'll pick up some coffee beans


tidy the first floor--quick vacuum


watch a movie and cook a yummy dinner and hang out with the kids--Picked up Subway instead. 




All items on the list completed.  I sorted all my crafting supplies and made a list of the things I need to purchase to finish up some projects and such. 


Dh is watching football..I'm going to craft. :)






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I got too tired today.  I should have been doing lesson planning and other stuff but I just could not get up the energy to do so.  Instead I sat and read for part of the afternoon.


I just got back from a 40 min. round trip to pick up dd from her friend's  house.  We stopped at the grocery store for tomorrow's lunch for after church.  

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