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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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work job #1 730am-1pm

work job #1 8-9pm

order drain hose assembly to fix washer

finish planning school for rest of January


shampoo small sofa and area rug (finished the cleaning in there yesterday but no time for shampooing)

finish cleaning the kitchen

finish putting away presents

clean entrance

repair curtain rods in livingroom and entrance

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We were blessed with 6" of snow :) Unfortunately, it arrived with frigid air :( Dh was only able to shovel/snowblow half the driveway and the sidewalks before he has to come inside!


My day looks like:

--drive ds to work on campus (dh just volunteered--yay!) as it's too cold and windy for him to bike (roads are clear in our small city; they're probably a mess in the rest of the county)

--exercise: 60 min cardio (elliptical?)

--make baguettes

--make soup for lunch?

--assign dinner meals for the rest of the month (yesterday I went through all my recipe clippings and cookbooks with the freezer and pantry inventories, chose dinners, and made a shopping list for the random things I'll need to buy, like noodles, green chiles, dried white beans, plus some specific produce)

--read :)


--if I feel like going out in the frigid cold, I'll go to the library for holds and returns and maybe the grocery store across the street

--make a new recipe for dinner, pasta w vodka cream sauce

--ballet has been canceled but dd may still have FLL at 4


Stay warm!

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Don't plan on doing a whole lot, Juli thinks she needs to make an early appearance or at least cause me lots of pain.

- dishes- done

- fold a load of laundry- done

- tidy what I can- living room and kitchen done, they do need to be vacuumed but I want to wait until the Christmas stuff is put away.

- dinner- pulled pork- in the crock pot

- bedtime routine

- if it's still light out when dh gets home, convince him to put Christmas stuff back in the shed

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Tress, I can relate. Hope you feel better soon!

Melissa, wow! Keep us updated!


Today, I've got a dr. appt. for this sinus infection.

My friend and I are trading boys - I get her oldest to play with my oldest and she gets my second to play with her second.

I'm going to take it easy, do a little lesson planning, etc.

Date night tonight with DH.

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Clean out fridge

Buy groceries

Try to wrap brain around lessons for next week

Help DD prepare for character party with her drama club for tonight

Finish personal finance paperwork

Finish business paperwork

Clean out shelf for additional History materials DS got for Christmas

Assist DD with cleaning downstairs bathroom (DS and I already did upstairs)

Confirm who is attending our roller skate gathering for former classmates this afternoon

Laundry, laundry, laundry (somehow poor DH ended up with no socks and underwear this morning and since he didn't want to complain about it he was going to just re-wear everything from yesterday)

Run and empty dishwasher

Gather materials to give to new Homeschool Mom 


Hope everyone has at least a semi-productive day...or wins the lottery...or both  :)

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Hi, everyone! I decided to take several days during this break and not have a to-do list. I did accomplish a few things, but I really just wanted to relax, focus on my family, and see my mom when I could. 


Jean--I hope you are feeling better!


Tress--I pray you will improve today, too. 


Melissa--take it easy!





laundry (lots of it to do today)

continue reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (for book club I lead)


lesson plans for next week

email my writing class the plan for next co-op

make outline of ds's apologia science

figure out what finger foods to take to a friend's house tonight for games with the families

make the finger foods 

go to friend's house 




track food on app

exercise (probably just dance on wii with the family; It's a good workout if you try to win, and I normally do.)

protein bar or smoothie




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Jean--I hope you are feeling better!


Yes, thank you, I am on antibiotics and they are helping.  I still have to be on the anti-inflammatory though.  Every time I try to go off of it, my tongue and  throat starts to swell up.  I don't know what that is about.  Today I'm calling to make an appt. with the ENT for next week.  


:grouphug: Tress  :grouphug:


Melissa, please take it easy.  


Krissi, I hope your appt. goes well and that you can start to beat that infection.  

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Well I did put a call into the doctor, kinda of a heads up because we live about an hour and 15 minutes away, he said that if I do come in, in labor, they would not stop it because I'm now 36 weeks. When I was there Monday morning (contractions) I was 2cm and 50%. I've had bloody show (I expected Monday and Tuesday due to exams but I'm still have it today), sporadic contractions (so far nothing regular), today I have had lots of lower back pain and pressure. I have stuff packed by the door just in case, Dh's boss knows that I could call at anytime to go.

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Well I did put a call into the doctor, kinda of a heads up because we live about an hour and 15 minutes away, he said that if I do come in, in labor, they would not stop it because I'm now 36 weeks. When I was there Monday morning (contractions) I was 2cm and 50%. I've had bloody show (I expected Monday and Tuesday due to exams but I'm still have it today), sporadic contractions (so far nothing regular), today I have had lots of lower back pain and pressure. I have stuff packed by the door just in case, Dh's boss knows that I could call at anytime to go.

Sounds very close, Melissa.  

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Well I did put a call into the doctor, kinda of a heads up because we live about an hour and 15 minutes away, he said that if I do come in, in labor, they would not stop it because I'm now 36 weeks. When I was there Monday morning (contractions) I was 2cm and 50%. I've had bloody show (I expected Monday and Tuesday due to exams but I'm still have it today), sporadic contractions (so far nothing regular), today I have had lots of lower back pain and pressure. I have stuff packed by the door just in case, Dh's boss knows that I could call at anytime to go.


I will be thinking of you and Juli, Melissa! :grouphug:

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-Coffee with lots of sugar.

-Had a big crying fit about the uncertainty with the political situation regarding home education. Do I keep working on self education, which I do in order to be able to teach my kids to the level of the state exams in Latin and Greek? Could be for nothing. Do I keep accelerating dd7 in math, thus making it even more difficult for her to enter a school? Do I start making plans for next school year, if I don't know if there is a next school year? Should I put my dd10 in a 7th grade History course and intensify math, so that she could start 8th grade next year at a school? But she just turned 10!?! Arrrrgh. :blink:

-Then the postman delivered my new e-reader, which cheered me up considerably :D.

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Good Morning Everyone!


Jean, glad your antibiotics are working!


Tress,   :grouphug:  hope you feel better soon!


Melissa, hang in there! :grouphug:


To do list today:

  • vacuum, dust and mop all 3 floors
  • clean all bathrooms
  • wash sheets and remake beds
  • work on lesson plans
  • cook a yummy dinner
  • watch a movie tonight and chill with my family

Happy TGIF! :thumbup:

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Tress--I'm so sorry you are in such limbo! I pray you have peace to know what you should be doing. Honestly, though, if there's a chance they won't be home much longer, maybe you should just  spend the time enjoying them being home: fun field trips, read alouds in pjs, baking and cooking for math lessons, poetry with tea or hot cocoa, playing board games, etc. You won't regret it, either way. 


One load of laundry folded and put away, another is in the dryer. I'm about to go sort some more and start a third load. 

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Just checking in here. Keeping all of you in my thoughts today. Last day of the holiday practice schedule (thank goodness! I never thought I would be grateful for 5:30 am practices, but I get much more time during the day), so I am trying to get stuff ready for "real life" starting back up on Monday.


Some kind of snafu with meet entries this week resulted in dd2 going down to the Springs with friends tonight. We will pick her up tomorrow when we drive down tomorrow for the afternoon session. Thank goodness for kindhearted friends. I am hoping that snow will be minimal so the drive home tomorrow night will be okay.


I did get to the store, so there is food in the house and I rescheduled hair appointments.


For the next few hours, I have to eat lunch, take dog on a walk, clean a bathroom, pick up my study, and get some things ready for Monday. But really, I want to crochet and goof around with fabric and eat a chocolate bar.


Better be a grownup!


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This is one of those breathe deep and try not to hyperventilate days.  I'm feeling better and so it's easier to see all that I need to do!  Anyway. . .


Human care including breakfast done


Pet care done


Ds - volunteering schedule fixed for now.


Library - did part of what I needed to get done.  Need to find two things at home.  


Spent time talking to dd about the difficulties of being a 12 year old girl with mostly college aged friends.  Figured out the logistics of how she can go and hang out with them for a while at Red Robin.  


She is working very hard outside barking a flower bed for me to earn the money to pay for her food.  


I tried to grade Latin and realized that I hadn't brought the Latin book with me.  My ds comes by his executive function issues honestly.  .  .    I am now going to grade Latin at home.  


Made appointment with the ENT after being nagged by dh and RC.  I swear they are in cahoots!  

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Dinner in crockpot--done


Need to do:


Clean bathrooms

I probably should look at school stuff since we will be starting back next week




Enjoy Family


cleaned bathrooms

threw in a load of laundry


I don't see the school stuff happening today...


Dh took the boys to town. I'm going to get my kindle out and read some.  I think I'll take it easy the rest of the day.  

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garbage in dumpster

dry clothes brought in

first load of wet clothes hung up

flat tire reinflated

dishes loaded and run


+ 45 minutes in front hall closet decluttering coats and shoes.

+ new tuner/metronome ordered

+coordinated two deliveries with fedex.  one has arrived so far.

+ arranged pick up of dd from sleepover so that i could be here for fedex.


to go:

load #2 to hang up

dry clothes to put away

camping things that are now clean need to be put away

driving to music lessons

delivering music to accompanist (will take at least 60 minutes; will add in grocery shopping)


and hurray, there is no dance tonight, so once we are home, we are home :)


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home from work, laundry started with towels pre-emptively around the base of the washer to handle the big leak from the drain hose.  It still cleans things well, it just washes the floor at the same time lol  New hose is being ordered in another window right now, it should arrive sometime next week.  Then taking a short break before jumping in to tackle my list.

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3rd load is in the dryer


lesson plans are done for ds


tracked food thus far


I don't think I'm getting to the email for my co-op class because I'm not done planning it. I'm also not going to get to the science outline. I've got to run out and get some additional food for tonight.



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  • vacuum, dust and mop all 3 floors
  • clean all bathrooms
  • wash sheets and remake beds
  • work on lesson plans--I'll do this tomorrow while everyone is at the mall.
  • cook a yummy dinner--meatballs simmering in the sauce, salad and homemade dressing fixed.
  • watch a movie tonight and chill with my family--


DS got his mid-term grade for Latin class...he got 100.4 --I'm so proud of him.   Just had to share!  :D

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Home from the doctor. I just love my doctor. She's in a private one person practice, she values her patients and takes time with them. She's a sweet thing, too. Got my antibiotics and a few other prescriptions.


Now, I'm taking it easy this afternoon. Ds1 has a friend over, and ds2 is over at a friend's house. I'm leaving at 4:00 to meet dh at 5:00 for an early dinner at Olive Garden (We don't want to wait hours to be seated). So, I'm looking at a relaxing afternoon.

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Called the ENT's nurse to describe situation with my throat swelling and to ask if I really should wait 10 days to be seen as the receptionist thought that was just fine.  (I don't mind waiting if an expert really thinks that's ok but it seems awfully long to be managing the swelling with the prescription anti-inflammatory.  Of course it might resolve on it's own by then so maybe it's ok to wait. . .    I really want someone more qualified than me and a receptionist to make that call, though.)


Feeling majorly overwhelmed.  I am working really hard on just staying focused on one thing at a time.

Looked up supplement information for a client and sent that to her.  


Next - get dd set up with a project in her room.  She gets overwhelmed too.

Check on ds who is supposed to be working on a project to see if he's staying on task.


Then - I need to grade 5 assignments in Latin.  

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A pre-dinner update:


--drive ds to work on campus (dh just volunteered--yay!) as it's too cold and windy for him to bike (roads are clear in our small city; they're probably a mess in the rest of the county)

--exercise: 60 min cardio (elliptical?)

--make baguettes

--make soup for lunch?

--assign dinner meals for the rest of the month (yesterday I went through all my recipe clippings and cookbooks with the freezer and pantry inventories, chose dinners, and made a shopping list for the random things I'll need to buy, like noodles, green chiles, dried white beans, plus some specific produce)

--read :)


--if I feel like going out in the frigid cold, I'll go to the library for holds and returns and maybe the grocery store across the street

--make a new recipe for dinner, pasta w vodka cream sauce

--ballet has been canceled but dd may still have FLL at 4


The library was closed :eek: I'll have to go tomorrow or Sunday afternoon to get my holds.

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Got 6 assignments graded in Latin and finished a chapter.  

Replied to another supplement question by client.

Took antibiotic and am now woozy.  It will pass soon.


Ds got part of his job done and is downloading something before he can do the next step.  Released him to free time outside.


Need to check dd's work.


Next for me:  clean the kitchen.  Not a huge job today.  

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Talked to the ENT's nurse and explained the whole situation.  She squeezed me in on this coming Monday.  She absolutely thought that waiting 10 days would be too long.  I'm glad now that I called.  (Don't tell RC but maybe it was good that she nagged me into calling.)


Next up:  Work with dd in her room for ten minutes.  

Then grade 5 more Latin assignments.  

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  (Don't tell RC but maybe it was good that she nagged me into calling.)


Now, now, Buttercup.  I didn't nag you!  I simply said, "How are you feeling today - any better?  Have you had a chance to call the ENT for an appt?"


I thought I was being pleasantly polite -- such a feather in my cap!  I gave myself 3 gold stars for Not Nagging!!!!


In the spirit of the game, today I tackled:


Prepared the meat for lasagna (will make tomorrow since DH did remember to bring home the pasta)

Cleaned kitchen

Made hamburger stroganoff for dinner

Made taco meat

Made hamburger-corn casserole

Ran out of ground beef

Cleaned kitchen again

Made grocery list for DH

Took care of Aidan

Read an entire book so I could borrow another from the Prime Library @ Amazon

Watched the last 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy

Clean kitchen again


Now I'm wondering how I could have cleaned the kitchen twice, and it is still a cluttered mess.  Originally I had the island and counters completely cleared off and now it is piled up with things again.  It is much easier to keep a clean house when the kids are in school M-F until dinnertime.


It is cold here.  It is just amazing how the inside of the house has to be 50* - 70* warmer than the outside in winter, but only 20* cooler than outside in summer.  Winter is an energy hog and should be outlawed.

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