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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Nope.  Nope, nope, nope!  James Bond and I are running away to Seattle for a few days and leaving the kids with my mom and stepdad.  We will probably be giggling as we drive away!  I plan on relaxing, having kid-free fun and maybe brewing up some hot, steamy TeA.   :001_tt1:



BTW, is the no rice thing helping at all?


Also, I know you cook Philippine, but do you also know how to cook Japanese?  James Bond fell in love with the food while he was in Japan and wants to cook more (read: wants me to cook more) Japanese style foods.

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I'll join in...


yard sales in the morning

take my mom out for errands, possible Barnes and Noble trip

buy storage containers (2) for each dc in preparation for massive room clean out

park w/dd to feed the ducks

Costco trip

work on budget for 2014

try  out new mac 'n cheese recipe for dinner (has broccoli

Part I of room clean out:  take bookshelves out of bedrooms/dust/vacuum/purge and put back in place


*If I accomplish all this, I'm splurging on a coffee!

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Also, I know you cook Philippine, but do you also know how to cook Japanese?  James Bond fell in love with the food while he was in Japan and wants to cook more (read: wants me to cook more) Japanese style foods.

I cook Japanese-ish.  Ie.  I do lots of stir-fries, use Japanese sauces and stuff like that.  


No rice helps my blood sugar numbers.  

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Plans for today:
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin
-review Greek grammar
-finish prepping history lessons....I mean it!
-last few birthday presents for dd2-soon-to-be-3
-library (forgot to return one book)
-evening walk with friend
-read a book
ETA: my dh reminded me that we had planned to go to the art library to choose two new pieces. We have an art library in the big city near us, where you can get paintings, photos, sculptures etc. It's great fun walking through that old building, which looks like a museum, and decide what to take home :D.

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

I hope everyone has a great day! :D

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I'm hoping to get a lot done tomorrow.

I spent today getting my living room, dining room, and kitchen cleaned up.  I got my pantry organized so that it is functional.  

This weekend, I'm hoping to:

Do some laundry
Organize the closet in the laundry room
Do some unpacking in my bedroom
Figure out furniture placement in the family/school room
Start unpacking the family/school room
Do some grocery shopping

Dh is assembling the bed we were given for DS11.
I'll be finding and screwing the legs onto the table for DS11's bedroom and making his bed with his new bedding (he's away for the weekend).

I'll probably have DD13 vacuum the stairs as they are nasty.  

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Plans for today:

-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin

-review Greek grammar

-finish prepping history lessons....I mean it!



-last few birthday presents for dd2-soon-to-be-3

-library (forgot to return one book)

-evening walk with friend

-read a book

ETA: my dh reminded me that we had planned to go to the art library to choose two new pieces. We have an art library in the big city near us, where you can get paintings, photos, sculptures etc. It's great fun walking through that old building, which looks like a museum, and decide what to take home :D.



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil




We took two very nice paintings back home. :hurray: It was such a pleasure to look at all the beautiful things.

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I haven't been on much this week because I've been trying to spend quality time with the family. We've been playing board games a lot and watching movies. It's been great.


I do have an urgent prayer request. My mom is in the hospital this morning waiting to go into ICU. She was vomiting some blood as well as passing some last night. Her blood pressure is low, too. She saw the liver specialist yesterday, and she is in liver failure. They had suggestions to manage it which could possibly extend the time she has, so they didn't give us a time frame. We are supposed to be heading to Greenville, SC today to visit my dh's grandfather (he's 100!). My mother had my sister call last night and insist that we still go. My dh hasn't seen him in a while. 


I was up most of the night after my sister called. I feel like I was almost having anxiety attacks or something. I'm also perimenopausal, so I'm sure that doesn't help.


Going to Greenville today and to see her tomorrow were the only things I had as a to do list this weekend. 


Thanks for any prayers! I need to go back through the threads and read how everyone is. I hope you all are well and happy!


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Seeing how yesterday wasn't productive....

- laundry- load in dryer, 2 folded

- dishes- done

- tidy living room and kitchen- kitchen done

- take down Christmas stuff

- reorganize dd's room- well got her dresser done

- quick clean bathroom- done

- clean out car so I can install Juli's car seat (and now we don't NEED anything else for her, sure there are lots of wants and a few small things that are not immediate needs but I would like to have at home)- done

- dinner- done

- bedtime routine

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Good Morning, all!

Well, today is indeed Saturday and Christmas is over. Had a good and crazy day with DH's family yesterday to finish up the family obligations.


Today I relax and get some decluttering done. I need to clean off my dresser. The mess is several layers high.

Hopefully DH can find the part to fix my dryer or I'll be taking several trips to my mom's house.


Heels, have a wonderful time in Seattle! Wow! I'm envious!

Amy, will be praying for your mom and safe travels for you!


Have a good day, everyone!

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Praying for you and your mom, Amy.


Our handyman is coming to fix the bathroom stuff today. I am home all day as dh skipped out for dd1's morning practice and a hike. So I will get a bunch of stuff done (as long as the water doesn't have to be turned off).


To do:

Clean kitchen

Clean master bath


dust downstairs (it has been warm so windows have been open)

Make a list of projects

vacuum stairs and hallway


I am itching to put away the tree, but that will have to be next weekend (I would never live it down if the tree came down before New Years).


I need a new list of Habits for the New Year. So I will relax about them for a while.


Have a great day!

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Good morning, everyone!


Tress, our library used to loan out art but that was discontinued.  I was sad when they stopped.

Amy, praying.


I am slowly feeling better but I am still pretty sick.  My left eye is only open one centimeter this morning. I am so puffy.  I am on prescription anti-inflammatories too so I know it would be so much worse if I wasn't on them.  Just call me the Stay-puft marshamallow woman. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/301046678942?lpid=82

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I do have an urgent prayer request. My mom is in the hospital this morning waiting to go into ICU. She was vomiting some blood as well as passing some last night. Her blood pressure is low, too. She saw the liver specialist yesterday, and she is in liver failure. They had suggestions to manage it which could possibly extend the time she has, so they didn't give us a time frame. We are supposed to be heading to Greenville, SC today to visit my dh's grandfather (he's 100!). My mother had my sister call last night and insist that we still go. My dh hasn't seen him in a while. 


I was up most of the night after my sister called. I feel like I was almost having anxiety attacks or something. I'm also perimenopausal, so I'm sure that doesn't help.


Going to Greenville today and to see her tomorrow were the only things I had as a to do list this weekend. 


Thanks for any prayers! I need to go back through the threads and read how everyone is. I hope you all are well and happy!

Amy, I'll pray for your mom and for your travels :grouphug:.




Good morning, everyone!


Tress, our library used to loan out art but that was discontinued.  I was sad when they stopped.

Amy, praying.


I am slowly feeling better but I am still pretty sick.  My left eye is only open one centimeter this morning. I am so puffy.  I am on prescription anti-inflammatories too so I know it would be so much worse if I wasn't on them.  Just call me the Stay-puft marshamallow woman. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/301046678942?lpid=82

I'm sorry your are still feeling sick, Jean! :grouphug: But I had to laugh at the picture of that marshamallow woman!


Too bad your library stopped loaning out art :(.

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Oh Amy :grouphug: I had anxiety attacks for several years, starting when my mom got sick and lasting until I sold my parents' house/closed their estate. Learning how to handle my stress was very difficult. :grouphug:



--exercise, the Pilates I didn't do yesterday plus today's cardio

--sort through clothing for donation and textile recycling


And that's it! Dh is going nuts in the attic today, rearranging and sorting and tossing (recycle, donate, trash). Go dh!

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I've folded and put away two loads of laundry, washed DS11's new bedding, and have another load in both the washer and dryer.

I managed to empty and put away one large box in the master bedroom.

I cleaned the dining room table; it has sugar cookie icing cemented to it.  I rearranged the dining room to make things fit better.

I created my weekly menu and shopping list.  DH and I went grocery shopping and had lunch together.  When we got home, I put all of the food away and organized the fridge so I can find stuff in there.  I had just shoved things in there haphazardly when we moved in.

DH put DS11's bed together.  He decided to put it in the most awkward placement possible for the room.  Fortunately, I was able to convince him to rearrange the room to place the furniture in a much better configuration.  After the furniture was moved, I made the bed with the new bedding.  

I washed some dishes and started dinner.


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Did not make it to the park or Costco.

We took Mom out for a late lunch so no dinner plans for tonight

As for coffee splurge, I'll skip that for today.  I am 3 days coffee-free, even if it is decaf.  I am now drinking decaf teas, and I hope the no-coffee headache goes away soon.  It's strange to have this considering it was decaf coffee. 


Praying for all of you to have a restful Sunday, and prayers to all for family.   :grouphug:

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