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Interesting Online Documentary About the Amish


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I watched it while supervising school this morning. It was interesting. Is everyone in the new church an ex-Amish person? I felt like they were abandoning their previous church history and culture, but I didn't feel like they were replacing it with solid teaching. I don't think expecting God to hand you your rent money is Biblical. I feel like they would probably do better if they were under the umbrella of a more established church with its own traditions of teaching. It felt like...there was a lot of trial and error happening, maybe?

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The second documentary takes place 1-2 years after the first ends. If anyone watches, I'd be interested to read your opinion. The comments at the blog were mostly a bunch of dumb arguing back and forth.


Urg.....just typed a reply and it disappeared. I grew up right near this area so it was a taste of home. We still own a house in the area.


I was surprised by the changes in Ephraim and his family in the second doc. He really embraces the proselytizing aspect of his freer faith. That is NOT behavior considered acceptable by Old Order Amish.


I also noticed that his English was devoid of the typical accent and colloquialisms typical of Pennsylvania Dutch. It made me wonder how much contact he had with the English (nonAmish) during his childhood. I suspect he had more than some Amish.


Interesting documentaries. I wish his family well.

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Ok, watching the 2nd half and I agree…..he seems very naive and I think it would have been nice for him to have a mentor.


His friend Jesse is odd.  


It seems they all can't let go of some of the things they were taught in the Amish church even though they think they are living radically different.

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That was fascinating.  I really liked Ephraim in the first part and respected his questioning of Amish tradition.  In the second part, I felt both sorry for him and annoyed by him.  He seemed so naive when he thought he wouldn't have to work and God would just make money appear.  Didn't he realize that other people were working for those envelopes of money?  He seemed to turn his back on some good Amish things (the value of hard work) while clinging to other Amish things (expecting the community to meet his needs).  I understand relying on God, but really?  Also, I was really turned off by his preaching on the street and dismissing the Amish teaching that said you could change people by the way you live your life.  I hate being stopped on the street and asked about my religion when I'm just trying to go about my business or have fun with my family (at a "wicked" place like a street fair or wherever), but I would be willing to sit down and talk about faith with a neighbor who lived a good life.


Thanks for posting this.  I live in an area with a large Amish population and found it very interesting.

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I thought Ephraim seemed happier and friendlier in the first video. The second seemed to show that you can take a person out of a legalistic environment, but that doesn't mean they stop being legalistic. It seemed like his new church (or something in his life) led to him being more judgmental and extreme, such as when he called the dragon on the carousel "evil." It sounded like he may listen to Ray Comfort, since he used his approach and tracts (an approach I attempted a few times and now find general obnoxious).


I thought Jesse either wasn't very fluent in English or else was cognitively disabled in some way. The woman who lost the baby didn't seem very happy either. In many ways, the hidden sadness of some of the people reminds me of one woman in particular at my old church. All the legalism weighs down on people in ways I don't think they realize until they leave. Unfortunately, many people leave one cultish group only to jump right into another. Maybe that's what happened with Ephraim? He seemed to have lost his joy and sense of humor. 

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I don't think expecting God to hand you your rent money is Biblical. 


Yeah, he seemed very naive about many things. Did he say he expected the money to appear because God had promised to take care of those who put him first? 


I also wondered what attempts they made to remove the mold before they knocked down the house. Did they at least try bleaching it? If he was going to be that literal, did he bring a Priest or Levite (which, if I remember correctly, the OT required) to come inspect?


Also, what happened to the family that was about to be excommunicated in the first video? I don't remember the second mentioning them.

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I thought Ephraim seemed happier and friendlier in the first video. The second seemed to show that you can take a person out of a legalistic environment, but that doesn't mean they stop being legalistic. It seemed like his new church (or something in his life) led to him being more judgmental and extreme, such as when he called the dragon on the carousel "evil." It sounded like he may listen to Ray Comfort, since he used his approach and tracts (an approach I attempted a few times and now find general obnoxious).


I agree that he seemed to leave one brand of legalism for another. He didn't like being judged for things he deemed extra-Biblical, but some of his own judgments seemed extra-Biblical.


I thought Jesse either wasn't very fluent in English or else was cognitively disabled in some way.

I think...he seemed like he wasn't very fluent in English and he was reluctant to speak to outsiders. That was my impression, that he was reserved in sort of strange ways.


He seemed to have lost his joy and sense of humor.


He even seemed less kind and thoughtful to his own family and to others. I know it's hard to tell from small snippets in a video, but it felt that way.

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