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Would you keep eating at a restaurant where you found something in the food that shouldn't be?


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We ordered sushi from our local place last night for dinner, and I forgot until we were already eating that a few weeks ago when we ordered takeout from there, oldest DD found a box staple--open, not crimped--in one of her sushi pieces. We were nearly done with the meal, so it was too late to go back, and I forgot to go over there and talk to the staff about it. I know they'll be very apologetic, but I don't know that I have faith that they'll do anything differently.


It's a small place, and I'm sure they're struggling to get by on very few employees. The food is quite good, but the service is not so good. We had a run of incorrect/missing items in our takeout orders for awhile, last night's delivery took an hour and 40 minutes (and the manager lied to me about it being on the way when I called), once I placed an online order for something small because we had forgotten to add it to our order and when I got there, the woman at the register basically reprimanded me for doing it online because they get charged by the service, etc. So now, with the staple in the food, I'm seriously rethinking ordering from there ever again. I know accidents happen in a busy kitchen, but that's kind of a big one, and they seem to make a lot of mistakes. It just stinks because it's really the only place with decent sushi, and I can't eat gluten so lots of other options are out for me.


So WWYD? Would you have faith that it's a one-time thing and keep eating there? Or would you consider that too great a risk, even if you talked to them and they apologized?

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Dh's aunt made us some bread once and there was a staple in my piece.  I had a very quiet, internal freak out.  It's a staple for crying out loud!  It hurt my gums, I can't imagine what it would have done to my intestines!


So on one hand, it's a completely unacceptable thing to find in your food.  On the other hand, at one point or another EVERYONE has gotten something funky in food they've made be it a hair or piece of wrapping or what not.  I think it's unavoidable.  That said, I'd have a hard time eating there again.  It took me a long time to not hesitate when biting into homemade bread.


Yeah, how helpful was that.

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One time I found a green pepper produce sticker in chili that I'd made, indicating that not only had I not washed the pepper, but I'd also chopped and added the sticker.  Whoops.  My people still eat food that I've prepared.


But yeah, I expect a higher level of diligence from a restaurant.

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It's a small place, and I'm sure they're struggling to get by on very few employees. The food is quite good, but the service is not so good. We had a run of incorrect/missing items in our takeout orders for awhile, last night's delivery took an hour and 40 minutes (and the manager lied to me about it being on the way when I called), once I placed an online order for something small because we had forgotten to add it to our order and when I got there, the woman at the register basically reprimanded me for doing it online because they get charged by the service, etc. So now, with the staple in the food, I'm seriously rethinking ordering from there ever again.


Sounds like the staple is just the latest in an ongoing string of issues.  I wouldn't be eating there any more. 

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If they were fabulous in every other way, I'd keep eating there.  Things happen and yes, a staple is very bad, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

Added to the poor service?  I'd probably not want to deal with them again.  Never is a strong term, but it wouldn't be regularly.

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The poor service and long wait times?  That would cost them my business.  A one off random object in my food?  I would probably overlook it.  


That said, sushi is not the sort of thing to mess around on the food safety front.  If I had one old piece of fish, we'd not be ever going back.  In the words of Anthony Bourdain, there's no worse idea than discount sushi.  Long wait times for sushi skeeve me out.  

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A staple is pretty bad. I might not go back. I have found glass in my cup before and gone back to the restaurant. As a former server my favorite things found in food were:

1. A live frog

2. Aphid infested kale

3. A dead grasshopper missing half his head.

Apparently the produce was not checked well enough.

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I found a staple in a bag of frozen corn once.  I called the company and they sent me so many coupons for free bags that I didn't have to pay for frozen vegetables for a month. ;)


Sushi is my favorite food, so I would be willing to overlook quite a bit for good sushi.  I would still mention it to them, though, so they can reevaluate their food-handling practices and reduce the possibility that it will happen again.

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So WWYD? Would you have faith that it's a one-time thing and keep eating there?

 I would think of this as a 'one time thing.'   Sure, the staple might be a 'once but never again thing' that I could overlook. But, it sounds like they have crappy service and frequently foul up your order. I'd find some place else to order from.

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