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Dr. Hive, contractions?


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My b/h were always sharper than actual labor. They also were never evenly spaced. I might have 2or 3 in a row 6-7 minutes apart, then 3 at 2, 4, and 15 minutes apart.


Of course my family's favorite story is the one about grandma bring in labor all day, thinking it was b/h until her water broke. She delivered my sister 5 minutes after hitting the hospital door. She says it never felt like real labor. :P

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Yeah I can't wait too long, it's about an hour and 15 minute drive to the hospital and this is number two. Oh good lord, she really needs to wait, we don't have a car seat for her yet (though we do have all of the other absolutely necessary things like diapers, wipes, clothes and someplace to sleep). I'm sure the inlaws would get her a seat though if we should need to. Besides dd's advent concert is tomorrow night!!!

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Put your feet up, drink a boatload of water, and keep track. While not obsessing ;)


I was told I was having b/h contractions with ds at 34 weeks (because I have an "irritable" uterus and started b/h really early). It just didn't feel right to me after a couple hours so dh drove me to the midwife's office. I was immediately admitted to stop the preterm labor! Not a fun situation.

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Yeah I can't wait too long, it's about an hour and 15 minute drive to the hospital and this is number two. Oh good lord, she really needs to wait, we don't have a car seat for her yet (though we do have all of the other absolutely necessary things like diapers, wipes, clothes and someplace to sleep). I'm sure the inlaws would get her a seat though if we should need to. Besides dd's advent concert is tomorrow night!!!

You're starting to sound like I did. My first was a 41 seeker so I didn't believe I could be in labor at 36 weeks 6 days. I was so not ready. I spent the four days after he was saying that I couldn't believe I had a baby. ;-) My first labor was 37 hours. This one was... not that long. If it's that far to the hospital, and you're pretty sure you're in active labor, I would get going. Transition in the car is no fun at all. Happy labor vibes. :)

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I heard the rule of thumb was contractions 60 seconds long and 5 minutes apart for an hour or more.


How long was your first labor? I'm panicking slightly over the 1 1/4 hours to the hospital, lol. :svengo:(My labors tend to be fast and furious.)

Mine were like this for three hours before I went to the hospital. Still false labor. I had Braxton Hicks contractions continually for the last half of the most recent pregnancy.


To the OP: Drink lots of water and take a bath or lie down. If they haven't stopped after one hour, I'd call the doctor.

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I had frequent and strong BH with all my pgs.  The way I could tell that labor was starting with baby #3 is that they became painful.  After about 30 minutes, I could not walk or talk very well through contractions.  Left for the hospital at 6:30, and he was born at 9:05. Yep, that was real labor.


I was induced with one baby, and my water broke with the other two.  I liked the water breaking because it was a clear sign of labor for me.  I like that in a labor.  :)

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BH for me, are just sort of squeezy and a little uncomfortable, but mostly up high and in the front. They also go away if I change position or drink water. Real labor contractions, for me, are lower and in the back/butt/cervix, and I know it's real labor when breathing hard no longer gets me through them -- I have to move and yell a bit through them. With my last baby, I had four or five contractions in an hour for about 20 hours, just enough to get me all like "yay, maybe this is it," but it wasn't until about five hours before he was born that they got really hard, and then they didn't even intensify to real labor until 1 1/4 hours before he was born (but I went from pretty much closed up to transition in 30 minutes, which was hard work but actually kind of fascinating).

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Drink a ton of water and rest.  Take a warm bath if you can.  If the contractions are still coming and they are getting longer, stronger and closer together, they are probably real. 


The other thing is most women (not all!) will start to have that panicy feeling set in after a while if they are real. (ETA - Sudden urgent feeling is a better way of describing it.  It isn't an out of control panic, but more like an urgency.) That feeling in your gut that tells you this is real and you need to get a move on and get where you need to be. I have had a LOT of BH's (read below ;)).  With all of my pregnancies and my one early labor with my 3rd (which was stopped), when my contractions went from BH's to real contractions, I got that feeling.  I just knew.  It was a sudden urgency that set in that it was time to go.


With my first baby, I never had a single BH contraction.  But, my 2nd and 3rd pregnancy were both twins.  They started at 23 wks with my first set and 16 wks with my second. With my second set, I was literally in early labor for weeks...my contractions were strong enough to cause me to need to breath through them and I was dilating.  I ended up being 5 cms for 2wks before finally delivering.  (I was in the hospital. ;)) Because of my overworked uterus, they started around 20-22 wks with my last baby, a single.  With the 3 last pregnancies, my BH's were pretty constant.  With both sets of twins, they were literally constant for several months.  They where strong and hurt.  They were torturous.  I couldn't wait to have real contractions.  I know my BH's.  Still, I ended up in L&D around 32 wks with my last baby because I wanted to make sure.  They were not stopping and were getting stronger.  It was just my uterus being stupid as usual and of course by the time I got there, they were pretty much gone.  LOL!


Anyway, it really isn't worth the risk.  If they are getting stronger, strong enough to stop you and make you have to breath through them, getting longer and closer together and that pattern continues for several hours, I'd make a trip in.  I know it is a lot of driving, but it is better safe than sorry for sure. 


Good luck and congratulations on your coming baby!! 

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If they are varying a lot, then they are probably BH's.  But, only you really know your own body and what your gut is telling you.  With my labors, my contractions don't get super regular like everyone says they will.  They are sporadic, even in real labor.  I still know the difference because my instinct tells me it's different and that urgency sets in eventually.  You need to listen to your instincts on this one. A woman's instincts in labor are almost always spot on. Have you been able to try the bath yet?  That will often calm BH's. 


Hugs.  I know our baby's timing is not always ideal. 

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If they are varying a lot, then they are probably BH's.  But, only you really know your own body and what your gut is telling you.  With my labors, my contractions don't get super regular like everyone says they will.  They are sporadic, even in real labor.  I still know the difference because my instinct tells me it's different and that urgency sets in eventually.  You need to listen to your instincts on this one. A woman's instincts in labor are almost always spot on. Have you been able to try the bath yet?  That will often calm BH's. 


Hugs.  I know our baby's timing is now always ideal. 


:iagree: Mine might be regular for an hour or so, but they die down quickly... especially if I take a relaxing bath. Can you start some relaxing music, drink an herbal tea, and relax for an hour or so?


I start BH at least 6 weeks before the baby actually comes. Hopefully your baby will also bake for another couple of weeks. :grouphug:

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Get hydrated, get horizontal and track them.  How many weeks are you?  Your siggie says you're not due for another 6 weeks or so, is that right?  You'd want to figure this out soon in case there's a chance to stop them.  Trust me, you don't want a 33/34-weeker if you can help it (BTDT).

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Anyways if Juli is born today I will be 33 weeks 5 days. What is her outlook? How long might she be in the hospital? What issues might I deal with?


This is not a small matter.  If you think you are in preterm labor, forget about what else needs to be done and go get yourself to L&D in case they can stop it.  How many per hour are you having and how long has this been going on?  Drink, lay down and count.


The prognosis is very good, especially for a girl.  That said, I had 33 week twin boys.  One was on room air and was in the hospital for 13 days for feeding/growing.  The other one was in respiratory distress, was septic and was put on a ventilator with surfactant - the whole nine yards.  He was in for 18 days.  That wasn't the end of the road, either.


I will be emphatic:  avoid having a NICU baby if at all possible.  Do whatever it takes.  You do not want to visit your baby in the NICU on Christmas Day (or any day) and then have to go home without her if there is any way to avoid that.


Better to show up, spend a couple hours getting tracked, and then have them tell you it was nothing, than to end up at the hospital when it's too late to stop.

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This is not a small matter. If you think you are in preterm labor, forget about what else needs to be done and go get yourself to L&D in case they can stop it. How many per hour are you having and how long has this been going on? Drink, lay down and count.


The prognosis is very good, especially for a girl. That said, I had 33 week twin boys. One was on room air and was in the hospital for 13 days for feeding/growing. The other one was in respiratory distress, was septic and was put on a ventilator with surfactant - the whole nine yards. He was in for 18 days. That wasn't the end of the road, either.


I will be emphatic: avoid having a NICU baby if at all possible. Do whatever it takes. You do not want to visit your baby in the NICU on Christmas Day (or any day) and then have to go home without her if there is any way to avoid that.

They very, sometimes 1 an hour and then 4 the next, then I might not have one for two hours. It's been since around 10 I think

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They very, sometimes 1 an hour and then 4 the next, then I might not have one for two hours. It's been since around 10 I think


See, everyone is different.  I had contractions quite often, so this wouldn't phase me.  However, for someone who hasn't had them and then has them suddenly, that might give me pause.


Perhaps it's just your body telling you that you are doing too much today and this week, and/or that you need more hydration.  Keep hydrated and put your feet up, especially prior to any major activity (like making dinner).  Just take care of yourself and keep track.  If anything is getting going, you'll notice if you're keeping track.  (Keep a notepad and just write down the time when you have a contraction.)  Preterm labor might not be noticably different in sensation from BH contractions, thus the importance of keeping track (I always say, a contraction is a contraction is a contraction).  I know it's irritating and nerve-wracking, but you can't be too careful.  Good luck!!

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They very, sometimes 1 an hour and then 4 the next, then I might not have one for two hours. It's been since around 10 I think

Rest, relax and forget about getting anything done. Hydrate yourself and keep track of these contractions. Call your doctor before the office closes if you are concerned. It doesn't sound like they are consistent, but write them down for a few hours to make sure.

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See, everyone is different.  I had contractions quite often, so this wouldn't phase me.  However, for someone who hasn't had them and then has them suddenly, that might give me pause.


Perhaps it's just your body telling you that you are doing too much today and this week, and/or that you need more hydration.  Keep hydrated and put your feet up, especially prior to any major activity (like making dinner).  Just take care of yourself and keep track.  If anything is getting going, you'll notice if you're keeping track.  (Keep a notepad and just write down the time when you have a contraction.)  Preterm labor might not be noticably different in sensation from BH contractions, thus the importance of keeping track (I always say, a contraction is a contraction is a contraction).  I know it's irritating and nerve-wracking, but you can't be too careful.  Good luck!!




The general rule is 6 in a hour for more than one hour is something to be concerned about.  For me, that rule was laughable.  My uterus was just angry.  LOL!! 


I would definitely mention this to your OB next time you see them either way.  And, if they pick up definitely go in.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Having a baby at 33 wks is a big deal.  Leaving them in the NICU is devastating.  The prognosis is good, but there can be life long affects from being born too early.  It definitely isn't worth the risk. 


Good luck!

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Oh thak heavens, they calmed down. I hope that baby let you sleep last night. :)


I had constant B/H contractions the last two months of each pregnancy, but the difference was night and day when true labour started. With true labour, I could feel my uterus contracting very strongly with each contraction, had bloody show, and had to do focused breathing to get through each contraction. With the last baby, I lost my mucous plug about a week before labor, but did not have bloody show until true labour started.

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How can you tell the difference between b/h contractions and real contractions? I'm lucky if I remember what happened yesterday let alone how something felt 5 years ago.


As a self proclaimed expert.... sometimes you can tall and sometimes you can't. I've learned not to trust my judgement, lol. ;)

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Reading the rest... At 33 to 36 weeks you go in. Absolutely.


I've had a 26 weeker and five 36 weekers. Sometimes they do great, sometimes, like our baby Cate who was over 36 weeks, they spend time in the NICU. (She was a girl, had steroids, was over six pounds, all in her favour, and still had Respiratory Distress Syndrome and spent fifteen days in the NICU.)


Go in. If you are in labor, you'll be glad. If not, so what? A lost hour? Totally worth it.

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I think I might do some scheduled relax times just so I don't over do it today.


This is a great idea!  Often BH's are a sign that we have done too much and not rested enough, also that we need more fluid.  But, keep in mind, it is normal to get them earlier the more pregnancies you have.  It's common not to get any or very few with your first and then get them with your second and get more and more with each pregnancy after.  Definitely relax.  It absolutely does help.  But, you may find that you still get them. 


Hope you have a great last couple months!


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How can you tell the difference between b/h contractions and real contractions?

If they are BH they stop in a little while....If they are real, they stop after you have a baby. :001_rolleyes:


(Says the smart-alec who had her second baby in the car because she refused to believe they were 'real' contractions. :eek: )

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Took a bath, I swear its made them worse!!!! I have eaten, drinking ice water and am trying to relax but my house needs to be cleaned, dd's room looks like a tornado hit it (more my fault then hers, I get started on arranging something then get sidetracked)


I remember BH were stronger when I was being active. If I went for a walk I was guaranteed to have BH contractions. Resting made them subside. For me.


Glad to hear things have settled down for you. :grouphug:

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Anyways if Juli is born today I will be 33 weeks 5 days. What is her outlook? How long might she be in the hospital? What issues might I deal with?


I didn't read all of the posts before I made my silly 'car' post.  I didn't realize you were dealing with pre-term labor.   Sorry for the inappropriate levity. I pray everything goes well for your little girl and she stays safely tucked away for a few more weeks.


(  You got some good advice about BH contractions. If they are BH they will usually stop with a change of activity. If they are real, they will continue.   )

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Now that dh is all concerned and the weather in Michigan is unpredictable at best, what would you pack in a hospital bag to keep in the car (or truck I have to ask him which he would prefer, though most likely his truck since its 4 wheel drive)? What should we pack in case I have to deliver on the side of the road?

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Not a clue. If I had not been scheduled to be induced the morning my 3rd was born, then he would have been born at home. I walked into the hospital dilated to a 7 with a smile on my face laughing with the nurses, and 2 hours later I was holding my baby boy lol. I had no idea I was in labor.


ETA: I would make sure the cellphones are charged, and call your OB to see what you should take just in case you do not make it to the hospital.

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side of the road? Well, how is cell service there?

Maybe some extra blankets/towels? Plastic trash bag to cover a seat (I do that on the way to the hospital when my water has broken)?

Maybe a basic first aid kit (some gloves, hand cleanser for dh, an aspirator (thing to clean out nose/mouth))?

I know you said your hospital is far, but how far out are you from help (like a fire station/clinic)??? Maybe a map with locations of those marked?


ETA: I missed you are early possibly, yeah then head in if in doubt at all...and for BH, rest! Like feet up, on your side and rest! If they don't go away, go in. I thought nothing of some mild discomfort and I was 2cm at 27 weeks. so you never know.

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Now that dh is all concerned and the weather in Michigan is unpredictable at best, what would you pack in a hospital bag to keep in the car (or truck I have to ask him which he would prefer, though most likely his truck since its 4 wheel drive)? What should we pack in case I have to deliver on the side of the road?


Honestly with as early as you are, I would try not to deliver on the side of the road.  If in doubt, I would head in immediately instead of talking yourself out of the possibility of preterm labor.

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I would have scissors, bandages, puppy pads or some kind of waterproof pads to put underneath you if you happen to have the baby in the car, blankets to wrap the baby in, and a baby car seat. The scissors are for cutting bandages if necessary, not for cutting the umbilical cord.


I believe medical professionals recommend not to cut the cord, leave it attached to the baby.


I am not a medical professional, please go over emergency birth procedures with your nurse or doctor.

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Its pretty easy. drink water to make sure your hydrated and get moving. BH will usually stop once you start moving around, at most will last a few hours. If they develop a pattern after a couple hours it might be labor. Remember labor also usually comes with looser bowels early on to clean things out. Good luck!

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